Korean Made Easy Grammar 1

Art.num./ISBN: 9788927733478
Publisher: Darakwon
number of pages: 336
binding: Softcover
Year: 2025
Language: English, Korean
Media type: Book + QR Download
Out of Stock. Available within 45 days
It provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to Korean grammar for beginner learners, helping them build a strong foundation while understanding how grammar is used in real-life situations.
Key features of the book include:
- A structured curriculum tailored for English-speaking learners, with grammar concepts categorized by function and topic.
- Extensive examples demonstrating real-world grammar usage and cultural insights.
- A learner-centered structure that allows for self-paced study based on individual goals and needs.
- Additional resources, including QR codes linking to practice exercises and Korean-language grammar explanations for instructors.
이 책의 사용법 How to Use This Book 06
목차 Table of Contents 08
Part 1 Basic Expressions
People and Objects
Lesson 01 Noun + 이다 14
Lesson 02 있다/없다 Possession and relationship 18
Lesson 03 있다/없다 Existence and location 22
Lesson 04 Sino-Korean numbers 26
Lesson 05 Native Korean numbers 34
Lesson 06 Time 40
Lesson 07 Informal polite present tesnse -아/어요 46
Lesson 08 Informal polite past tense -았/었어요 50
Lesson 09 Informal polite future tense -(으)ㄹ거예요/어요 54
Sentence Structures
Lesson 10 Particles 58
Lesson 11 Question words 70
Lesson 12 Regular and irregular conjugation 76
Lesson 13 Nagation 82
Lesson 14 Comperative and superlative 88
Part 2 Meaning-Focused Endings and Expressions
Desires and Wishes
Lesson 15 -고 싶다 want to 94
Lesson 16 -았/었으면 좋겠다 I wish / I hope 98
Abilities and Skills
Lesson 17 -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 can 104
Lesson 18 -(으)ㄹ 줄 알다 know how to 108
Commands and Requests
Lesson 19 -(으)세요 Please do something 112
Lesson 20 -아/어 보세요 Try do something 116
Lesson 21 -아/어 주세요 Please do something for me 120
Necessity and Permission
Lesson 22 -아/어야 하다 must, have to, need to, should 124
Lesson 23 -아어도 되다 You may/can 128
Lesson 24 -(으)면 안 되다 You must not / It’s not allowed 132
Lesson 25 -(으)면 되다 just need to... 136
Lesson 26 -아/어 봤다 have tried 140
Lesson 27 -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다 have experienced 144
Action and State
Lesson 28 -고 있다 be...ing 148
Lesson 29 -아/어 있다 be...ing 152
Intentions and Guesses
Lesson 30 -겠- will / must be 156
Lesson 31 -(으)ㄹ까? Shall we? / Would it be? 162
Lesson 32 -(으)ㄹ게 I will... 168
Lesson 33 -(으)ㄹ래 I want to 172
Lesson 34 -(으)려고 하다 plan/try to, be about/going to 176
Lesson 35 -기로 하다 decide / determine / promise to... 180
Lesson 36 -은/는/을 것 같다 seem to, look like 184
Change and Confirmation
Lesson 37 -아/어지다 become / get 190
Lesson 38 -게 되다 end up ...ing, come to 194
Lesson 39 - 지 Isn’t it? / Right? 198
Part 3 Clause-Connecting Endings and Expressions
Lesson 40 -고 and 204
Lesson 41 -아/어서 and 208
Alternation and Context
Lesson 42 -거나 or 212
Lesson 43 -지만 but 216
Lesson 44 -는데 but, and 220
Reason and Cuase
Lesson 45 -아/어서 because 226
Lesson 46 -(으)니까 ..., so 230
Lesson 47 -기 때문에 because... 234
Time Relations
Lesson 48 -(으)ㄴ 후에 after 238
Lesson 49 -기 전에 before 242
Lesson 50 -(으)ㄹ 때 when 246
Lesson 51 -(으)ㄴ 지 since 252
Purpose and Intention
Lesson 52 -(으)러 in order to 256
Lesson 53 -(으)려고 in order to 260
Condition and Concession
Lesson 54 -(으)면 if 266
Lesson 55 -아/어도 even if 270
Lesson 56 -(으)면서 while 274
Lesson 57 -(으)ㄹ까? Shall we? / Would it be? 278
Lesson 58 -(으)ㄹ게 I will... 284
Part 4 Derivational Endings and Speech Styles
Derivational Endin
- gs
Lesson 59 Adnominal endings -은/는/을 290
Lesson 60 Adverbial ending -게 300
Lesson 61 Nominalizing endings -기 and -(으)ㅁ 304
Speech Styles and Honorifics
Lesson 62 반말 Informal casual speech 310
Lesson 63 격식체 Formal polite speech 314
Lesson 64 존댓말 Honorifics 318
색인 Index 324
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