Master KOREAN 6 Advanced (QR)
Art.num./ISBN: 9788927732822
Publisher: Darakwon
number of pages: 384
binding: Softcover
Year: 2022
Language: Korean
Media type: Book + Free Audio Download
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Organized around the essential vocabulary and grammar needed for the advanced level TOPIK II, Level 6, ‘Master KOREAN 6’ is a textbook for learners to master Korean in an integrated manner through a diverse mix of audio and visual materials spanning listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises. ‘Master KOREAN 6’ is divided into the two main topic areas of essential Korean society and culture topics (consisting of the 5 topics of Korean Language and Culture; Korean History; Korean Religion and Thought; Korean Politics and Society; and Korean Art and Culture) and significantly important human universal topics (consisting of the 5 topics of Human and Society; Economy; Environment and Science; Law and Human Rights; and International Society). Based on these topic areas, the textbook presents selected vocabulary, grammar, expressions, and tasks that are necessary for performing work duties and studying in Korea. In addition, the Korean cultural aspects related to the topic areas are introduced in way to make it easy for learners to communicate in Korean in the relevant professional areas. If learners faithfully follow the textbook step-by-step, they can effectively reach their Korean study goals.
▶ Systematic Study for Taking the TOPIK II Level 6!
Once you have finished the systematic study of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in Master KOREAN 6, you will be ready to take the TOPIK II Level 6.
▶ Various Fun Tasks and Activities Based on Communication-Based Instruction
The authors have effectively marshaled their many years of accumulated experience in teaching Korean together with empirical data to enable learners to study dialogues appropriate for real-life communicative situations through the included tasks and activities.
▶ Includes Various Visual & Audio Materials for Each Situation!
The included detailed illustrations and photographs along with MP3 audio files featuring professional voice actors allow learners to have fun while increasing the effectiveness of their learning!
▶ Increase Your Korean Ability through Activities on Topics for Advanced Learners!
By working through the tasks in the 5 topics related to Korean society and culture and the 5 topics related to human universal issues, learners can acquire the necessary professional Korean ability to perform their jobs or study at a university.
발간사 02
일러두기 04
목차 06
교재 구성표 08
01장 인간과 사회 11
01 인간관계 12
02 리더십 22
03 소통과 공생 32
02장 언어와 문화 43
01 언어와 예절 44
02 언어와 사회 54
03 사고와 표현 64
03장 역사 75
01 한국의 역사 76
02 역사 속의 사건들 86
03 역사를 보는 시각 96
04장 경제 107
01 경제와 생활 108
02 한국의 경제 118
03 국제 경제 128
05장 환경과 과학 139
01 환경과 기후 변화 140
02 미래 자원 150
03 미래 생활 160
06장 종교와 사상 171
01 한국의 민간 신앙 172
02 한국의 종교 182
03 한국인의 사고방식 192
07장 법과 인권 203
01 생활 속의 법 204
02 권리와 의무 214
03 인권 224
08장 정치와 사회 235
01 대통령과 정부 236
02 선거 제도 246
03 다양성이 공존하는 한국 사회 256
09장 예술과 문화 267
01 한국 문학 268
02 한국의 공연 예술 278
03 한국의 대중문화 288
010장 국제 사회 299
01 국제 관계 300
02 국제 기구 310
03 공존과 평화 320
정답 332
듣기 지문 346
색인 371
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