National Institute of the Korean Language

Writing Korean for Beginners

Product information "Writing Korean for Beginners"

The 20 chapters in this book provide a wide range of practical, everyday solutions to help readers improve their written Korean, Hangeul. Every chapter has specific goals, tasks, sample texts, vocabulary and expressions, grammar and culture tips. Plus, with an answer key at the back of the book, readers can carry out a self-assessment at the end of each chapter.

Contact the Publisher
Hollym Corp., Publishers
15, Jongno 12-gil, Jongno-gu
03190 Seoul
Korea (Republic of)
Responsible Person in the EU
Korean Book Services
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg

Ähnliche Titel, Originalfassungen oder Übersetzungen

Get It Korean Writing 1 - Kyunghee Baro Hangugeo
The new edition of comes with free MP3 audio download. 목차 머리말 일러두기 교재 구성 등장인물 소개 1 한글의 이해 2 한글 배우기 3 단어 배우기 4 한국어 문장 만들기
