Min Jin-young, Ahn Jean-myung

Korean Grammar in Use INTERMEDIATE (with MP3 CD)

Product information "Korean Grammar in Use INTERMEDIATE (with MP3 CD)"

About this Book:

This is the second volume in the Korean Grammar in Use series which is best selling book for the learners of Korean, one of the most effective texts for learning Korean grammar. Along with the first volume, Beginning to Early Intermediate, which covered the major grammar points learned in most introductory (Levels 1 and 2) Korean courses, this Intermediate volume covers the major grammar points learned in intermediate (Levels 3 and 4) Korean courses. Together, they form a full-scale, comprehensive Korean reference grammar. Realizing that most other Korean grammar books target beginning learners only, the authors have answered the needs of intermediate level students who want a more systematic way to focus on grammar. In addition, this series serves as a general Korean reference grammar that can be used by Korean language instructors both in Korea and abroad who experience first-hand the difficulty of teaching Korean grammar.

Go beyond the basics to 'Intermediate'!

-TOPIK Levels 3 & 4 Grammar!
Collects the introductory grammar points normally taught in Levels 3 and 4 at most university affiliated and private language institutes. In addition, this volume includes practice pattern exercises to help students prepare for the TOPIK Intermediate level.

-Target Grammar Primary and Secondary Meanings At a Glance!
Organizes grammar points not as a list that simply must be learned, but as integrated groups of grammar points with similar meanings, usages, and written forms to better illustrate their differences and provide learners with the variousmeanings, restrictions, and other things to keep in mind when learning them.

-Dialogues Full of Real-Life Uses of Grammar!
Students will learn to make their own dialogues that use the target grammar points in ways most commonly used in real Korean conversation. The dialogues used are not simply sentences constructed for the purpose of illustrating grammar, but rather examples that reflect practical, real-life Korean conversations.
-Easy Individualized Use by Both Students and Teachers!
Not only can students more easily master a variety of difficult Korean grammar points, instructors can also benefit by having an accessible, easy-to-use reference for explaining such difficult aspects of Korean grammar in class.

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Korean Made Easy Intermediate - 2nd Edition (with Audio Download)
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Korean Grammar in Use - Advanced (Free MP3 Audio Download)
Click here to download the free MP3 audiofiles This book marks the third volume in the Korean Grammar in Use series, which presents Korean grammar in the most effective manner available for learning. This Advanced volume contains all of the major grammar points covered by the TOPIK Advanced exam (Levels 5-6). To the extent that it is designed for advanced students of Korean, we have made the example sentences to reflect an equally advanced level. Moreover, to make it easier to understand the situations in which the target grammar should be used, we have provided vivid situational illustrations. Finally, we have described grammar points in clear and concise English to help English-speaking learners of Korean better understand the complexities of Korean grammar.        ▪ Full Summary of TOPIK Advanced (Levels 5-6) Grammar!     All the major grammar points introduced in the textbooks used at Korean university and language institutes, in addition to all the grammar points that appear on Levels 5 and 6 of the TOPIK, are summarized in an easy, at-a-glance format. We have also included practice exercises for TOPIK grammar patterns as additional preparation for taking the TOPIK exam.     ▪ Understand at a Glance both the Primary & Additional Meanings of the Target Grammar!     Going beyond simply listing grammar points to be learned, the differences between grammar forms that have similar meanings and usages are highlighted, and any additional meanings and form restrictions that should be kept in mind when using the grammar are noted, thereby achieving the goal of an integrated method of grammar study.    ▪ Realistic Dialogue Creation that Incorporates the Target Grammar!     Learners can directly create dialogues to better understand how the target grammar is actually used in real life. Realistic dialogues that represent the actual use of the target grammar are used in place of conventional simple sentences, thus helping students to learn how to actually use Korean.    ▪ Customized Solutions for both Students and Teachers!   Students can understand Korean more easily while also learning how to master a wide variety of advanced-level Korean phrases, and teachers can benefit by being able to more easily organize grammar points when planning their class curriculums.  

€36.90* €39.90* (7.52% saved)
Koreanische Grammatik im Gebrauch - Mittelstufe - mit MP3 CD und Audiodownload
Dieses Grammatikbuch ist ein umfassendes Nachschlage-, Lern- und Übungsbuch zur koreanischen Sprache für fortgeschrittene Lernende. Mit MP3 CD und QR-Codes im Buch - so kann jeder auf seine bevorzugte Weise die Tonbeispiele abrufen. Viele grammatische Ausdrücke und Strukturen, die im TOPIK 3 und 4 für die Mittelstufe vorkommen! Detaillierte Grammatikerklärungen und praktische Übungen für einfaches Selbstlernen! Vergleiche von grammatischen Ausdrücken und Strukturen mit ähnlicher Bedeutung und Formen zur Hervorhebung der Unterschiede! Grammatische Strukturen und Übungen speziell für die Vorbereitung auf den TOPIK in der MIttelstufe   INHALT Vorwort 4 Wie benutzt man dieses Buch? 6 1 장 추측과 예상을 나타낼 때 Annahmen und Vermutungen 01 -아/어 보이다 14 02 -(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 17 03 -(으)ㄹ 텐데 21 04 -(으)ㄹ 테니까 25 05 -(으)ㄹ걸요 29 06 -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다〔알았다〕 34 07 -(으)ㄹ지도 모르다 37 2 장 대조를 나타낼 때 Gegensätze 01 -기는 하지만, -기는 -지만 42 02 -(으)ㄴ/는 반면에 46 03 -(으)ㄴ/는데도 49 3 장 서술체와 반말체 Beschreibende und Informelle Redeform 01 서술체 54 02 반말체 58 4 장 이유를 나타낼 때 Gründe 01 -거든요 66 02 -잖아요 70 03 -느라고 73 04 -는 바람에 77 05 -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 81 06 -고 해서 85 07 -(으)ㄹ까 봐 88 5 장 다른 사람의 말이나 글을 인용할 때 Gesprochene oder geschriebene Texte anderer zitieren 01 -다고요? 94 02 -다고 하던데 98 03 -다면서요? 103 04 -다니요? 107 6 장 결심과 의도를 나타낼 때 Entscheidungen und Intentionen 01 -(으)ㄹ까 하다 114 02 -고자 117 03 -(으)려던 참이다 120 04 -(으)ㄹ 겸 -(으)ㄹ 겸 124 05 -아/어야지요 127 7 장 추천과 조언을 나타낼 때 Empfehlungen und Ratschläge 01 -(으)ㄹ 만하다 132 02 -도록 하다 136 03 -지 그래요? 139 8 장 회상을 나타낼 때 Erinnerungen und Rückblicke 01 -던 144 02 -더라고요 148 03 -던데요 152 9 장 피동을 나타낼 때 Passiv 01 단어 피동 (-이/히/리/기-) 158 02 -아/어지다 162 03 -게 되다 165 10 장 사동을 나타낼 때 Kausativ 01 단어 사동 (-이/히/리/기/우/추-) 170 02 -게 하다 175 11 장 조건을 나타낼 때 Bedingungen 01 -아/어야 182 02 -거든 186 12 장 추가를 나타낼 때 Zusätzliche Informationen 01 -(으)ㄹ 뿐만 아니라 192 02 -(으)ㄴ/는 데다가 196 03 조차 200 04 만 해도 203 13 장 도중을 나타낼 때 Handlungen in der Verlaufsform 01 -는 길에 208 02 -다가 211 14 장 정도를 나타낼 때 Grad, Ausmaß und Umfang 01 -(으)ㄹ 정도로 216 02 만 하다 218 03 -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 만큼 221 15 장 선택을 나타낼 때 Auswahl 01 아무+(이)나 / 아무+도 226 02 (이)나 229 03 (이)라도 232 04 -든지 -든지 236 05 -(으)ㄴ/는 대신에 239 16 장 시간이나 순차적 행동을 나타낼 때 Zeit und aufeinanderfolgende Handlungen 01 만에 244 02 -아/어 가지고 247 03 -아/어다가 250 04 -고서 253 17 장 발견과 결과를 나타낼 때 Entdeckungen und Ergebnisse 01 -고 보니 258 02 -다 보니 261 03 -다 보면 265 04 -더니 268 05 -았/었더니 273 06 -다가는 278 07 -(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 283 18 장 상태를 나타낼 때 Zustände 01 -아/어 놓다 288 02 -아/어 두다 291 03 -(으)ㄴ 채로 294 04 -(으)ㄴ/는 대로 298 19 장 성질과 속성을 나타낼 때 Merkmale und Eigenschaften 01 -(으)ㄴ/는 편이다 304 02 스럽다 308 03 답다 311 20 장 강조를 나타낼 때 Betonung 01 얼마나 -(으)ㄴ/는지 모르다 316 02 -(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다 320 03 -(으)ㄹ 뿐이다 322 04 (이)야말로 325 21 장 목적을 나타낼 때 Zweck 01 -게 330 02 -도록 333 22 장 완료를 나타낼 때 Abgeschlossenheit 01 -았/었다가 338 02 -았/었던 342 03 -아/어 버리다 347 04 -고 말다 350 23 장 소용없음을 나타낼 때 Nutzlosigkeit und Wirkungslosigkeit 01 -(으)나 마나 356 02 -아/어 봤자 360 24 장 가정 상황을 나타낼 때 Hypothesen und Annahmen 01 -(느)ㄴ다면 366 02 -았/었더라면 370 03 -(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 373 25 장 후회를 나타낼 때 Bedauern und Reue 01 -(으)ㄹ 걸 그랬다 378 02 -았/었어야 했는데 382 26 장 습관과 태도를 나타낼 때 Gewohnheiten und Einstellungen 01 -곤 하다 388 02 -기는요 392 03 -(으)ㄴ/는 척하다 395 ■ Anhang ● Lösungen 400 ● Script 412 ● Grammatik Index 431

Korean Grammar in Use - Beginning (with MP3 CD)
About this Book: This series is the culmination of educational know-how and systematic grammar organization acquired by the three authors from their experience actually teaching Korean to foreigners in the classroom. In focusing strictly on Korean grammar, this series represents a departure from most current integrated teaching materials, allowing foreign learners to more easily concentrate on grammar in their study of Korean. The authors have included real dialogues and illustrations to make the study of Korean more interesting, especially for those students who have heretofore felt Koran grammar to be difficult. Further, this series equally serves as a general Korean grammar reference that can be used by Korean language instructors both in Korea and abroad who regularly experience the difficulty of teaching Korean grammar first-hand. About the series: ▪ Collects the introductory grammar points normally taught in Levels 1 and 2 at most university affiliated and private language institutes. ▪ Makes it easy for learners to locate those grammar patterns they find the most confusing by providing comparisons of patterns similar in meaning and usage. This way, learners can not only clarify the differences between similar patterns, but also study how they are used differently depending on the situation. ▪ Lets the learner confirm the usage of target grammar points by illustrating how they are used in real conversation. The examples presented are not simply sentences constructed for the purpose of illustrating grammar, but rather examples of how the grammar points are actually used in real life. ▪ Includes special sections on particularly tricky grammar points to allow learners to acquire a more accurate and natural-sounding command of Korean. Further, by presenting a variety of grammatical patterns along with both practice exercises and graphic illustrations, learners can approach the study of Korean grammar with renewed interest. Contents Preface How to Use This Book Table of Contents ■ Introduction to the Korean Language 1. Korean Sentence Structure 2. Conjugation of Verbs and Adjectives 3. Connecting Sentences 4. Sentence Types 5. Honorific Expressions ■ Getting Ready 01 이다 (to be) 02 있다 (to exist/be, to have) 03 Numbers 04 Dates and Days of the Week 05 Time Unit 1. Tenses 01 Present Tense A/V-(스)ㅂ니다 02 Present Tense A/V-아/어요 03 Past Tense A/V-았/었어요 04 Future Tense V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ① 05 Progressive Tense V-고 있다 ① 06 Past Perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 Unit 2. Negative Expressions 01 Word Negation 02 안 A/V-아/어요 (A/V-지 않아요) 03 못 V-아/어요 (V-지 못해요) Unit 3. Particles 01 N이/가 02 N은/는 03 N을/를 04 N와/과, N(이)랑, N하고 05 N의 06 N에 ① 07 N에 ② 08 N에서 09 N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지 10 N에게/한테 11 N도 12 N만 13 N밖에 14 N(으)로 15 N(이)나 ① 16 N(이)나 ② 17 N쯤 18 N처럼/N같이 19 N보다 20 N마다 Unit 4. Listing and Contrast 01 A/V-고 02 V-거나 03 A/V-지만 04 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 ① Unit 5. Time Expressions 01 N 전에, V-기 전에 02 N 후에, V-(으)ㄴ 후에 03 V-고 나서 04 V-아/어서 05 N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 06 V-(으)면서 07 N 중, V-는 중 08 V-자마자 09 N 동안, V-는 동안 10 V-(으)ㄴ 지 Unit 6. Ability and Possibility 01 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 02 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition 01 V-(으)세요 02 V-지 마세요 03 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 04 A/V-아/어도 되다 05 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 06 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) Unit 8. Expressions of Hope 01 V-고 싶다 02 A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다 Unit 9. Reasons and Causes 01 A/V-아/어서 ② 02 A/V-(으)니까 ① 03 N 때문에, A/V-기 때문에 Unit 10. Making Requests and Assisting 01 V-아/어 주세요, V-아/어 주시겠어요? 02 V-아/어 줄게요, V-아/어 줄까요? Unit 11. Trying New Things and Experiences 01 V-아/어보다 02 V-(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 Unit 12. Asking Opinions and Making Suggestions 01 V-(으)ㄹ까요? ① 02 V-(으)ㄹ까요? ② 03 V-(으)ㅂ시다 04 V-(으)시겠어요? 05 V-(으)ㄹ래요? ① Unit 13. Intentions and Plans 01 A/V-겠어요 ① 02 V-(으)ㄹ게요 03 V-(으)ㄹ래요 ② Unit 14. Background Information and Explanations 01 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 ② 02 V-(으)니까 ② Unit 15. Purpose and Intention 01 V-(으)러 가다/오다 02 V-(으)려고 03 V-(으)려고 하다 04 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) 05 V-기로 하다 Unit 16. Conditions and Suppositions 01 A/V-(으)면 02 V-(으)려면 03 A/V-아/어도 Unit 17. Conjecture 01 A/V-겠어요 ② 02 A/V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ② 03 A/V-(으)ㄹ까요? ③ 04 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 Unit 18. Changes in Parts of Speech 01 관형형 -(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N 02 A/V-기 03 A-게 04 A-아/어하다 Unit 19. Expressions of State 01 V-고 있다 ② 02 V-아/어 있다 03 A-아/어지다 04 V-게 되다 Unit 20. Confirming Information 01 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 02 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 03 A/V-지요? Unit 21. Discovery and Surprise 01 A/V-군요/는군요 02 A/V-네요 Unit 22. Additional Endings 01 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? 02 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데요 Unit 23. Quotations 01 Direct Quotations 02 Indirect Quotations 03 Indirect Quotation Contracted Forms Unit 24. Irregular Conjugations 01 �ㅡ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 02 �ㄹ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 03 �ㅂ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 04 �ㄷ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 05 �르� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 06 �ㅎ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 07 �ㅅ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) ■ Appendix Good Things to Know Answer Key Grammar Explanations in Korean Grammar Index  

€32.90* €36.90* (10.84% saved)
Korean Made Easy Intermediate (with MP3 CD)
Click here to download the audiofiles Intermediate-level textbook optimized for self-study Natural english translations, colorful illustrations and Korean cultural information Real communication practice through exercises   [Korean Made Easy: Intermediate]는 중급 한국어 학습자들에게 필요한 실용 문법과 어휘를 수록한 교재이다. 책에는 생생하고 다양한 시각 자료와 자연스러운 영어 번역으로 문법 설명을 보다 자세하게 담고 중급 한국어 학습자들이 어려워하는 한자어를 시각화하여 보다 쉽게 한자어 어휘 실력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 안내한다. 서문 Preface 04 일러두기 How to Use This Book 06 목차 Contents 11 교재구성표 Table of Contents 12 등장인물 소개 Main Characters 16 Chapter 01 첫 만남 Meeting Someone for the First Time 17 Chapter 02 일상생활 Everyday Life 33 Chapter 03 약속 Appointments 49 Chapter 04 길 찾기 Asking Directions 65 Chapter 05 음식 Food 81 Chapter 06 공공 규칙 Public Rules 97 Chapter 07 집 In the House 113 Chapter 08 쇼핑 Shopping 129 Chapter 09 한국 생활 Living in Korea 145 Chapter 10 문제 Problems 161 Chapter 11 사람 People 177 Chapter 12 건강 Health 193 Chapter 13 관심사 Interests 209 Chapter 14 여행 Travel 225 Chapter 15 관계 Relationships 241 부록 Appendix 257 문법 부록 Grammar Appendix 258 한국어 활용 Korean Conjugation 283 문법 활용표 Conjugation Charts 288 정답 Answers 304 한자어 색인 Word Web Appendix with Hanja 308 색인 New Vocabulary & New Expressions 314

€14.90* €36.90* (59.62% saved)