Seoul National University

SNU Korean+ 1B Workbook - Mängelexemplar

Product information "SNU Korean+ 1B Workbook - Mängelexemplar"

Mängelexemplar: Buch leicht geknickt, sonst neu und einwandfrei

Damaged Copy:  Book slightly dented, otherwise new copy

Seoul National University Korean, written by the nation’s top Korean language education instructors, is a new textbook for regular courses planned by the Seoul National University Language Education Center and published by the Seoul National University Press to improve Korean language learners’ Korean language skills in an efficient and step-by-step manner. Seoul National University Korean consists of 1 to 6 levels to cover from beginners to advanced users of the Korean language. Each level consists of an A and B sublevel with a Student's Book and a supplementary Workbook.

You can download the complete audio files at SNU's website.

Table of Contents

머리말 Preface
일러두기 How to Use This Book
교재 구성표 Scope and Sequence

[9단원] 병원 Hospital9-1. 집에서 쉬고 싶어요 I want to rest at home9-2. 약을 먹고 푹 쉬세요 Take medicine and rest up
[10단원] 한국 생활 Korean Life10-1. 저는 한국 문화를 좋아합니다 I like Korean culture10-2. 저는 작년 가을에 한국에 왔습니다 I came to Korea last fall[복습 5] Review 5
[11단원] 교통 Transportation11-1. 방학에 부산에 가려고 해요 I’m planning on going to Busan during break11-2. 서울역에서 여기까지 10분쯤 걸립니다 It takes about 10 minutes from Seoul Station to get here
[12단원] 전화 Telephone12-1. 요즘 잘 지내지요? How are you doing these days?12-2. 약속이 있어서 못 갔어요 I couldn’t go because I had plans[복습 6] Review 6
[13단원] 옷과 외모 Clothes & Appearances13-1. 싸고 예쁜 옷이 많아요 There are lots of inexpensive and pretty clothes13-2. 긴 바지를 자주 입어요 I wear long pants often
[14단원] 초대와 약속 Invitation & Plans14-1. 우리 집에 축구 보러 오세요 Come to my house to watch soccer14-2. 주스를 마시면서 기다리고 있어요 I’m waiting while having juice[복습 7] Review 7
[15단원] 가족 Family15-1. 아버지는 산에 자주 가세요 My father goes to the mountains often15-2. 부모님이 한국에 오실 거예요 My parents are coming to Korea
[16단원] 여행 Travel16-1. 여기에서 사진을 좀 찍어 주세요 Can you take a picture of me here?16-2. 시간이 있으면 여기에 꼭 가 보세요 If you have time, be sure to go here[복습 8] Review 8|

부록 Appendix |
듣기 지문 Listening Script
모범 답안 Answer Key

Contact the Publisher
Seoul National University Press
B1, Building 500, Gwanak-ro 1, Gwanak-gu
08826 Seoul
Korea (Republic of)
Responsible Person in the EU
Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg


SEOUL University Korean 1A Workbook (QR)
New edition with downloadable audio resources by QR Code at the publisher Two Ponds. Seoul National University Korean Language is a six-level course book (200 hours of regular learning program per book) and developed for learners of Korean language. The book helps students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and helps them apply Korean language in real life situations.   - The textbook is carefully coordinated to link between spoken language and written language while focusing on the development of communicative language skills. - A task-based approach maximizes the use of linguistic knowledge and encourages to learn phonological rules and intonation for accuracy and fluency in Korean. - A systematic approach to learning vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation is adopted. - This textbook is designed to familiarize with Korean culture, and helps to share different culture of the learners through activities in the book.

€20.90* €22.90* (8.73% saved)