New Yonsei Korean - Listening and Reading 2-2 (MP3 Audio Download)
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Art.num./ISBN: 9788968504174
Publisher: Yonsei University
number of pages: 106
binding: Softcover
Year: 2020
Language: Korean, English
Media type: Book
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This newly published New Yonsei Korean Language Series is comprised of six levels with each level consisting of textbooks for Vocabulary & Grammar, Speaking & Writing, and Listening & Reading. The Vocabulary & Grammar textbook is organized into lessons that help the learner understand and use the most essential vocabulary and grammar forms according to each proficiency level. The Speaking & Writing textbook is organized by themes with speaking and writing activities to help the learner gain the necessary skills of expression for smooth communication.
Finally, the Listening & Reading textbook is organized by listening and reading activities to foster appropriate comprehension skills according to each level.
These three textbooks may be used together as a package for the uniform development of vocabulary & grammar, expression, and comprehension skills. They can also be used as individual textbooks according to the given conditions of the educational field or learner needs.
Furthermore, in the case of the Vocabulary & Grammar textbook, a separate guidebook has been prepared and can serve as a useful tool for the Korean language teachers in Korea or abroad who may not have much teaching experience.
The New Yonsei Korean Language Series will prove to be a tremendous help to many teachers who work hard for the education of the Korean language within Korea and around the world as well as be a helpful resource for all Korean language learners.
1과 인사와 소개
2과 친구와 가족
3과 고향
4과 집
5과 음식
6과 시장
7과 쇼핑
8과 초대
9과 약속
10과 부탁
연습 문제
모범 답안(교재)
연습 문제 답안
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