King Sejong Institute Foundation

Sejong Korean Student Book 1A (English version)

Product information "Sejong Korean Student Book 1A (English version)"

This is the completely renewed Sejong Korean Series edited by the King Sejong Institute and first published in 2022.

The series consists of levels 1A to 4B, each divided into sublevels A and B.

The centerpiece of the textbook series is the Student Book with audio files are available for download via QR codes printed in the books. The books contain an awnser Key and transcripts of the audiofiles.

The Workbook contains exercises following the contents of the Student Book

The Extension Activity Book is an additional workbook with speaking and listening activities.

The Vocabulary and Grammar Book provides additional explanations for grammar issues and list vocabulary translated into English.

The Teacher's Guide is a companion for lecturers.

Please note: Levels 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B of the Student Book and the Extension Activity Book are available as a Korean-only version and a Korean-English version.

Contact the Publisher
Kong & Park, Inc.
85, Gwangnaru-ro 56-gil, Prime-center #3411, Gwangjin-gu
05116 Seoul
Korea (Republic of)
Responsible Person in the EU
Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg

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€26.90* €30.90* (12.94% saved)
Sejong Korean Extension Activity Book 1A (English version)
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