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‘세종한국어 5’는 ‘세종한국어 4’와 연계될 수 있도록 14개의 단원과 5개의 문화 단원으로 구성하였다. 14단원의 단원당 교육 시간은 6시간으로 세종학당의 운영 사정에 따라 융통성 있게 적용할 수 있도록 하였다. 문화 단원은 주제를 공유하는 관련 단원에서 10~20분 정도의 시간으로 가볍게 다루거나 누리-세종학당과 연계하여 별도 단원으로 학습할 수 있도록 구성하였다. 문법은 단원당 두 개로, 교재 전체의 문법 항목 수는 28개이다. 어휘는 각 단원의 주제와 관련된 것으로 단원별로 2개의 의미 범주를 선택하였고, 본격적인 단원 학습에 앞서 학습자들이 알고 있는 어휘를 확인하고 확충할 수 있는 <어휘 늘리기>를 제시하였다. ‘세종한국어 5’에서는 총 743개의 어휘를 학습하였으며, 발음 항목을 통해 발음 원리를 이해하고 정확한 발음이 교육될 수 있도록 하였다.
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Learn 1,100 useful Korean phrases based on 100 commonly used sentence patterns, with QR codes for audio tracks and cute, witty illustrations that will make your studying more fun.
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As a beginner, Korean sentences might look like random combinations of words and phrases. But that is not true! Once you find the patterns hidden in sentences, learning Korean becomes much easier and even more fun.This book includes 100 common sentence patterns that are essential for beginners and each pattern is accompanied by 11 example sentences.What do we mean by “patterns“?“Patterns” in this book refer to set phrases and common groups of words that often go together in Korean. By studying sentence patterns, you can form your own Korean sentences more confidently and naturally! Practice speaking the sentences repeatedly so that you can get familiar with each sentence pattern. Sentences written in Korean are arranged on the left side of a page and those in English are on the right side. We recommend you cover one of the two sides with a piece of paper or your hand and test your understanding! Study words with the index. In the index, you can find all the vocabulary words used! In fact, this book is also very useful to study words and practice making sentences with them. Use the QR codes! There is a QR code for each pattern with which you can check the native speaker’s pronunciation
Pattern 001. This is + N. / It is + N. Pattern 002. This is + N. / It is + N. Pattern 003. This is not + N./ It is not + N. Pattern 004. I have + N. / There is + N. Pattern 005. I do not have + N. / There is not + N. Pattern 006. Please give me + N. Pattern 007. What is + N? Pattern 008. What is + N? Pattern 009. What is + N? Pattern 010. By any chance, is it + N? / By any chance, are you + N? Pattern 011. I go to + N. / I am going to + N. Pattern 012. It is in/at + N. / I am in/at + N. Pattern 013. Where is + N? Pattern 014. I am on my way to + N. Pattern 015. When is + N? Pattern 016. As for + N, when is it? Pattern 017. Is it already + N? Pattern 018. I like + N. Pattern 019. And there is/are also + N. Pattern 020. I like + N. Pattern 021. Do you like + N? Pattern 022. How about + N? / How about + V-ing? Pattern 023. How/What about + N? Pattern 024. What do you think about/of + N? Pattern 025. Then, how/what about + N? Pattern 026. N + is not so good. / N + is not that great. Pattern 027. Is + N + not available/possible? Pattern 028. I should do + N + first. / You should do + N + first. Pattern 029. There is only + N. / There is nothing but + N. Pattern 030. What does + N + mean? Pattern 031. I do not know + N + well. / I am not sure about + N. Pattern 032. It is too + Adj. / I am so + Adj. Pattern 033. This is the most + Adj. Pattern 034. N + is more + Adj + than I expected. Pattern 035. It is a little bit + Adj. / Something about it is a little + Adj. Pattern 036. I am + V-ing + now. Pattern 037. I cannot + V. Pattern 038. I am + V-ing + now. Pattern 039. I am still + V-ing. / I am still in the middle of + N. Pattern 040. I want to + V. Pattern 041. What do you want to + V? Pattern 042. Please + V. Pattern 043. Hurry up and + V. / Please + V + quickly. Pattern 044. Please + V + this way. Pattern 045. Do not + V. Pattern 046. Why do you + V + like that? Pattern 047. Where did you + V + this? Pattern 048. It already + V-ed. / It has already + V-ed. Pattern 049. I have not + V-ed + yet. Pattern 050. How did you + V? Pattern 051. 001 I did not + V + anything. Pattern 052. Please + V (+ for me). Pattern 053. Please + V (+ for me). Pattern 054. Please + V (+ for me). Pattern 055. I can + V. Pattern 056. I have to + V. / I should + V. Pattern 057. I have to + V. / I should + V. Pattern 058. I have to + V. / I should + V. Pattern 059. Until/By when should I + V? / How long should I + V? Pattern 060. I am going to + V. Pattern 061. When will you + V? Pattern 062. I will be back after + V-ing. Pattern 063. I will + V + for just a little while. / Let me + V + for just a little while. Pattern 064. Then, shall we + V? Pattern 065. After + V-ing. / Only after + V-ing. Pattern 066. I think + S + V-ed. Pattern 067. I am on my way to go and + V. Pattern 068. S + will + V + at around ( ) o’clock. Pattern 069. You may + V. / It is okay to + V. Pattern 070. Can/May I + V? / Is it okay to + V? Pattern 071. You should not + V. / You cannot + V. Pattern 072. There is something I want to + V. Pattern 073. I almost + V-ed. Pattern 074. What should I do in order to + V? Pattern 075. Where should I go in order to + V? Pattern 076. Are you + Adj + by any chance? / Do you + V + by any chance? Pattern 077. Since when have you + V-ed? Pattern 078. It is probably + Adj. / S + probably + V. Pattern 079. I like it so much because + S + V/Adj. / I am so glad that S + V/Adj. Pattern 080. In my opinion, S + will + V. / In my opinion, S + will be + Adj. Pattern 081. It could be that + S + V. / S + might + V. Pattern 082. What if + S + V/Adj? Pattern 083. That is true, but + S + V. Pattern 084. Sometimes + S + V/Adj. / There are times when + S + V/Adj. Pattern 085. Don’t you think it is too + Adj? / Don’t you think + S + V + too much? Pattern 086. That is too + Adj. Pattern 087. Is + N + okay? / Is it okay to + V? Pattern 088. S + V + together with + N. Pattern 089. Which of these is the most + Adj? / Which of these do you + V + the most? Pattern 090. S + V + one out of these. Pattern 091. How do you + V? / How did you + V? Pattern 092. S+ V + before + V-ing. Pattern 093. S + V + again later. Pattern 094. Even so, I + V. Pattern 095. As far as I know + S + V. Pattern 096. I am not sure, but + S + V. / Although I do not know very well, S + V. Pattern 097. In fact, I + V. Pattern 098. If you do it like this, S + V. Pattern 099. If you have time tomorrow, S + V. Pattern 100. It may + V, and it may + V. / It may or may not + V.
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This book marks the third volume in the Korean Grammar in Use series, which presents Korean grammar in the most effective manner available for learning. This Advanced volume contains all of the major grammar points covered by the TOPIK Advanced exam (Levels 5-6). To the extent that it is designed for advanced students of Korean, we have made the example sentences to reflect an equally advanced level. Moreover, to make it easier to understand the situations in which the target grammar should be used, we have provided vivid situational illustrations. Finally, we have described grammar points in clear and concise English to help English-speaking learners of Korean better understand the complexities of Korean grammar.
▪ Full Summary of TOPIK Advanced (Levels 5-6) Grammar!
All the major grammar points introduced in the textbooks used at Korean university and language institutes, in addition to all the grammar points that appear on Levels 5 and 6 of the TOPIK, are summarized in an easy, at-a-glance format. We have also included practice exercises for TOPIK grammar patterns as additional preparation for taking the TOPIK exam.
▪ Understand at a Glance both the Primary & Additional Meanings of the Target Grammar!
Going beyond simply listing grammar points to be learned, the differences between grammar forms that have similar meanings and usages are highlighted, and any additional meanings and form restrictions that should be kept in mind when using the grammar are noted, thereby achieving the goal of an integrated method of grammar study.
▪ Realistic Dialogue Creation that Incorporates the Target Grammar!
Learners can directly create dialogues to better understand how the target grammar is actually used in real life. Realistic dialogues that represent the actual use of the target grammar are used in place of conventional simple sentences, thus helping students to learn how to actually use Korean.
▪ Customized Solutions for both Students and Teachers!
Students can understand Korean more easily while also learning how to master a wide variety of advanced-level Korean phrases, and teachers can benefit by being able to more easily organize grammar points when planning their class curriculums.