Seoul National University
SNU Korean+ 1A Workbook
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Art.num./ISBN: 9788952131195
number of pages: 168
binding: Softcover
Year: 2023
Language: Korean, English
Media type: Book + Free Audio Download
Author: Seoul National University
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Seoul National University Korean, written by the nation’s top Korean language education instructors, is a new textbook for regular courses planned by the Seoul National University Language Education Center and published by the Seoul National University Press to improve Korean language learners’ Korean language skills in an efficient and step-by-step manner. Seoul National University Korean consists of 1 to 6 levels to cover from beginners to advanced users of the Korean language. Each level consists of an A and B sublevel with a Student's Book and a supplementary Workbook.
You can download the complete audio files at SNU's website.
Table of Contents
머리말 Preface
일러두기 How to Use This Book
교재 구성표 Scope and Sequence
[1단원] 인사 Greetings1-1. 저는 이유진이에요 I’m Yujin Lee1-2. 유진 씨는 학생이에요? Yujin, are you a student?
[2단원] 교실과 방 Classroom & Room2-1. 이거는 시계예요 This is a clock2-2. 이 가방은 나나 씨 가방이에요 This is Nana’s bag[복습 1] Review 1
[3단원] 가게 Store3-1. 이 빵 하나 주세요 I would like this bread3-2. 집 앞에 편의점이 있어요 There’s a convenience store in front of my house
[4단원] 일상생활 Everyday Life4-1. 저는 한국어를 공부해요 I study Korean4-2. 오늘 회사에 가요 I’m going to work today[복습 2] Review 2
[5단원] 식당 Restaurant5-1. 비빔밥하고 불고기가 맛있어요 The bibimbap and bulgogi are delicious5-2. 주스 세 병에 오천 원이에요 It’s 5,000 won for 3 bottles of juice
[6단원] 날짜와 요일 Dates & Days of the Week6-1. 토요일에 친구를 만나요 I’m meeting a friend on Saturday6-2. 친구들하고 밥을 먹을 거예요 I’m going to eat with friends[복습 3] Review 3
[7단원] 시간 Time7-1. 보통 몇 시에 일어나요? What time do you usually get up7-2. 어제 한강공원에 갔어요 I went to Hangang Park yesterday
[8단원] 날씨 Weather8-1. 오늘 날씨가 어때요? How’s the weather today?8-2. 토요일에는 비가 오고 조금 추워요 It’s going to rain and will be a bit cold on Saturday[복습 4] Review 4
부록 Appendix |
듣기 지문 Listening Script
모범 답안 Answer Key
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