WTPTA - World Taekwondo Professional Trainer Association

Taekwondo Freestyle Poomsae Guidebook

Product information "Taekwondo Freestyle Poomsae Guidebook"

This book contains detailed fotos of the movements and is equipped with QR codes to access videos.



1. 자유품새 Freestyle Poomsae …………………………………………19
1) 대한민국 태권도 The Republic of Korea’s Taekwondo ………………21
2) 태권도 품새의 경기화
Development of Poomsae as a Competitive Sport …………………22
3) 국제경기의 시작
Beginning Globalization of Poomsae Competition …………………24
4) 공인품새의 한계 The Limits of Recognized Poomsae …………………25
5) 새품새 시작 The Beginning of New Poomsae …………………………27
6) 자유품새 도입 Introduction of Freestyle Poomsae ……………………28
7) 태권도 품새경기 변천사
History of Taekwondo Poomsae Competition ……………………31

2. 태권도 기본기술 Taekwondo Basic Techniques …………………29
1) 손기술 Hand Techniques …………………………………………………40
① 공격기술-지르기 Attacking Techniques - Punches ……………41
② 공격기술-찌르기 Attacking Techniques - Thrusts ……………43
③ 공격기술-치기 Attacking Techniques - Strikes ………………45
④ 공격기술-찍기 Attacking Techniques - Poke …………………47
⑤ 방어기술-막기 Defensive Techniques - Blocks ………………48
⑥ 방어기술-빼기
Defensive Techniques - Pulling Out ………………………………51
⑦ 방어기술-피하기
Defensive Techniques - Dodging ……………………………………52
2) 손기술 구성방법 Hand Techniques Composition Method ……………54
① 쳐막기 형태의 방어+공격
Defensive Counter Blocks + Attacks ………………………………55
② 걷어막기 형태의 방어+공격
Deflecting Types of Defensive Techniques + Attacks …………58
③ 속도 및 리듬의 변화에 따른 동작 구성
Composition based on the Speed and Rhythm of the Techniques
3) 발기술 Foot Techniques ……………………………………………………62
① 공격기술-차기 Attacking Techniques - Kicks …………………63
4) 발기술 구성방법 Composition Methods with Foot Techniques …… 67
① 거듭차기 Repeating Kick …………………………………………68
② 섞어차기 Combination Kick …………………………………………70
③ 속도 및 리듬에 따른 동작 구성 Composition of Movements based on
the Speed and Rhythm ……………………………………………… 71
5) 서기 및 딛기 Stances and Foootworks ………………………………… 72
① 서기 Stances …………………………………………………………… 73
6) 서기 및 딛기 구성방법
Composition Method with Stances and Footworks ………………75
① 서기와 딛기의 연결구성 Connecting Stances and Footworks ……76
7) 특수동작 Special Techniques …………………………………………… 78

3. 자유품새의 응용 기술
Application techniques of Freestyle Poomsae ……………… 81
1) 뛰어옆차기 Jumping Sidekick ………………………………………… 83
① 뛰어 옆차기 〈지면〉 Jumping Side Kick ………………… 84
② 뛰어 옆차기 〈공중〉 Jumping Side Kick ……………………… 85
③ 뛰어 옆차기 〈자세〉 Jumping Side Kick ………………… 86
④ 뛰어 옆차기 〈도약〉 Jumping Side Kick …………………… 87
⑤ 뛰어 옆차기 Jumping Side Kick ……………………………………… 88
2) 뛰어 앞차기 Multiple Front Kicks in a Jump ………………………… 89
① 번갈아 앞차기 Switching Front Kick ………………………………… 90
② 도약발 앞차기 Front Kick with the Jumping leg …………………91
③ 연속 차기 Consecutive Kicks ………………………………………… 92
④ 뛰어 앞차기 〈정확성〉 Jumping Front Kick ……………93
⑤ 뛰어 앞차기 3~5단계 Jumping Front Kick Steps 3~5 ………………94
3) 회전 발차기 Gradient of Spins in a Spin Kick ………………………… 95
① 540° 뒤후려차기 〈회전축 연습〉
540° Spining Hook Kick 96
② 돌개차기 Tornado Kick ………………………………………………… 97
③ 540° 뒤후려차기 〈시선〉 540° Spinning Hook Kick ……… 98
④ 540° 뒤후려차기 540° Spinning Hook Kick ……………………… 99
⑤ 720° 돌개차기 〈회전 자세〉
720° Roundhouse Kick ……………………… 100
⑥ 720° 돌개차기 〈회전각〉
720° Roundhouse Kick ……………………… 101
⑦ 720° 돌개차기 〈착지〉 720° Roundhouse Kick ……… 102
⑧ 720° 돌개차기 720° Roundhouse Kick …………………………… 103
4) 연속발차기 Kyorugi Style Consecutive Kicking …………………… 104
① 나래차기 Double Roundhouse Kick ………………………………… 105
② 상단 돌려차기 High Section Roundhouse Kick ………………… 106
③ 돌개차기 Kyorugi Style Tornado Kick …………………………… 107
④ 연속발차기 〈구성 예시〉
Kyorugi Style Consecutive Kicks ………………… 108
5) 아크로바틱 Acrobatics …………………………………………………… 109
① 물구나무서기 Handstand ……………………………………………… 110
② 물구나무서기 〈이동〉 Handstand ………………………… 111
③ 물구나무서기 〈두발 착지〉 Handstand …………………… 112
④ 측전 〈시작〉 Roundoff …………………………………………113
⑤ 측전 〈진행〉 Roundoff ………………………………… 114
⑥ 측전 〈착지〉 Roundoff …………………………………… 115
6) 뒤공중 Backflip ……………………………………………………………… 116
① 뒤공중 〈기초〉 Backflip ………………………………………117
② 뒤공중 〈도약〉 Backflip …………………………………………118
③ 뒤공중 〈말기〉 Backflip ……………………………………… 119
④ 뒤공중 〈착지〉 Backflip …………………………………… 120
⑤ 뒤공중 Backflip …………………………………………………………121
⑥ 측전 뒤공중 Roundoff Backflip ……………………………………… 122
⑦ 측전 이어차기 Roundoff Backflip with Multiple Kicks ……… 123
7) 모돌개차기 B-twist kick ……………………………………………………124
① 모돌기 Butterfly ………………………………………………………… 125
② 모돌개차기 〈비틀기〉 B-twist kick …………………… 126
③ 모돌개차기 〈모돌아 360°〉 B-twist kick ……………… 127
④ 모아 돌개차기 Pop Tornado Kick …………………………………… 128
⑤ 모돌개차기 B-twist kick ……………………………………………… 129
8) 휘돌개차기 Corkscrew kick ……………………………………………… 130
① 휘돌개차기 〈회전〉 Corkscrew kick …………………… 131
② 휘돌개차기 〈동선〉 Corkscrew kick ……………… 132
③ 휘돌개차기 〈휘돌기〉 Corkscrew kick ………… 133
④ 휘돌개차기 〈휘돌아 360°〉 Corkscrew kick ……… 134
⑤ 휘돌개차기 Corkscrew kick ………………………………………… 135
9) 옆돌아 돌개차기 Cartwheel full twist kick ………………………… 136
① 옆돌기 Cartwheel ………………………………………………… 137
② 짚고 후려차기 후 모아 돌개차기
Touch Hook Kick followed by a Pop Tornado Kick …………… 138
③ 옆돌아 돌개차기 Cartwheel full twist kick ……………………… 139
10) 짚기 Scoot - Touch Down Rise ……………………………………… 140
① 안짚기 Scoot …………………………………………………………… 141
② 안짚기-휘돌기 〈연결〉 Scoot-Cheat Gainer ……142
③ 안짚기-휘돌기 Scoot-Cheat Gainer ……………………………143
④ 바깥짚기 〈회전〉 Touch Down Rise …………………………144
⑤ 바깥짚기 〈동선〉 Touch Down Rise …………………145
⑥ 바깥짚기 Touch Down Rise ………………………………………… 146
11) 기술 강화 훈련 Skill-Enhancement Training ………………………147
① 점프 런지 스쿼트 Jump Lunge Squat ………………………………147
② 도약 후 다리 모으기
Gathering the Legs Together After Jumping ……………………148
③ 보조기구 뛰어 넘기 Jumping Over Training Equipment …………149
④ 제자리 도약 차기 Stationary Jump Kicking ………………………150
⑤ 속도 차기 Speed Kicking ……………………………………………151
⑥ 공중 연속차기 Consecutive Kicks in Midair ………………………152
⑦ 연속 발차기 〈딛기〉
Kyorugi Style Consecutive Kicking …………………153
⑧ 무릎 올리기 Knee Ups …………………………………………………155
⑨ 뒤공중 〈두발차기〉 Backflip ………………………157
⑩ 뒤공중 〈이어차기〉 Backflip ………………………158
⑪ 뒤공중 〈뒤후려차기〉 Backflip …………159
12) 기술 차기의 응용 Variation of Kicks …………………………………160
① 모돌아 바깥차기 B-twist Illusion Kick ……………………………160
② 뒤후려차기 - 모돌개차기 Hook Kick-B-twist Kick ……………161
③ 모돌아 360° - 휘돌개차기 B-twist-Corkscrew kick ………… 162
④ 휘돌아 바깥차기 Corkscrew Illusion Kick …………………………163
⑤ 안짚기 -〉 휘돌개차기 Scoot- Corkscrew Kick ……………………164
⑥ 돌개차기 -〉 휘돌개차기 Tornado Kick - Corkscrew kick ………165
⑦ 옆돌아 540° 후려차기 Hyper Hook Kick …………………………166
⑧ 옆돌아 연속 후려차기 Shuriken Hyper Hook Kick …………………167
⑨ 옆돌아 720° Cartwheel Full Twist Double ………………………168
기술용어 정리 Glossary …………………………………………………………169
참고문헌 References ……………………………………………………………170
도움주신분들 ………………………………………………………………………171

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Ähnliche Titel, Originalfassungen oder Übersetzungen

KTA Taekwondo Poomsae Application
With SMART POOMSE mobile app using augmented reality technology!   Contents The core courses of the KTA Taekwondo Poomsae Classification pool Classification of Taekwondo Poomsae application core system Ⅰ. The essence of Taekwondo Poomsae The essence of Taekwondo Poomsae 1. It is an important nature The importance of the essence 2. The essence of Taekwondo from practice The essence of Taekwondo is rooted in the actual fight 3. The purpose of the Poomsae learning process is to understand the move The purpose of learning the poomsae is to understand body movements Ⅱ. Poomsae the true purpose of learning pool The real purpose of learning the poomsae application 1. Classification of Taekwondo Poomsae Classification of Taekwondo Poomsae 2. The practical utilization of Taekwondo Poomsae Actual fight applications of Taekwondo Poomsae 3. Taekwondo Poomsae of pool configuration system Taekwondo Poomsae application configuration system 4. Poomsae base ball around the pool, learn how to match Poomsae application warming up: Machuo Geyorugi 5. The three core elements of the Poomsae pool Three major elements of the poomsae application 6. base ball, 1,2,3 step understanding of how to match Understanding 1,2,3 steps of Machuo Gyeorugi 7. base ball, Step 1 fist match Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 1 jumeok 8. base ball, Steps 2 match Knife hand Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 2 sonnal 9. Basic three-step method the ball (hand techniques to prevent in accordance Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 3 hand defence technique Ⅲ. Stipendiary Poomsae pool Kup-grade Poomsae application 1. Poomsae Taegeuk 1 Taegeuk 1 Jang Poomsae 2. Chapter 2 Taegeuk Poomsae Taeguek 2 Jang Poomsae 3. Poomsae Taegeuk Chapter 3 Taeguek 3 Jang Poomsae 4. Chapter 4 Poomsae Taegeuk Taeguek 4 Jang Poomsae 5. Poomsae Taegeuk 5 Taeguek 5 Jang Poomsae 『KTA 태권도 품새 풀이』는 품새 동작이 가진 실전에서의 의미와 그 활용을 수련할 수 있도록 태권도 품새의 실전성, 무도성, 다양성 등을 풀이하고 해석해 놓은 책이다. 3년간 집필하면서 태권도 원로들에게 감수하여 수정 보완하였고 KTA 전문지도자 과정(2014년), KTA 태권도 교육박람회(2015년), KTA 사범 실무교육(2015, 6년)의 강의를 통해 교육 콘텐츠로써도 검증을 받고 총 6년의 집필과정을 거쳤다. 특히 한글과 영어로 동시에 집필하였으며 더 자세한 동작을 설명하기 위해 동영상으로도 볼 수 있도록 함으로써 품새를 다각적으로 연구할 수 있는 기폭제 역할을 하게 될 것이다.  

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Taekwondo Research Institute of Kukkiwon has propelled the ‘Taekwondo Textbook Research Project’ since 2020 in order to start compiling the Taekwondo textbooks in full swing based on about 70 research materials on history, spirits, and techniques of Taekwondo that had been published since the establishment of the institute in 2006. Starting with setting up the basic direction of the Taekwondo textbooks and the formation of the compilation committee since March last year, the institute carried out the planning process for about 3 months to establish concepts and the technical system, classify areas, and analyze the existing Taekwondo textbooks. Then, it spent another 6 months on writing the textbook, including drafting the manuscript, conducting feasibility studies, and establishing the core technical unit system for each areas of Taekwondo. In addition, certain necessary parts were reviewed after collecting opinions through the online and offline public hearing held on September 10 last year. By December, manuscript was finalized and supplemented with videos and images, and then Taekwondo textbook compilation was completed at long last. President Lee Dong-sup of Kukkiwon said, “One of the long-awaited projects of the Taekwondo community has been accomplished. This fully revised version of the textbooks will serve as a must-read guide for all Taekwondo practitioners.” Then, he added, “We will continue to gradually revise the Taekwondo textbooks by collecting opinions from the field and academia, and conducting researches.”Table of Contents Volume 1 Understanding Taekwondo by Song Hyung-seok, Kim Young-sun, Lim Tae-hee Chapter 1. Meaning of Taekwondo 1. Definition of Taekwondo 2. The realm of taekwondo 3. The value of Taekwondo   Chapter 2. History of Taekwondo 1. Understanding Taekwondo History 2. Tradition of Taekwondo, Korean bare-handed Martial Artists (Ancient~1945) 3. Modern Taekwondo History   Chapter 3. Spirit of Taekwondo 1. Philosophical Background of Taekwondo Spirit 2. The spirit of taekwondo 3. Taekwondo's Top Five Virtues 4. The Human Image of Taekwondo   Volume 2. Basics by Choi Chi-sun, Lee Dong-hak Chapter 1. Body and Exercise Principles 1. Body 2. The principle of motion   Chapter 2. Taekwondo Terms and Technology System 1. Taekwondo Terms 2. Taekwondo Technology System and Training Area System   Chapter 3. Taekwondo Skills 1. Basic Movements and Basic Techniques of Taekwondo 2. Types of Taekwondo Techniques Appendix. List of Taekwondo Skills   Volume 3 Poomsae by Kang Ik-pil and Jung Tae-sung Chapter 1. Understanding Poomsae 1. The Concept of a Poomsae 2. Composition of the Poomsae 3. Type of Poomsae 4. Poomsae Water Lily 5. The Orientation Symbol of a Line of Goods   Chapter 2. The Real Life of Poomsae 1. A Paid Household Account 2. Oil Terminal Poomsae   Volume 4. Gyeorugi (Sparring) by Yang Dae-seung, Kim Ok-sung Chapter 1. Understanding Gyeorugi 1. Concept of Gyeorugi 2. Principle of Gyeorugi 3. Type of Gyeorugi   Chapter 2. The Reality of Self-Defense 1. Self-Defense Preparation 2. Basic Technology 3. Game of Matching 4. Special Game   Chapter 3. The Actuality of the Game 1. Preparation for a Contest 2. Basic Technology 3. Applied Technology 4. Tactics   Volume 5. Gyeokpa (Breaking) and Demonstration by Jang Kwon and Kwak Taek Yong Chapter 1. Understanding Gyeokpa 1. Concept of Gyeokpa 2. Principle of Gyeokpa 3. A Breaking Drill   Chapter 2. The Realities of Gyeokpa 1. A Force-Busting Wave 2. Technological Breakthrough 3. Breaking Gripping and Subsidiary Methods   Chapter 3. Understanding the Demonstration 1. Concept of a Demonstration 2. Principles of the Construction of a Demonstration 3. Type of Demonstration 4. Demonstration Training   Chapter 4. The Actuality of the Demonstration 1. Planning and Implementing the Demonstration 2. Configuration of a Pilot Program

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