“When I listen to BTS’s song, the words ‘pumpkin seed’ are in there. Why on earth is that in there?” “In BLACKPINK’s song, when they miss someone, why are ‘intestines’ burning up?” Foreigners who like K-Pop and understand Korean lyrics to a certain degree might have seen the idioms and slang in the lyrics and tilted their head at these kinds of expressions. By presenting the idioms, four-character idioms, and slang hidden in K-Pop lyrics along with fun illustrations and example sentences, “100 Korean Idioms & Slang” was designed to help Korean-language learners at the intermediate level and above encounter and deeply understand Korean emotions and culture expressed in K-Pop lyrics, all while acquiring and having a command of various Korean expressions. Through simple quizzes and detailed explanations, this book allows readers to learn the origin and meaning of 50 idioms, 25 four-character idioms, and 25 slang words that appear in song lyrics, and helps them to understand K-Pop lyrics. Vivid descriptive examples and dialogues are presented for each expression, so you can practice and understand the context in which the expressions are used. Additionally, for each expression and example sentence, MP3 audio files of professional voice actors are provided via QR code, so you can check and follow along with the correct pronunciation and intonation. * Learn expressions that are actually used in K-Pop! Finds and explains the meaning of idiomatic expressions, four-character idioms, and slang words that are actually used in various K-Pop songs that are gaining popularity all around the world, so that foreign learners can grow more accustomed to Korean idiomatic expressions that can be difficult and unfamiliar. * You can infer the meaning of expressions through fun illustrations and quizzes to help you guess definitions! Idiomatic expressions aren’t frequently used with a literal meaning. With fun illustrations and simple quizzes, interest is maintained and you can do simple checks of your own knowledge, allowing learners to try to infer the meaning and usage of idiomatic expressions for themselves. * Through sound files, you can learn intonation and vivid nuance, and use expressions like a native speaker! Various idiomatic expressions and slang are used not just in K-Pop lyrics, but also in the daily lives of Korean people. Accordingly, by listening to and following along with sound files of professional voice actors for all expressions and example sentences, you can practice intonation and vivid nuance, and use expressions naturally like Koreans do in real-life conversations. * Check out idiomatic expressions found in a variety of K-Pop songs! Each expression introduces the K-Pop songs in which it is used, allowing learners to check out various songs in which an expression appears, aside from the songs they already know. If there’s a song you’re unfamiliar with, you can search for it and listen to it, and review while listening to the lyrics to hear the context in which the expression you learned is used.
Table of Contents
서문 Preface 4일러두기 How to Use This Book 6차례 Table of Contents 10Part 1 관용어 Idioms 12 1. 간에 기별도 안 가다 For the message to not even reach the liver 142. 고삐를 늦추다 To loosen the reins 163. 골로 가다 To go to the valley 184. 골탕 먹다 To eat bone broth soup 205 귀에 못이 박히다 To get a callus in your ear 226. 그림의 떡 Rice cake in a picture 247. 김칫국부터 마시다 To drink kimchi soup first 268. 깡통을 차다 To wear a can 289. 깨가 쏟아지다 To rain sesame seeds 3010. 낙인 찍다 To brand 3211. 눈 깜짝할 사이 In the blink of an eye 3412. 눈 하나 깜짝 안 하다 To not blink an eye 3613. 눈앞이 캄캄하다 For it to be dark in front of one’s eyes 3814. 눈에 밟히다 To have one’s eye stepped on 4015. 대박이 나다 For a large gourd to sprout 4216. 뒷구멍으로 호박씨를 까다 To shell pumpkin seeds with your behind 4417. 딴전을 부리다/피우다 To act like it’s a different shop 4618. 말짱 도루묵 All sandfish 4819. 머리에 맴돌다 To hover in one’s head 5020. 바가지를 긁다 To scratch the bowl 5221. 바람을 피우다 To act like the wind 5422. 발이 떨어지지 않다 For one’s feet to not come up off the ground 5623. 배가 아프다 For one’s stomach to hurt 5824. 배꼽을 잡다 To grab one’s belly button 6025. 배알이 꼴리다 For one’s guts to be twisted 6226. 백기를 들다 To raise a white flag 6427. 본전도 못 찾다 To be unable to even find the principal 6628. 비위를 맞추다 To adjust one’s stomach 6829. 산통을 깨다 To break the box of fortunes 7030. 새빨간 거짓말 A bright red lie 7231. 속이 타다 For one’s insides to burn 7432. 손꼽아 기다리다 To wait counting on one’s fingers 7633. 시치미를 떼다 To take a name tag off a falcon 7834. 애가 타다 For one’s intestines to burn 8035. 약이 오르다 For one to be nettled 8236. 어깨가 무겁다 For one’s shoulders to be heavy 8437. 오지랖이 넓다 For the front of one’s clothes to be wide 8638. 이를 악물다 To grit one’s teeth 8839. 족쇄를 채우다 To put shackles on 9040. 쥐도 새도 모르게 Without a mouse or a bird realizing 9241. 직성이 풀리다 For one’s star to be released 9442. 찬물을 끼얹다 To douse with cold water 9643. 총대를 메다 To carry the gunstock 9844. 탈을 쓰다 To wear a mask 10045. 통이 크다 For the size to be big 10246. 퇴짜를 놓다/맞다 To mark/to be marked with the character for “reject” 10447. 트집을 잡다 To grab at a hole 10648. 풀이 죽다 For the starch to give way 10849. 학을 떼다 To get rid of malaria 11050. 허리띠를 졸라매다 To tighten one’s belt 112Part 2 사자성어 Four-Character Idioms 11451. 경거망동 To behave frivolously and foolishly 11652. 고진감래 After all of the bitterness comes sweetness 11853. 금상첨화 Adding flowers on top of silk 12054. 기고만장 For one’s energy to rise to a height of 10,000 jang 12255. 노심초사 To be so concerned with something that one burns with worry 12456. 대기만성 For a large bowl to be completed late 12657. 배은망덕 To forget and betray the favor you received from someone 12858. 백발백중 To shoot 100 times and hit 100 times 13059. 백전백승 To fight 100 times and win 100 times 13260. 사필귀정 Everything will certainly return to the proper path 13461. 안하무인 Below one’s eyes, nobody exists 13662. 약육강식 The flesh of the weak becomes the food of the strong 13863. 오매불망 To be unable to forget while asleep or awake 14064. 우유부단 To be so soft that one can’t make a decision 14265. 유유자적 To live as one pleases, inleisure and relaxation 14466. 이심전심 To communicate from heart to heart 14667. 이열치열 To use heat to deal with heat 14868. 작심삼일 A firmly made up mind cannot last 3 days 15069. 절치부심 To gnash one’s teeth and for one’s mind to be troubled 15270. 조강지처 A wife who sared a meal of dregs of liquor and rice bran 15471. 천방지축 The direction of the heavens and the axis of the earth 15672. 천생연분 A relationship decided by the heavens 15873. 칠전팔기 To fall down seven times and get up eight times 16074. 함흥차사 A government official dispatched to Hamheung 16275. 호시탐탐 A tiger stare and glowers 164Part 3 유행어 Slang 16676. 극혐 Ultra hate / Ultra disgusting 16877. 깜놀 Shocked / Shook 17078. 꼰대 Kkondae / Boomer 17279. 꽃길만 걷자 Let’s only walk on paths of flowers / Everything is coming up roses 174 80. 노답 No answer / No solution 17681. 노잼 No fun / Not funny 17882. 눈누난나 Nunu nana 18083. 라떼는 말이야 A latte is... / Back in my day 18284. 멘붕 Mental collapse / Mental breakdown 18485. 무야호 Mu-yahoo 18686. 소확행 Small but certain happiness 18887. 솔까 Honestly 19088. 심쿵 Heart boom / Heart pounding 19289. 썸 타다 To feel “Some” / To be in a situationship 19490. 어그로 Aggro / Provoking / Trolling 19691. 열폭 Inferiority explosion 19892. 인싸 Insider / Social / Popular 20093. 입덕하다 To become a fan / To get hooked 20294. 지못미 Sorry I couldn’t protect you 20495. 쩔다 To be salted / To be awesome / To be very good or bad 20696. 최애 Most loved / Bias 20897. 취향 저격 Preference shot / My style 21098. 하드 캐리 Hard carry / To carry 21299. 흑역사 Dark history / Dark past 214100. 1도 모르다 To not know / To know nothing / To have no idea 216부록 Appendix 218퀴즈 정답 Quiz Answer 220의미와 용례 한국어 설명 Meaning & Origin in Korean 225K-Pop 색인 Index of K-Pop Songs 248100개 표현 목록 Alphabetical Index of 100 Expressions 260
Learn 1,100 useful Korean phrases based on 100 commonly used sentence patterns, with QR codes for audio tracks and cute, witty illustrations that will make your studying more fun.
Free audio files are available HERE
As a beginner, Korean sentences might look like random combinations of words and phrases. But that is not true! Once you find the patterns hidden in sentences, learning Korean becomes much easier and even more fun.This book includes 100 common sentence patterns that are essential for beginners and each pattern is accompanied by 11 example sentences.What do we mean by “patterns“?“Patterns” in this book refer to set phrases and common groups of words that often go together in Korean. By studying sentence patterns, you can form your own Korean sentences more confidently and naturally! Practice speaking the sentences repeatedly so that you can get familiar with each sentence pattern. Sentences written in Korean are arranged on the left side of a page and those in English are on the right side. We recommend you cover one of the two sides with a piece of paper or your hand and test your understanding! Study words with the index. In the index, you can find all the vocabulary words used! In fact, this book is also very useful to study words and practice making sentences with them. Use the QR codes! There is a QR code for each pattern with which you can check the native speaker’s pronunciation
Pattern 001. This is + N. / It is + N. Pattern 002. This is + N. / It is + N. Pattern 003. This is not + N./ It is not + N. Pattern 004. I have + N. / There is + N. Pattern 005. I do not have + N. / There is not + N. Pattern 006. Please give me + N. Pattern 007. What is + N? Pattern 008. What is + N? Pattern 009. What is + N? Pattern 010. By any chance, is it + N? / By any chance, are you + N? Pattern 011. I go to + N. / I am going to + N. Pattern 012. It is in/at + N. / I am in/at + N. Pattern 013. Where is + N? Pattern 014. I am on my way to + N. Pattern 015. When is + N? Pattern 016. As for + N, when is it? Pattern 017. Is it already + N? Pattern 018. I like + N. Pattern 019. And there is/are also + N. Pattern 020. I like + N. Pattern 021. Do you like + N? Pattern 022. How about + N? / How about + V-ing? Pattern 023. How/What about + N? Pattern 024. What do you think about/of + N? Pattern 025. Then, how/what about + N? Pattern 026. N + is not so good. / N + is not that great. Pattern 027. Is + N + not available/possible? Pattern 028. I should do + N + first. / You should do + N + first. Pattern 029. There is only + N. / There is nothing but + N. Pattern 030. What does + N + mean? Pattern 031. I do not know + N + well. / I am not sure about + N. Pattern 032. It is too + Adj. / I am so + Adj. Pattern 033. This is the most + Adj. Pattern 034. N + is more + Adj + than I expected. Pattern 035. It is a little bit + Adj. / Something about it is a little + Adj. Pattern 036. I am + V-ing + now. Pattern 037. I cannot + V. Pattern 038. I am + V-ing + now. Pattern 039. I am still + V-ing. / I am still in the middle of + N. Pattern 040. I want to + V. Pattern 041. What do you want to + V? Pattern 042. Please + V. Pattern 043. Hurry up and + V. / Please + V + quickly. Pattern 044. Please + V + this way. Pattern 045. Do not + V. Pattern 046. Why do you + V + like that? Pattern 047. Where did you + V + this? Pattern 048. It already + V-ed. / It has already + V-ed. Pattern 049. I have not + V-ed + yet. Pattern 050. How did you + V? Pattern 051. 001 I did not + V + anything. Pattern 052. Please + V (+ for me). Pattern 053. Please + V (+ for me). Pattern 054. Please + V (+ for me). Pattern 055. I can + V. Pattern 056. I have to + V. / I should + V. Pattern 057. I have to + V. / I should + V. Pattern 058. I have to + V. / I should + V. Pattern 059. Until/By when should I + V? / How long should I + V? Pattern 060. I am going to + V. Pattern 061. When will you + V? Pattern 062. I will be back after + V-ing. Pattern 063. I will + V + for just a little while. / Let me + V + for just a little while. Pattern 064. Then, shall we + V? Pattern 065. After + V-ing. / Only after + V-ing. Pattern 066. I think + S + V-ed. Pattern 067. I am on my way to go and + V. Pattern 068. S + will + V + at around ( ) o’clock. Pattern 069. You may + V. / It is okay to + V. Pattern 070. Can/May I + V? / Is it okay to + V? Pattern 071. You should not + V. / You cannot + V. Pattern 072. There is something I want to + V. Pattern 073. I almost + V-ed. Pattern 074. What should I do in order to + V? Pattern 075. Where should I go in order to + V? Pattern 076. Are you + Adj + by any chance? / Do you + V + by any chance? Pattern 077. Since when have you + V-ed? Pattern 078. It is probably + Adj. / S + probably + V. Pattern 079. I like it so much because + S + V/Adj. / I am so glad that S + V/Adj. Pattern 080. In my opinion, S + will + V. / In my opinion, S + will be + Adj. Pattern 081. It could be that + S + V. / S + might + V. Pattern 082. What if + S + V/Adj? Pattern 083. That is true, but + S + V. Pattern 084. Sometimes + S + V/Adj. / There are times when + S + V/Adj. Pattern 085. Don’t you think it is too + Adj? / Don’t you think + S + V + too much? Pattern 086. That is too + Adj. Pattern 087. Is + N + okay? / Is it okay to + V? Pattern 088. S + V + together with + N. Pattern 089. Which of these is the most + Adj? / Which of these do you + V + the most? Pattern 090. S + V + one out of these. Pattern 091. How do you + V? / How did you + V? Pattern 092. S+ V + before + V-ing. Pattern 093. S + V + again later. Pattern 094. Even so, I + V. Pattern 095. As far as I know + S + V. Pattern 096. I am not sure, but + S + V. / Although I do not know very well, S + V. Pattern 097. In fact, I + V. Pattern 098. If you do it like this, S + V. Pattern 099. If you have time tomorrow, S + V. Pattern 100. It may + V, and it may + V. / It may or may not + V.
This book covers a total of approximately 2,000 words according to the following criteria. Selected the vocabulary words appeared more than 3 textbooks from the language institutes of ten universities on the advanced Korean level.
• The words organized into fourteen topics. The provided example sentences are related to each topic focused on the example sentences used in textbooks and practical sentences frequently used in everyday life.• Useful word translations in English, Chinese, and Japanese!• The antonym, synonym, related word(s), and reference word(s) are provided in order to widen the students' vocabulary.• A review test similar with TOPIK with 'Let's Check'.• Through learning the Chinese characters, learners will be able to widen their vocabulary range.• Accurately recorded entry words and example sentences with MP3 files through QR codesTable of Contents머리말 Introduction 4이 책의 구성 및 활용 6How to use this book01 인간 1 People 1·人 1·人間 11 감정/감각 Emotions/Sensesㆍ感情/感觉ㆍ感情/感覚 16Let’s Check2 인상/성격 Impression/Personalityㆍ容貌/性格ㆍ印象/性格 29Let’s Check3 인지 행위 Cognitive Behaviorㆍ认知行为ㆍ認知行為 38Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 感 feelingㆍ感觉ㆍ感 4702 인간 2 People 2·人类 2·人間 21 신체/외양 Physical/Outward Appearanceㆍ身体/外表ㆍ身体/外見 50Let’s Check2 태도 Attitudeㆍ态度ㆍ態度 57Let’s Check3 행동/행위 Action/Behaviorㆍ行动/行为ㆍ行動/行為 69Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 變 to changeㆍ变ㆍ変 7803 삶 Life·生命·人生1 경조사 Family Eventㆍ喜事/丧事ㆍ慶事/弔事 80Let’s Check2 언어 행위 Speech Actㆍ语言行为ㆍ言語行為 86Let’s Check3 여가 생활 Leisure Lifeㆍ休闲生活ㆍ余暇生活 95Let’s Check4 인간관계 Human Relationsㆍ人际关系ㆍ人間関係 103Let’s Check5 일상 행위 Daily Behaviorㆍ日常行为ㆍ日常行為 113Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 相 each otherㆍ相ㆍ相 12104 의식주 The Necessities of Life·衣食住·衣食住1 식생활 Dietary Lifeㆍ饮食ㆍ食生活 124Let’s Check2 의생활 Clothing Lifeㆍ衣着ㆍ衣生活 133Let’s Check3 주생활 Housing Lifeㆍ居住ㆍ住生活 141Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 力 powerㆍ力量ㆍ力 14805 건강 Health·健康·健康1 건강 상태 Health Conditionㆍ健康状态ㆍ健康状態 150Let’s Check2 병/증상 Illness/Symptomㆍ疾病/症状ㆍ病気/症状 158Let’s Check3 치료 Treatmentㆍ治疗ㆍ治療 168Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 過 to be excessiveㆍ过分ㆍ過 17406 교육 Education·教育·教育1 교육 행정 Educational Administrationㆍ教育行政ㆍ教育行政 176Let’s Check2 적성/진로 Aptitude/Course in Lifeㆍ性向/出路ㆍ適性/進路 184Let’s Check3 철학/윤리 Philosophy/Ethicsㆍ哲学/伦理ㆍ哲学/倫理 192Let’s Check4 학문 용어 Academic Termㆍ学问用语ㆍ学問用語 199Let’s Check5 학문 행위 Academic Behaviorㆍ学问行为ㆍ学問行為 205Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 學 to learnㆍ学习ㆍ学 21607 사회생활 Social Life·社会生活·社会生活1 문제/해결 Problem/Solutionㆍ问题/解决ㆍ問題/解決 218Let’s Check2 사회 현상 Social Phenomenonㆍ社会现象ㆍ社会現象 229Let’s Check3 성공/실패 Success/Failureㆍ成功/失败ㆍ成功/失敗 238Let’s Check4 직장/직장 생활 Work/Life at Workㆍ职场/职场生活ㆍ職場/職場生活 249Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 成 to makeㆍ成就ㆍ成 25608 경제/경영 Economics/Business Administration·经济/经营·経済/経営1 경영 전략 Business Strategyㆍ经营策略ㆍ経営戦略 258Let’s Check2 경제 현상 Economic Phenomenonㆍ经济现象ㆍ経済現象 267Let’s Check3 경제 활동 Economic Activityㆍ经济活动ㆍ経済活動 275Let’s Check4 기업 경영 Business Managementㆍ企业经营ㆍ企業経営 282Let’s Check5 재무/금융 Finance/Bankingㆍ财务/金融ㆍ財務/金融 291Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 急 to be urgentㆍ急ㆍ急 29809 국가 Country·國家·国家1 법/질서 Law/Orderㆍ法律/秩序ㆍ法/秩序 300Let’s Check2 정치 Politicsㆍ政治ㆍ政治 310Let’s Check3 행정/사회 복지 Administration/Social Welfareㆍ行政/社会福利ㆍ行政/社会福祉 318Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 主 ownerㆍ主人ㆍ主 32510 문화/역사 Culture/History·文化/历史·文化/歴史1 대중문화 Popular Cultureㆍ大众文化ㆍ大衆文化 328Let’s Check2 역사 Historyㆍ历史ㆍ歴史 341Let’s Check3 전통문화 Traditional Cultureㆍ传统文化ㆍ伝統文化 349Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 意 meaningㆍ意思ㆍ意 35611 예술/스포츠 Arts/Sports·艺术/运动·芸術/スポーツ1 건축 Architectureㆍ建筑ㆍ建築 358Let’s Check2 문학 Literatureㆍ文学ㆍ文学 367Let’s Check3 스포츠 Sportsㆍ运动ㆍスポーツ 378Let’s Check4 예술 Artㆍ艺术ㆍ芸術 391Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 作 to make, to buildㆍ做,制造ㆍ作 40212 자연/환경 Nature/Environment·自然/环境·自然/環境1 기상/기후 Weather Condition/Climateㆍ气象/气候ㆍ気象/気候 404Let’s Check2 생태 Ecologyㆍ生态ㆍ生態 410Let’s Check3 자연 현상 Natural Phenomenonㆍ自然现象ㆍ自然現象 416Let’s Check4 재난/재해 Human Disaster/Natural Disasterㆍ灾难/灾害ㆍ災難/災害 424Let’s Check5 지형/지역 Topography/Regionㆍ地形/地域ㆍ地形/地域 433Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 物 itemㆍ物件ㆍ物 44213 과학/기술 Science/Technology·科学/技术·科学/技術1 교통/운송 Traffic/Transportationㆍ交通/运输ㆍ交通/運送 444Let’s Check2 정보/기술 Information/Technologyㆍ信息/技术ㆍ情報/技術 453Let’s Check3 통신/매체 Communication/Mediaㆍ通信/媒体ㆍ通信/メディア 465Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 度 lawㆍ法度ㆍ度 47414 성질 Properties·性质·性質1 속도/수량/크기 Speed/Quantity/Sizeㆍ速度/数量/大小ㆍ速度/数量/大きさ 476Let’s Check2 시간/시기 Time/Timingㆍ时间/时机ㆍ時間/時期 482Let’s Check3 의성어/의태어 Onomatopoeia/Mimetic Wordsㆍ拟声语/拟态语ㆍ擬音語/擬態語 490Let’s Check4 정도 Extentㆍ程度ㆍ程度 499Let’s Checkㆍ Korean through Chinese Characters 化 to becomeㆍ化ㆍ化 509부록 Appendix·附录·付録반의어/유의어, 접두사/접미사, 의존 명사 목록Antonyms/Synonyms, Prefixes/Suffixes, Bound Nouns 512ㆍ 유의어/반의어 Synonymsㆍ近义词ㆍ類義語 / Antonymsㆍ反义词ㆍ反対語 512ㆍ 접두사/접미사 Prefixesㆍ前缀ㆍ接頭辞 / Suffixesㆍ后缀ㆍ接尾辞 522ㆍ 의존 명사 Passive Verbsㆍ被动词ㆍ受身動詞 / Causative Verbsㆍ使动词ㆍ使役動詞 524정답 Answers 527색인 Index 532
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This book covers a total of approximately 2,000 words according to the following criteria. Selected the vocabulary words appeared more than 3 textbooks from the language institutes of nine universities and two private institutes on the basic first and second level Korean. • The words organized into fourteen topics. The provided example sentences are related to each topic focused on the example sentences used in textbooks and practical sentences frequently used in everyday life• Useful word translations in English, Chinese, and Japanese!• The antonym, synonym, honorific form, low form, related word(s), and reference word(s) are provided in order to widen the students' vocabulary.• A review test similar with TOPIK with 'Let's Check'.• Through learning the Chinese characters, learners will be able to widen their vocabulary range.• Accurately recorded entry words and example sentences available through MP3 downoad
1 약속하기 Making an Appointment Let’s Check!2 인간관계 Human Relationships Let’s Check!3 직장 생활 Office Life Let’s Check!4 하루 일과 Daily Work Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 員 a member
06 여가 생활 Leisure1 여행 Travel Let’s Check!2 운동 Exercise Let’s Check!3 음악 Music4 취미 Hobbies Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 出 to go out
07 날씨 Weather 1 계절 Seasons2 일기예보 Weather Forecast Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 新 to be new
08 시간 Time1 날짜 Date Let’s Check!2 시간 Time Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 日 a day
09 패션 Fashion 1 미용 Beauty Care 2 소품 Accessories 3 의류 Clothing Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 物 a thing
10 경제활동 Economic Activities1 가게/시장 Store/Market Let’s Check!2 경제 Economy 3 쇼핑 Shopping Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 入 to enter
11 교통/통신 Transportation/Communication1 길 찾기 Finding the Way 2 방향 Directions Let’s Check!3 우편 Mail4 위치 Locations5 전화 Telephone Let’s Check!6 탈것 Vehicles Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 通 to be connected
12 장소 Places1 건물 Buildings 2 길 Roads Let’s Check!3 도시 Cities 4 동네 Neighborhoods5 서울 Seoul Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 場 a place
13 집/자연 House/Nature 1 동식물 Animals and Plants 2 자연환경 Natural Environment Let’s Check!3 전기/전자 제품 Electric/Electronic Appliances4 집안 Household 5 집안 가구/물건 Household Furniture/Goods Let’s Check!6 집안 구조 Structure of the House 7 집안일 Housework Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 家 a house
14 문화 Culture 1 대중매체 Mass Media2 사회 Society Let’s Check!3 영화/연극 Movies/Plays4 예술/문학 Art/Literature 5 전통문화 Traditional Culture Let’s Check!• Korean through Chinese Characters 動 to move
15 기타 Etc.1 기타 Etc.• Let’s Check!
부록 Appendix추가 어휘 Additional Vocabulary • 국가명 Nations • 색깔 Colors • 운동 Sports • 가계도 Family Tree • 신체 부위 명칭 The Names of Body Parts• 착용 동사 Verbs Related to Clothing and Accessories• 띠 The Chinese Zodiac Signs • 요일 Days of the Week• 월 Months •• 숫자 Numbers • 접속부사 Conjunctive Adverbs• 준말 Abbreviations • 반의어 Antonyms• 유의어 Synonyms • 단위명사 Counting Units • 전국 지도 National Map • 서울 지도 Seoul Map 불규칙 동사 • 형용사 활용표 Table of Irregular Verbs and Adjectives정답 Answer 색인 Index
Die Vorteile dieses Buches
- eine Auswahl von 2.000 wichtigen koreanischen Vokabeln für die Aufbaustufe - systematische thematische Gliederung in 14 Kategorien - Übersetzung des koreanischen Eintrags in Englisch, Japanisch und Chinesisch - Anschauliche Beispielsatze zeigen die Vokabel im Satzzusammenhang - Angabe von Synonymen, Antonymen, Höflichkeitsformen, usw.
- Für jede Kategorie mehrere Vokabeltests 'Let's Check'
- Genaue und verständliche Hörbeispiele aller Wörter und Beispielsätze auf der begleitenden MP3 CD
머리말 Introduction 4
이 책의 구성 및 활용 6
How to use this book
01 인간 People·人·人間
1 감정 Emotions•感情•感情 16
Let’s Check
2 인지능력 Cognitive Ability•认知能力•認知能力 29
Let’s Check
3 의사소통 Communication•沟通•コミュニケーション 41
Let’s Check
4 성격 Personality•性格•性格 49
Let’s Check
5 외모 Appearance•外貌•外見 58
6 인생 Life•人生•人生 61
Let’s Check
7 인간관계 Human Relationships•人际关系•人間関係 68
Let’s Check
8 태도 Attitude•态度•態度 81
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 心 a mind•心•心 96
02 행동 Actions·行动·行動
1 손/발 관련 동작 Actions Using Hands/Feet•与手/脚相关的动作•手足にかかわる動作 98
Let’s Check
2 눈/코/입 관련 동작 Actions Using Eyes/Nose/Mouth•
与眼睛/鼻子/ 嘴相关的动作•目/鼻/口にかかわる動作 111
3 몸 관련 동작 Actions Using Body•与身体相关的动作•体にかかわる動作 116
Let’s Check
4 이동 Movement•移动•移動 120
5 준비/과정/결과 Preparation/Progress/Results•准备/过程/结果•準備/過程/結果 124
Let’s Check
6 피동 Passive•被动•受身 131
Let’s Check
7 사동 Causative•使动•使役 142
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 生 a life•生•生 152
03 성질/양 Quality/Quantity·性质/量·性質/量
1 상태 Condition•状态•状態 154
Let’s Check
2 정도 Degree•程度•程度 167
Let’s Check
3 증감 Increase and Decrease•增减•増減 181
Let’s Check
4 수량/크기/범위 Amount/Size/Scope•数量/大小/范围• 数量/大きさ/範囲 188
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 性 a character•性•性 202
04 지식/교육 Knowledge/Education· 知识/教育·知識/教育
1 학문 Studies•学问•学問 204
2 연구/보고서 Research/Reports•研究/报告•研究/レポート 210
Let’s Check
3 학교 생활 School Life•学校生活•学校生活 221
Let’s Check
4 수업/시험 Classes/Exams•课业/考试•授業/テスト 233
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 敎 to teach•敎•教 243
05 의식주 Necessities of Life ·衣食住·衣食住
1 의생활 Clothing•着装生活•衣生活 246
Let’s Check
2 식생활 Diet•饮食生活•食生活 252
Let’s Check
3 요리 재료 Cooking Ingredients•料理材料•食材 259
4 조리 방법 Cooking Method•烹饪方法•調理方法 263
Let’s Check
5 주거 생활 Residential Life•住居生活•住生活 268
6 주거 공간/생활용품 Residence/Daily Supplies•居住空间/生活用品• 住居空間/生活用品 275
7 집 주위 환경 Neighborhood •寓所周边环境•家のまわりの環境 283
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 品 a thing•品•品 288
06 날씨/생활 Weather/Life·天气/生活·天気/生活
1 일기예보 Weather Forecast•天气预报•天気予報 290
2 여가 활동 Leisure Activities•休闲活动•レジャー 294
Let’s Check
3 문제/해결 Problems/Solutions•问题/解决•問題/解決 304
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 用 to use•用•用 311
07 사회생활 Social Life·社会生活·社会生活
1 직장 생활 Life at Work•职玚生活•職場生活 314
2 구인/구직 Employment/Recruitment•雇人/求职• 求人/求職 326
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 會 to assemble•会•会 331
08 건강 Health ∙ 健康·健康
1 신체/건강 상태 Body/Physical Condition• 身体/健康状态•身体/健康状態 334
Let’s Check
2 질병/증상 Illnesses/Symptoms•疾病/症状•病気/症状 341
Let’s Check
3 병원 Hospital•医院•病院 348
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 身 the body•身•身 354
09 자연/환경 Nature/Environment· 自然/环境·自然/環境
1 동식물 Animals and Plants•动植物•動植物 356
2 우주/지리 Universe/Geography•宇宙/地理•宇宙/地理 358
Let’s Check
3 재난/재해 Disasters•灾难/灾害•災難/災害 365
4 환경문제 Environmental Issues•环境问题•環境問題 370
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 氣 energy•气•気 374
10 국가/사회 Nation/Society·国家/ 社会·国家/社会
1 국가/정치 Nation/Politics•国家/政治•国家/政治 376
2 사회 현상/사회문제 Social Phenomenon/Social Issues•
社会现象/社会问题•社会現象/社会問題 384
3 사회 활동 Social Activities•社会活动•社会活動 392
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 國 Country•国家•国 397
11 경제 Economy·经济·経済
1 경제 활동 Economic Activities•经济活动•経済活動 400
Let’s Check
2 생산/소비 Production/Consumption•生产/消费•生産/消費 406
Let’s Check
3 기업/경영 Business/Management•企业/经营•企業/経営 414
4 금융/재무 Finance•金融/财务•金融/財務 420
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 金 money•金•金 426
12 교통/통신 Traffic/Communication· 交通/通信·交通/通信
1 교통/운송 Traffic/Transportation•交通/运输•交通/運送 428
Let’s Check
2 정보/통신 Information/Communication•信息/通信•情報/通信 437
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 機 machine•机•機 444
13 예술/문화 Art/Culture·艺术/文化·芸術/文化
1 예술/종교 Art/Religion•艺术/宗教•芸術/宗教 446
2 대중문화/대중매체 Pop Culture/Mass Media•大众文化/大众媒体•大衆文化/マスメディア 450
3 한국 문화/예절 Korean Culture/Etiquette•韩国文化/礼节•韓国文化/礼節 457
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 文 a letter•文•文 463
14 기타 Etc.·其它·その他
1 시간 표현 Time Expressions•时间表现•時間表現 466
Let’s Check
2 부사 Adverbs•副词•副詞 480
Let’s Check
• Korean through Chinese Characters 期 a time•期•期 487
부록 Appendix·附录·付録
추가 어휘 Additional Vocabulary 490
• 동물 Animals•动物•動物 490
• 어패류 Fish and Shellfish•鱼贝类•魚介類 491
• 곤충 Insects•昆虫•昆虫 491
• 채소류 Vegetables•蔬菜类•野菜類 492
• 신체 내부 기관 Organs•身体内部器官•体内の器官 493
• 얼굴 Face•脸•顔 493
• 손발 Hands and Feet•手脚•手足 494
• 병원 Hospital•医院•病院 494
• 집 구조 House Layout•室内构造•家の構造 494
• 가전제품 Home Appliances•家电制品•家電製品 494
• 욕실 용품 Bathroom Articles•浴室用品•お風呂用品 496
• 주방 용품 Kitchen Utensils & Appliances•厨房用品•台所用品 497
• 한국 풍물 지도 The Map of Korean Institutions and Customs•
韩国民俗地图•韓国の風物地図 498
• 단위 명사 Counting Units•单位名词•単位を表す名詞 499
피동사/사동사, 반의어/유의어, 접두사/접미사 목록
Passive Verbs/Causative Verbs, Antonyms/Synonyms, Prefixes/Suffixes 500
• 피동사/사동사 Passive Verbs•被动词•受身動詞 / Causative Verbs•使动词•使役動詞 500
• 반의어/유의어 Antonyms•反义词•反対語 / Synonyms•近义词•類義語 503
• 접두사/접미사 Prefixes•前缀•接頭辞 / Suffixes•后缀•接尾辞 510
정답 Answers 517
색인 Index 521
A practical 367 page handbook with all you need to read and write the written language of Korea. This invaluable mini-dictionary of characters for modern readers includes the following outstanding features:
1,800 characters arranged in a practical format.
�all the characters required in Korean schools
�models showing how to write each character
�5,000 sample vocabulary words, three per character
�sample words selected on the basis of frequency of use
Hangul-in-a-hurry�a fast method to learn the indigenous Korean alphabet.
�hangul-in-a-hurry chart for fast learning
�models showing how to write each letter
�models showing how to make syllables
Stroke-count, radical and phonetic indices
Charts of surnames, simplified hanja, look-alike characters, others.
한국외국어대학교에서 아랍어를 전공하고 동대학에서 아랍어로 문학석사학위를 받았다. 사우디아라비아 왕립 이슬람대학교에서 이슬람학을 전공하고, 수단 움두르만 국립 이슬람 대학교에서 이슬람학으로 문학박사를 받았다. 사우디아라비아 압둘라 국왕 국제 번역상을 수상했으며, 사우디아라비아 제다 이슬람문화원 교수, 사우디아라비아 이맘 무함마드 이븐 사우드 왕립 대학교 객원교수, 성천문화재단 '동서인문고전강좌' 교수, 명지대학교 인문대학장, (주)IMEX 이슬람 컨텐츠 개발 자문 및 검수위원, 동남아시아 및 태평양지역 이슬람회의기구 집행위원(말레이시아)이었다. 현재 전세계이슬람총연맹 최고회의 위원(사우디아라비아), AI-Masjid Magazine 필진(Saudi Arabia 발행), 서울대, 연세대, 서강대 강사, 명지대학교 아랍지역학과 교수, K.I.H.F 회장, 교육과학기술부 교과용도서 심의위원, LG전자 자문교수, 사단법인 그린레이저 이사장, 재단법인 국제자연환경 교육재단 이사장 이다.
이집트 사람들이 사용하는 구어체 아랍어(colloquial Arabic) 단어들을 다루고 있는 『이집트 구어체 아랍어 사전 (한국어-아랍어)』에서는 일만 개 이상의 다양한 단어와 예문을 수록하였다. 모든 발음들은 국제 음성학 기호로 음가가 표기되어 있으며, 아랍어 발음과 더불어 아랍어 문자도 함께 표기하였다. 본 사전을 통해 구어체 아랍어에 능숙해짐으로써 현대 표준 아랍어를 더 효율적으로 공부할 수 있을 것이다. (남색, 가죽, 가로 11.3cm x 세로 15cm x 두께 2.5cm)
Basic Korean-English, English-Korean Dictionary Compiled by Sang-Oak Lee This pocket-size dictionary is a handy reference for any English speaker studying Korean.
A combination of simple definitions and practical expressions make it easy to use.
Romanized entries are followed by Korean hangul spellings and the most commonly used Korean words are clearly marked, helping learners acquire vocabulary in gradual stages.
Appendixes explain important grammatical and cultural features of Korean, such as idiomatic usages and the system of honorifics. About 9,000 entries
이 사전의 특색은 다음과 같다.
→ 일상 생활에 필요한 어휘를 엄선 수록
→ 요즘 새로이 등장한 신조어와 컴퓨터 관련 용어,
정보 통신 용어, 경제 용어, 국제 용어 등을 대폭
→ 초보자를 위하여 예문에도 병음을 병기
→ 의성어·의태어를 다수 수록
→ 어휘의 뜻을 세분화 하였음
Click here to download the audiofiles
This book is a part of the Korean Made Easy series, a bestseller in self-study Korean language books, now published in a Spanish version for Spanish speakers. This volume helps beginner students easily learn Hangul, pronunciation, basic vocabulary and core expressions. Each chapter is laid out in the 5 steps of “introduction-lesson-reading-listening-activities,” so that students can master Hangul in just 20 sessions. Readers will be able to study Hangul and basic vocabulary in a fun way through various forms of questions. The included Korean poster and portable expression cards aid readers in becoming familiar with Hangul and Korean expressions at any time and any place. *A customized Korean vocabulary book for Spanish speakers!* For Spanish-speaking students who wish to become fluent in Korean, the book provides a customized tool for learning Korean. *Detailed explanations about the letters and pronunciation of Hangul for beginners!* Even beginners can effectively learn the unfamiliar alphabet of Hangul by reading about how the letters were designed. Similar pronunciations in Spanish are suggested as to help Spanish speakers better understand the Korean alphabet. Native pronunciation is provided through QR codes and MP3 files. *Various activities and fun questions help students master Hangul and its pronunciation!* Pronunciation and letters which may be confusing for non-native speakers can be practiced through various activities and game-like training questions. A fun way to learn Hangul and its pronunciation. *Portable study aids for easy learning!* Included in the book are 24 useful expression cards essential for beginning students. Learning basic Korean expressions has never been easier. A Korean language poster illustrating the combination of vowels and consonants, numbers, etc. helps students learning Korean for the first time become familiar with the structure of Hangul.
머리말 Prólogo 04 일러두기 Cómo utilizar este manual 06 차례 Índice 10 내용 구성표 Tabla de contenidos 12 Sección 1 Introducción al hangul 14 Sección 2 Peculiaridades de las vocales y las consonantes coreanas 18 Sección 3 Peculiaridades de las frases en coreano 21 Capítulo 1 Seis vocales simples ㅏ ㅓ ㅗ ㅜ ㅡ ㅣ 26 Capítulo 2 Tres consonantes simples ㅁ ㄴ ㄹ 34 Capítulo 3 Seis consonantes simples ㅂ ㄷ ㅅ ㅈ ㄱ ㅎ 44 Capítulo 4 Las consonantes ㅁ ㄴ ㄹ ㅇ ㅂ ㄷ ㅅ ㅈ ㄱ ㅎ en posición posvocálica 56 Capítulo 5 Cuatro diptongos con [j] ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ 70 Capítulo 6 Dos vocales simples ㅐ ㅔ y dos diptongos con [j] ㅒ ㅖ 82 Capítulo 7 Cuatro consonantes aspiradas ㅍ ㅌ ㅊ ㅋ 92 Capítulo 8 Siete diptongos ㅘ ㅝ ㅙ ㅞ ㅚ ㅟ ㅢ 108 Capítulo 9 Cinco consonantes tensas ㅃ ㄸ ㅆ ㅉ ㄲ 122 Capítulo 10 Las consonantes ㅍ ㅌ ㅊ ㅋ ㅆ ㄲ en posición final y los grupos de dos consonantes en posición final 136 Revisión final 150 부록Ⅰ AnexoⅠ 정답 Clave de respuestas 154 듣기 대본 Transcripciones de las audiciones 162 색인 Glosario 171 부록Ⅱ AnexoⅡ 24개의 중요 표현 카드 Veinticuatro tarjetas con expresiones comunicativas útiles 183
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This book is a part of the Korean Made Easy series, a bestseller in self-study Korean language books., now published in a Spanish version for Spanish speakers. This volume helps beginner and intermediate students learn Korean through examples of real-life situations. Part 1 deals with 50 expressions which are very often used in everyday situations, and readers may even practice conversations skills with these expressions. Part 2 introduces 24 conversational examples visitors are likely to experience in Korea, along with vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and cultural content that are useful in real-life situations.*A customized Korean vocabulary book for Spanish speakers!**For Spanish-speaking students who wish to become fluent in conversational Korean, the book provides a customized tool for learning Korean.*Developing conversational skills by practicing real-life situations!**The book allows beginning to intermediate students (A2~B1) who have knowledge of Hangul, tense and basic elements to learn practical conversational Korean. The “grammar rehearsal” and “conversation rehearsal” parts provide practice for vocabulary and grammar, ultimately resulting in increased communication skills.*Conversations are provided in both slow pace and regular pace for enhanced listening skills!**Part 2 offers two versions of conversations; once slow and then at regular speed so students may understand the audio better. Students may also repeatedly listen to the pronunciation of native speakers using the QR code, for enhanced listening skills.*A fun way to understand the cultural background of the Korean language!**In the final part of each chapter in part 2, various information about Korean life and culture is provided in Spanish to help students better understand Korea and Koreans in general. A fun way to self-study!
서문 Pr?logo 04이 책의 사용법 C?mo usar este libro 06목차 ?ndice 10내용 구성표 Tabla de contenidos 12등장인물 Personajes principales 17Parte 1 50 Expresiones ?tilesUnidad 01 Saludos al conocerse por primera vez 20Unidad 02 Expresando gratitud y arrepentimiento 24Unidad 03 Expresando sus pensamientos 28Unidad 04 Respondiendo a la otra persona 32Unidad 05 Saludos en la vida diaria 36Unidad 06 Expresiones en la mesa 40Unidad 07 Felicitando, consolando y animando 44Unidad 08 Hablando por tel?fono 48Unidad 09 Pidiendo a alguien que repita lo que dijo 52Unidad 10 Diciendo adi?s 56Parte 2 24 Escenas en la vida cotidianaCap?tulo 1 Comenzando su viaje en CoreaEscena 01 좀 천천히 말해 주세요 ¿Podr?a hablar m?s despacio, por favor? 65Escena 02 반대쪽에서 타세요 Tome el metro en el lado opuesto 73Escena 03 외국인이세요? ¿Es usted extranjero/a? 81Escena 04 이쪽으로 쭉 가면 오른쪽에 편의점이 있어요 Si sigue recto por este camino, hay una tienda de conveniencia a la derecha 89Cap?tulo 2 Preparando lo que necesita para vivir en CoreaEscena 05 외국인 등록증을 신청하고 싶어요 Quiero obtener la tarjeta de registro de extranjero 99Escena 06 지금 이 집을 볼 수 있어요? ¿Puedo ver esta casa ahora? 107Escena 07 얼마 동안 돈을 내야 돼요? ¿Por cu?nto tiempo tengo que pagar? 115Escena 08 제가 매운 음식을 못 먹어요 No puedo comer comida picante 123Cap?tulo 3 Haciendo una cita con amigos en CoreaEscena 09 우리 같이 영화 볼까요? ¿Vemos una pel?cula juntos? 133Escena 10 내일 친구들하고 영화를 보려고 해요 Ma?ana ir? a ver una pel?cula con mis amigos 141Escena 11 사람이 많아서 유진 씨가 안 보여요 Hay mucha gente, as? que no puedo ver a Yujin 149Escena 12 죄송합니다. 지금 빵이 없습니다 Lo siento. No hay pan ahora 157Cap?tulo 4 Adapt?ndose a la vida en CoreaEscena 13 더 싼 거 있어요? ¿Hay algo m?s barato? 167Escena 14 너무 짧지 않게 잘라 주세요 No lo corte demasiado, por favor 175Escena 15 토요일에 하지만 일요일에 쉽니다Abrimos los s?bados, pero cerramos los domingos 183Escena 16 비행기로 보내시겠어요? ¿Desea enviarlo por avi?n? 191Cap?tulo 5 Resolviendo problemasEscena 17 열도 있고 콧물도 나요 Tengo fiebre y secreci?n nasal 201Escena 18 옷이 조금 크니까 한 치수 작은 사이즈로 주세요La ropa me queda un poco grande, deme una talla m?s peque?a, por favor 209Escena 19 이따가 출발할 때 연락해 주세요 Por favor cont?cteme m?s tarde cuando salga 217Escena 20 가방을 잃어버렸는데 어떻게 해야 돼요? Perd? mi bolso, ¿qu? debo hacer? 225Cap?tulo 6 Viajando en CoreaEscena 21 방을 예약했는데 확인해 주시겠어요? Hice la reserva de una habitaci?n, ¿podr?a comprobarla? 235Escena 22 돌아오는 배가 몇 시에 있어요? ¿A qu? hora es el barco de regreso? 243Escena 23 ‘바다’ 식당에 가 보세요 Vaya al restaurante “Bada” 251Escena 24 한국에서 여행해 봤어요? ¿Ha viajado alguna vez en Corea? 259부록 Anexo문법표 Tabla gramatical 268정답 Respuestas 277색인 Glosario 279
Coreano fácil para principiantes 2a. ediciones is the revised version of the best-seller, Coreano fácil para principiantes. It is made for Spanish speaking learners’ self-study using a simple conversational method to teach everything that you need to start speaking and understanding Korean. The book is designed to be completed in a short time and simple enough for everyone with no background in Korean.
Click here to download the audiofiles 1. Fun and easy • Easy explanations on Korean designed after the origin of Hangeul. • Essential grammar taught simply and directly through visual presentations. • Extensive use of pictures and tables for clear understanding. • MP3 files of professional voice actors and comprehensive explanations help you master Korean pronunciation. 2. Practical • 20 lessons on practical, everyday topics • Additional vocabulary and practical expressions of everyday life are presented with lively illustrations • Fun explanations on unique Korean culture 3. MP3 files • 40 lively dialogues and 20 essential pronunciation points, Additional Vocabulary, and Useful Phrases • 20 listening exercises • 40 Key Phrases of Key Phrase Book 4. Key Phrase Book • 40 practical phrases for everyday usage
서문 Prologo 04 일러두기 Como usar este libro 06 목차 Contenidos 09 교재 구성표 indice 10 한글 개요 Introduccion al hangul 13 한글 I Hangul I 17 한글 II Hangul II 25 한글 III Hangul III 35 한글 IV Hangul IV 45 등장인물 소개 ¡Conoces a los personajes principales! 61 Capitulo 01 안녕하세요? 저는 폴이에요. Hola. Soy Paul. 63 Capitulo 02 아니요, 회사원이에요. No, soy empleado de una compan?a. 73 Capitulo 03 이게 뭐예요? ¿Qu? es esto? 83 Capitulo 04 화장실이 어디에 있어요? ¿D?nde est? el aseo? 93 Capitulo 05 한국 친구 있어요? ¿Tienes amigos coreanos? 103 Capitulo 06 전화번호가 몇 번이에요? ¿Cu?l es tu n?mero de tel?fono? 113 Capitulo 07 생일이 며칠이에요? ¿Qu? d?a es tu cumplea?os? 123 Capitulo 08 보통 아침 8시 30분에 회사에 가요. Suelo ir a la oficina a las ocho y media de la ma?ana. 133 Capitulo 09 집에 지하철로 가요. Voy a casa en metro. 143 Capitulo 10 전부 얼마예요? ¿Cu?nto es en total? 153 Capitulo 11 어디에서 저녁 식사해요? ¿D?nde cenas? 163 Capitulo 12 매주 일요일에 영화를 봐요. Todos los domingos veo una pel?cula. 173 Capitulo 13 머리가 아파요. Me duele la cabeza. 183 Capitulo 14 지난주에 제주도에 여행 갔어요. La semana pasada fui de viaje a la isla de Chechu. 193 Capitulo 15 내일 한국 음식을 만들 거예요. Ma?ana preparar? comida coreana. 203 Capitulo 16 같이 영화 보러 갈 수 있어요? ¿Qu? tal si vamos a ver una pel?cula? 213 Capitulo 17 미안하지만, 다시 한 번 말해 주세요. Disculpe, ¿pero puede repetirlo? 223 Capitulo 18 저도 한국어를 배우고 싶어요. Yo tambi?n quiero aprender coreano. 233 Capitulo 19 그다음에 오른쪽으로 가세요. Gire a la derecha en la siguiente. 243 Capitulo 20 성함이 어떻게 되세요? ¿C?mo se llama usted? 253 부록 Anexo 263 문법 부록 Notas addicionales de gram?tica 264 추가 문법 Repaso gramatical 267 정답 Clave de respuestas 277 색인 Glosario de vocabulario 282
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This book is the vocabulary volume of the Korean Made Easy series, a bestseller in self-study Korean language books. It is now published in a Spanish version for Spanish speakers. The series allows learners to study the various meanings and usage of Korean vocabulary in a systematic and effective way, leading to fun and easy learning. It carries 100 lessons which are divided into 3 parts according to meanings and themes. Readers will learn 2,500 Korean words ranging from beginner to intermediate level. Examples of usage of practical vocabulary words are kindly illustrated, and readers can even hear and practice speaking by using the QR code which provides audio resources. The questions at the end of each lesson provide necessary practice and drill to learn the usage of essential words.*A customized Korean vocabulary book for Spanish speakers!*As the Spanish version of the bestselling self-study Korean language learning book, Korean Made Easy –Vocabulary provides Spanish speakers with a customized tool for learning Korean.*100 lessons on essential vocabulary words grouped according to meanings and themes!*Approximately 2,500 words ranging from beginning to intermediate levels are introduced through 100 lessons. Words are suggested in parts 1, 2, and 3, depending on the difficulty level of the example sentences so the reader may comprehend the contexts of usage effectively.*Study vocabulary and even practice speaking through helpful illustrations and audio content!*Various visual images, audio content, conversational cards and varied practice questions help readers effectively learn vocabulary and even practice speaking skills for actual conversations.*Readers may select vocabulary according to themes they need!*Chapters in the book gradually introduce vocabulary of higher levels, but each level is designed independently, so readers may skip and select chapters in any order they like.
서문 Pr?logo ------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 일러두기 C?mo utilizar este libro ----------------------------------------- 06 목차 ?ndice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Parte 1 N?meros Cap?tulo 01 Leer n?meros 1 --------------------------------- 16 Cap?tulo 02 Leer n?meros 2 --------------------------------- 18 Cap?tulo 03 Como leer precios --------------------------------- 20 Cap?tulo 04 Como contar objetos --------------------------------- 22 Tiempo Cap?tulo 05 Meses y d?as --------------------------------- 24 Cap?tulo 06 D?as festivos ------------------------------------------ 26 Cap?tulo 07 Los d?as de la semana --------------------------------- 28 Cap?tulo 08 A?os ---------------------------------------------------------- 30 Cap?tulo 09 Semanas y meses -------------------------------------- 32 Cap?tulo 10 D?as y a?os ---------------------------------------------- 34 Cap?tulo 11 C?mo leer el tiempo --------------------------------- 36 Cap?tulo 12 Duraci?n de tiempo --------------------------------- 38 Informaci?n Personal Cap?tulo 13 Pa?ses --------------------------------------------------- 40 Cap?tulo 14 Nacionalidades e idiomas --------------------------- 42 Cap?tulo 15 Trabajo y ocupaci?n ----------------------------------- 44 Cap?tulo 16 Edad ---------------------------------------------- 46 Cap?tulo 17 Familia ---------------------------------------------- 48 Lugares Cap?tulo 18 Lugares y ubicaci?n 1 ------------------------------- 50 Cap?tulo 19 Lugares y ubicaci?n 2 ------------------------------ 52 Cap?tulo 20 En la calle -------------------------------------------- 54 Cap?tulo 21 Lugares y direcciones ------------------------------ 56 Cap?tulo 22 Pedir direcciones ------------------------------------ 58 Objetos Cap?tulo 23 Pertenencias y posesiones --------------------------- 60 Cap?tulo 24 Describir la habitaci?n --------------------------- 62 Cap?tulo 25 Describir la casa --------------------------------------- 64 Cap?tulo 26 Muebles y art?culos del hogar--------------------------- 66 Vida d?aria Cap?tulo 27 Rutina diaria --------------------------------------- 68 Cap?tulo 28 Actividades dom?sticas --------------------------- 70 Cap?tulo 29 Actividades diarias ------------------------------------ 72 Cap?tulo 30 Labores dom?sticas ------------------------------------- 74 Cap?tulo 31 Actividades de fin de semana --------------------------- 76 Cap?tulo 32 Verbos comunes ---------------------------------------- 78 Cap?tulo 33 Adjetivos comunes -------------------------------------- 80 Cap?tulo 34 Expresiones comunes 1 ----------------------------------- 82 Cap?tulo 35 Expresiones comunes 2 -------------------------------- 84 Comidas y bebidas Cap?tulo 36 Frutas --------------------------- 86 Cap?tulo 37 Verduras --------------------------- 88 Cap?tulo 38 Carne y mariscos --------------------------- 90 Cap?tulo 39 Alimentos y bebidas --------------------------- 92 Cap?tulo 40 Bebidas --------------------------- 94 Cap?tulo 41 Bocadillos y postres --------------------------- 96 Cap?tulo 42 La mesa del comedor --------------------------- 98 Cap?tulo 43 Comidas --------------------------- 100 Cap?tulo 44 M?todos de cocina --------------------------- 102 Entretenimiento Cap?tulo 45 Pasatiempos y hobbies --------------------------- 104 Cap?tulo 46 Deportes --------------------------- 106 Cap?tulo 47 Ir de viaje 1 --------------------------- 108 Cap?tulo 48 Ir de viaje 2 --------------------------- 110 Cap?tulo 49 Comunicaci?n --------------------------- 112 Cap?tulo 50 Adquisici?n de bienes --------------------------- 114 Personas Cap?tulo 51 Sentimientos y sensaciones --------------------------- 116 Cap?tulo 52 Emociones --------------------------- 118 Cap?tulo 53 Describir personas --------------------------- 120 Cap?tulo 54 El cuerpo y las enfermedades --------------------------- 122 Cap?tulo 55 El cuerpo --------------------------- 124 Cap?tulo 56 Vestuario --------------------------- 126 Naturaleza Cap?tulo 57 Las cuatro estaciones --------------------------- 128 Cap?tulo 58 El clima --------------------------- 130 Cap?tulo 59 Animales --------------------------- 132 Cap?tulo 60 En el campo --------------------------- 134 Parte 2 Hablar de uno mismo Cap?tulo 61 Apariencia --------------------------- 138 Cap?tulo 62 Personalidad --------------------------- 142 Cap?tulo 63 Sentimientos --------------------------- 146 Cap?tulo 64 Relaciones interpersonales --------------------------- 148 Cap?tulo 65 Vida ---------------------------------------------------------- 152 Problemas y conflictos Cap?tulo 66 Lesiones y heridas --------------------------- 154 Cap?tulo 67 Tratamiento m?dico --------------------------- 156 Cap?tulo 68 Problemas en el hogar ---------------------------158 Cap?tulo 69 Problemas diarios ------------------------------- 160 Cap?tulo 70 Conflictos y problemas --------------------------- 162 Opuestos Cap?tulo 71 Adverbios opuestos 1 --------------------------- 166 Cap?tulo 72 Adverbios opuestos 2 --------------------------- 168 Cap?tulo 73 Adjetivos opuestos 1 --------------------------- 170 Cap?tulo 74 Adjetivos opuestos 2 --------------------------- 172 Cap?tulo 75 Verbos opuestos 1 --------------------------- 176 Cap?tulo 76 Verbos opuestos 2 --------------------------- 178 Cap?tulo 77 Verbos opuestos 3 --------------------------- 182 Otros verbos Cap?tulo 78 Verbos de acci?n --------------------------- 184 Cap?tulo 79 Verbos relacionados con el cuerpo ------------------ 186 Cap?tulo 80 Pares de verbos comunes --------------------------- 190 Parte 3 Verbos Cap?tulo 81 Los verbos 가다 y 오다 --------------------------- 196 Cap?tulo 82 El verbo 나다 ----------------------------------------- 202 Cap?tulo 83 El verbo 하다 ----------------------------------------- 206 Cap?tulo 84 El verbo 되다 ------------------------------------------- 210 Cap?tulo 85 Los verbos 생기다, 풀다, 걸리다 -------------------- 214 Cap?tulo 86 La acci?n y el resultado de la acci?n ----------------- 220 Cap?tulo 87 Verbos relacionados con dinero ------------------- 226 Cap?tulo 88 Verbos por categor?a ----------------------------------- 230 Expresiones Cap?tulo 89 Expresiones de emoci?n -------------------- 238 Cap?tulo 90 Expresiones para compras -------------------- 244 Cap?tulo 91 Expresiones para ropa -------------------- 248 Cap?tulo 92 Expresiones de tiempo -------------------- 254 Cap?tulo 93 Cantidades -------------------------------------- 260 Cap?tulo 94 Expresiones de lugar ------------------------------264 Expresiones Ling??sticas Cap?tulo 95 Part?culas ---------------------------------------- 268 Cap?tulo 96 Adverbios interrogativos --------------------276 Cap?tulo 97 Adverbios -------------------------------------- 282 Cap?tulo 98 Adverbios conjuntivos -------------------- 292 Cap?tulo 99 Adjetivos ---------------------------------------- 296 Cap?tulo 100 Sustantivos ---------------------------------------------300 Ap?ndice 정답 Respuestas --------------------------------------------------------308 듣기대본 Transcripciones ----------------------------------------------------326 색인 ?ndice de Vocabulario ---------------------------------------------------340
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Why this book?
This text was designed for French speakers who want to begin learning Korean as a foreign language. Using the main text, learners can not only study Korean through a variety of easy-to-understand situational dialogues and grammar explanations, but they can also study listening, speaking, reading, and writing in an integrated manner through practice exercises that combine these four skills. In addition, every chapter introduces an aspect of Korean culture in a way that French-speaking learners can easily understand. The workbook offers additional practice exercises not able to be sufficiently covered in the main text due to space requirements, allowing the learner to fully master beginning level Korean.
Caractéristiques de cette méthode
Méthode de coréen organisée spécialement pour les apprenants francophones !
Ce manuel de coréen est conçu pour les apprenants francophones au niveau débutant. Le manuel principal permet aux apprenants de comprendre facilement le coréen àtravers des situations variées de dialogue, des explications détaillées de grammaire. Il intègre aussi, dans ses exercices, divers apprentissages : écouter, parler, lire et écrire. Les apprenants peuvent aussi apprendre le coréen plus aisément et sans ennui grâce à la présentation culturelle dans chaque leçon, qui correspond à leurs besoins. Le cahier d'exercices donne aux apprenants une bonne maîtrise de la langue à travers des exercices plus sophistiqués.
About the Authors
Yonghae KWON (Korean language and culture, Professor at La Rochelle University, PhD in Korean Language and Literature (Korean as a Foreign Language) at Sungkyunkwan University, PhD in Linguistics at Toulouse II University)
Hye-gyeong KIM (Korean language and culture, Lecturer at Provence University, PhD in Linguistics (French as a Foreign Language) at Franche-Comté University, Translator of Korean literature, Director of the Aix-en-Provence Korean School)
Hye-young TCHO (Korean language and culture, Lecturer at Science Po, Paris and at the Korean Cultural Center in Paris, PhD in French Literature at Sorbonne University, Post-doc in Korean Religion at EPHE, Translator of eight Korean literary works)
Jungyoon CHOI (Korean language and culture, Lecturer at La Rochelle University and at ISIT, Paris, PhD in Interpretation at the École de Traduction et d’Interprétation of Geneva University, Conference interpreter Korean-English-French)
Preface How to Use This Book Map of the Book Contents Main Characters
Chapter 1. 한글 Chapter 2. 음절 만들기와 발음 규칙 Chapter 3. 저는 모르간이에요. Chapter 4. 이분이 누구예요? Chapter 5. 오늘 시간이 있어요? Chapter 6. 요즘 뭐 해요? Chapter 7. 지금 어디에 가요? Chapter 8. 지금 몇 시예요? Chapter 9. 여보세요? Chapter 10. 지난 주말에 뭐 했어요? Chapter 11. 내일 뭐 할 거예요? Chapter 12. 파리 날씨가 어때요? Chapter 13. 줄리엥 씨 가족은 모두 라로셀에 사세요? Chapter 14. 레오 씨는 취미가 뭐예요? Chapter 15. 감기에 걸렸어요. Chapter 16. 요즘 빨간색 티셔츠가 유행이에요. Chapter 17. 면접 시험을 보러 가요. Chapter 18. 명절에는 한복을 입은 사람들이 많아요. Chapter 19. 우리 언제 부산으로 출발할까요? Chapter 20. 이사하는 게 안 힘들었어요?
Appendix -Answers -Listening Scripts -Translation of Grammar and Expressions -Translation of Culture and Society -Index
The most systematic Korean language text for French-speaking beginning learners!
* 표제어의 선택에 있어서 사용빈도가 높은 어휘와 어의를 우선적으로 채택했다.
* 불규칙동사는 단수 2, 3인칭 현재형, 과거기본형, 명령법, 접속법 제 I, II식을, 명사는 현저하게 변화하는 복수형을 형용사는 불규칙변화를 하는 비교급과 최상급을, 관사류 및 대명사류는 모두 변화형을 각각 독자적인 표제어를 이를 채택했다.
* 관용적으로 쓰여지는 숙어중에서 특히 빈도수가 높은 것은 표제어로써 독립시켰다.
Dictionary of Military Terms
English - Korean, Korean - English, Abbreviations
영·한, 한·영, 약어 합본 - 국방·외교·안보 분야 용어 총망
엣센스 실용군사영어사전은 육·해·공군에 걸쳐 정보, 작전, 인사, 군수 지휘통제
등 군사 전반의 용어를 통합하고 더 나아가 정치, 외교, 통일 분야의 용어를 추가하
여 영·한, 한·영, 약어 3편이 한 세트를 이루어, 보다 폭넓은 범위의 어휘를 한 권
에 찾아볼 수 있도록 구성하였다.
Nothing is censored in Dirty Korean. By revealing the contemporary colloquial language locals actually speak, this book presents cool things to say for all casual situations � shopping, parties, nightclubs, sporting events, and even romance and sex. Dirty Korean includes harsh expressions to convince a local police officer that one's documents are in order and he has been tipped enough, sweet words to entice a local beauty to join you for a plate of kimchi, and even native banter to help make friends over a glass of Soju. An invaluable guide for off-the-beaten-path travelers going to Korea, Dirty Korean is packed with enough insults and swear words to offend every person in Korea without even mentioning Kim Jong-Il or the breed of dog cooked into tonight�s dinner. There�s even sex terminology graphic enough to embarrass even the most jaded hostess at a massage parlor.
Portable & Alive Korean Conversational Book Useful in Everyday Life Easy Talk in Korean is intended to help Korean language learners to more easily speak, understand, and communicate with Korean people. If you are especially a beginner at learning the Korean language, this conversational book is right for you. This book contains essential Korean expressions ranging from basic to advanced and useful phrases that will be helpful in the various daily situations. In the book, there are 18 topics and situations on greetings, personal information, family, transportation, appointment, food & restaurants, shopping, health, on telephone, careers & employment, life at work, days off & vacations, travel, hobbies, weather & seasons, situations & occasions, Korean culture, and idioms. All the conversations cover culture tips, many jokes, and clever additions. The conversations for each topic or situation followed by information and explanations are aligned in one page with few exceptions that is in two pages. Along with situational Korean expressions, the book includes a pronunciation and a grammar section to help you grasp basic Korean sentence structure and grammar at the beginning of the book. Also all the Korean expressions are Romanized to best guide you to correct reading and pronunciation. Easy Talk in Korean is pocket-sized and yet well-informed. The book filled with both realist and interesting dialogues will be of much benefit to the learners of Korean language.