Lee Jae-wook

Korean Essential Vocabulary 6000 for Foreigners

Product information "Korean Essential Vocabulary 6000"

This is a wonderful little pocketbook featuring 6,000 most essential and frequently used Korean words. Anyone who plans to study in Korea or work for a Korean company must know these words!

Cover text

With only this book, there is no need to worry about vocabulary in any Korean language test!

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Grundwortschatz Koreanisch Anfänger - mit MP3 CD
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2000 Essential Korean Words for Beginners mit MP3 Download
Download MP3 Files here This book covers a total of approximately 2,000 words according to the following criteria. Selected the vocabulary words appeared more than 3 textbooks from the language institutes of nine universities and two private institutes on the basic first and second level Korean. • The words organized into fourteen topics. The provided example sentences are related to each topic focused on the example sentences used in textbooks and practical sentences frequently used in everyday life• Useful word translations in English, Chinese, and Japanese!• The antonym, synonym, honorific form, low form, related word(s), and reference word(s) are provided in order to widen the students' vocabulary.• A review test similar with TOPIK with 'Let's Check'.• Through learning the Chinese characters, learners will be able to widen their vocabulary range.• Accurately recorded entry words and example sentences available through MP3 downoad   Contents     1 약속하기 Making an Appointment  Let’s Check!2 인간관계 Human Relationships   Let’s Check!3 직장 생활 Office Life  Let’s Check!4 하루 일과 Daily Work   Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 員 a member 06 여가 생활 Leisure1 여행 Travel   Let’s Check!2 운동 Exercise  Let’s Check!3 음악 Music4 취미 Hobbies   Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 出 to go out 07 날씨 Weather 1 계절 Seasons2 일기예보 Weather Forecast  Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 新 to be new 08 시간 Time1 날짜 Date   Let’s Check!2 시간 Time  Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 日 a day 09 패션 Fashion 1 미용 Beauty Care 2 소품 Accessories 3 의류 Clothing  Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 物 a thing 10 경제활동 Economic Activities1 가게/시장 Store/Market   Let’s Check!2 경제 Economy 3 쇼핑 Shopping  Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 入 to enter 11 교통/통신 Transportation/Communication1 길 찾기 Finding the Way 2 방향 Directions   Let’s Check!3 우편 Mail4 위치 Locations5 전화 Telephone   Let’s Check!6 탈것 Vehicles   Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 通 to be connected 12 장소 Places1 건물 Buildings 2 길 Roads  Let’s Check!3 도시 Cities 4 동네 Neighborhoods5 서울 Seoul   Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 場 a place 13 집/자연 House/Nature 1 동식물 Animals and Plants 2 자연환경 Natural Environment  Let’s Check!3 전기/전자 제품 Electric/Electronic Appliances4 집안 Household 5 집안 가구/물건 Household Furniture/Goods  Let’s Check!6 집안 구조 Structure of the House 7 집안일 Housework   Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 家 a house 14 문화 Culture 1 대중매체 Mass Media2 사회 Society   Let’s Check!3 영화/연극 Movies/Plays4 예술/문학 Art/Literature 5 전통문화 Traditional Culture  Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 動 to move 15 기타 Etc.1 기타 Etc.•   Let’s Check! 부록 Appendix추가 어휘 Additional Vocabulary • 국가명 Nations • 색깔 Colors  • 운동 Sports • 가계도 Family Tree • 신체 부위 명칭 The Names of Body Parts• 착용 동사 Verbs Related to Clothing and Accessories• 띠 The Chinese Zodiac Signs • 요일 Days of the Week• 월 Months •• 숫자 Numbers • 접속부사 Conjunctive Adverbs• 준말 Abbreviations • 반의어 Antonyms• 유의어 Synonyms • 단위명사 Counting Units • 전국 지도 National Map • 서울 지도 Seoul Map 불규칙 동사 • 형용사 활용표 Table of Irregular Verbs and Adjectives정답 Answer 색인 Index

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