Taekwondo basics refer to units movement that cannot be reduced any further when a specific taekwondo skill is dissected. Multiple unit Taekwondo basics compose various skills. (Kukkiwon, 2005) Taekwondo skills can be categorized into Seogi, Movements, Defense, Attack, Special Poom, and further divided into relevant body parts, movement methods and directions. However, there are very basic techniques of body use among those skills, and mastering them eases body usage for practicing other skills. Such movements have been designated “basic techniques.”
이 책은 태권도 지도자들을 위해 태권도 기본기술과 품새를 지도하는 방법과 활용을 설명했다. 태권도의 기본기술을 바르게 익히기 위해서 어떻게 지도해야 하는지, 어떻게 훈련해야 하는지, 각 동작의 활용방법은 무엇인지 등의 다양한 지도 방법을 제시하였다. 또한, 태권도의 기본기술을 어린이와 태권도 초보자의 지도법에서부터 숙달된 수련생의 활용에 이르기까지 다양하고 자세하게 설명했다. 그 기본기술을 바탕으로 품새를 지도할 때 유품자, 유단자 품새별 주요 동작을 설명하고 그 활용도 설명했다.
[KTA Taekwondo Practical Hand Techniques] aims to rediscover and restore hand techniques that have been gradually forgotten, as found in the Taekwondo textbook (Kukkiwon), allowing Taekwondo instructors nationwide to learn and master various hand techniques and apply them in their dojangs. With the release of this revised edition, a new technique called 'Adjusted Basic Techniques' has also been developed and presented in a step-by-step formatWith QR Links to videos in the book! [KTA 태권도 실전 손기술]은 그동안 사장되어 가는 손기술들을 태권도 태권도 교본(국기원) 에서 찾아내 다시 복원하여 전국
태권도 지도자들이 다양한 손기술을 배우고 익혀서 도장에 접목할 수 있게 하는 것이 목적이다. 이번 개정판을 새롭게 출판하면서
새로운 기술인 “맞추어 기본공방법”이라는 기술도 개발하였고 단계별로 볼 수 있도록 했다. Table of Contents
Chapter 1. "손기술이란 무엇인가?" / 9 " What is the hand technique of Taekwondo?" 1. 태권도 손기술( "태권도의 핵심"은 (실전을 위한) 무술이라는 점이다)·10 Hand techniques of Taekwondo ( "The essence of Taekwondo" is a martial art for actual fighting) 2. "손기술"이란 무엇인가?·14 What is the "Hand technique?" 1) 태권도 손기술의 원리·14 The principle of hand techniques in Taekwondo 2) 몸놀림(身法)·15 Movement 3) 손기술의 숨어있는 힘·16 The power of hand techniquesChapter 2. 태권도 손기술의 자세와 중심이동 / 17 T he basic position of hand technique and moving weigh 1. 실전을 위한 태권도의 서기 (모 주춤서기)·18 Taekwondo stance for actual fighting (Mojuchum seogi) 2. 뒷굽이 (방어형 서기)·19 Dwitgubi (back stance) 3. 중심이동과 발놀림·20 Moving weight and footwork 1) 모주춤서기에서의 5가지 발놀림·20 5 phases of footwork in "Mojuchumseogi". 2) 중심 낮춰 피하기·25 Parrying by lowering the body 3) 중심선 이동하며 피하기·26 Parrying by moving the center of gravity Chapter 3. 손기술 공격법 / 29 O ffensive hand techniques 1. 손기술 기본지르기 1~6번·30 6 Phases of basic punching 2. 손기술 연결지르기 1~12번·38 12 Phases of punch combinationsChapter 4. 손을 펴고하는 공방법 / 51 O ther Hand Skills (aside from punching skills) 1. 바탕손치기 1~5번·53 5 Phases of "Batangson Chigi(Palm hand striking)" 2. 팔굽치기 1~2번·58 2 Phases of "Palkup Chigi(elbow striking)" 3. 손날등치기·61 Sonnal deung Chigi (reverse knifehand strike) 4. 아귀손목치기·62 Agwison Mok Chigi (arc hand striking) 5. 손날목치기·63 Sonnal Mok Chigi (knifehand strike) 6. 굽힌손목치기·64 Guppin sonmok Chigi 7. 맞추어 기본 공,방법 1단계 주먹·65 Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 1 (jumeok) 8. 맞추어 기본 공방법 3단계 실전·70 Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 2 (Actual) Chapter 5. 차기 방어법 / 81 H ow to block your enemy's kicks 1. 걷어막기·82 Geodeomakgi 2. 파트너 훈련·84 Partner trainingChapter 6. 아래 돌려차기 / 89 A rae Dollyo chagi (low roundhouse kick) 1. 아래 돌려차기의 핵심·91 Key points of Arae dollyo chagi 1) 아래 돌려차기의 목표지점·92 The target of Arae dollyo chagi 2) 4단계 아래 돌려차기·93 4 Steps of Arae dollyo chagi Chapter 7. 도구를 사용한 손기술 훈련 / 99 H and technique training with tools Chapter 8. 단련 / 111 C onditioning 1. 단련이란 무엇인가?·112 What is conditioning? 2. 태권도를 위한 단련·114 Conditioning for Taekwondo 3. 손기술과 단련·117 Hand technique and conditioningChapter 9. 손기술 지도법 72회 프로그램 / 143 T eaching Hand techniques - '72 session program'
With SMART POOMSE mobile app using augmented reality technology!
The core courses of the KTA Taekwondo Poomsae Classification pool Classification of Taekwondo Poomsae application core system
Ⅰ. The essence of Taekwondo Poomsae The essence of Taekwondo Poomsae 1. It is an important nature The importance of the essence 2. The essence of Taekwondo from practice The essence of Taekwondo is rooted in the actual fight 3. The purpose of the Poomsae learning process is to understand the move The purpose of learning the poomsae is to understand body movements
Ⅱ. Poomsae the true purpose of learning pool The real purpose of learning the poomsae application 1. Classification of Taekwondo Poomsae Classification of Taekwondo Poomsae 2. The practical utilization of Taekwondo Poomsae Actual fight applications of Taekwondo Poomsae 3. Taekwondo Poomsae of pool configuration system Taekwondo Poomsae application configuration system 4. Poomsae base ball around the pool, learn how to match Poomsae application warming up: Machuo Geyorugi 5. The three core elements of the Poomsae pool Three major elements of the poomsae application 6. base ball, 1,2,3 step understanding of how to match Understanding 1,2,3 steps of Machuo Gyeorugi 7. base ball, Step 1 fist match Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 1 jumeok 8. base ball, Steps 2 match Knife hand Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 2 sonnal 9. Basic three-step method the ball (hand techniques to prevent in accordance Machuo Gyeorugi basic step 3 hand defence technique
Ⅲ. Stipendiary Poomsae pool Kup-grade Poomsae application 1. Poomsae Taegeuk 1 Taegeuk 1 Jang Poomsae 2. Chapter 2 Taegeuk Poomsae Taeguek 2 Jang Poomsae 3. Poomsae Taegeuk Chapter 3 Taeguek 3 Jang Poomsae 4. Chapter 4 Poomsae Taegeuk Taeguek 4 Jang Poomsae 5. Poomsae Taegeuk 5 Taeguek 5 Jang Poomsae
『KTA 태권도 품새 풀이』는 품새 동작이 가진 실전에서의 의미와 그 활용을 수련할 수 있도록 태권도 품새의 실전성, 무도성, 다양성 등을 풀이하고 해석해 놓은 책이다. 3년간 집필하면서 태권도 원로들에게 감수하여 수정 보완하였고 KTA 전문지도자 과정(2014년), KTA 태권도 교육박람회(2015년), KTA 사범 실무교육(2015, 6년)의 강의를 통해 교육 콘텐츠로써도 검증을 받고 총 6년의 집필과정을 거쳤다. 특히 한글과 영어로 동시에 집필하였으며 더 자세한 동작을 설명하기 위해 동영상으로도 볼 수 있도록 함으로써 품새를 다각적으로 연구할 수 있는 기폭제 역할을 하게 될 것이다.
이 책은 그 결과물의 하나로 품새 태극 1장부터 십진까지의 품새를 응용한 호신술로 지도자가 초보자부터 지도하기 쉽게 상세한 사진 설명과 수련 단계별로 체계적으로 정리한 태권도지도자교육과정 3번째 교재이다. 아울러 현장에서 태권도 호신술을 교육하는 과정에서 겪는 어려움을 해결하기 위한 대안으로 낙법과 손목빼기 등의 손 훈련법도 제공했다. 지도자들이 태권도 호신술의 기술을 익히고 응용하여 지도 현장에서 활용할 수 있도록 도왔다.
저자 김영수는 * 대한태권도협회 호신술 책임연구원 * 대한태권도협회 청소년 및 성인태권도 호신술 강사 * 대한태권도협회 태권도장 경영 및 지도법 전문교육과정 호신술 강사 * 세계태권도문화엑스포(world TKD culture Expo) 호신술 강사 * 대한태권도협회 도장부문 홍보분과 위원장 * 문화체육관광부 장관 표창
Part 1 태권도 호신술의 이론과 구성 원리 1. 태권도 호신술이란 2. 태권도 호신술의 목적 3. 태권도 호신술의 효과 4. 태권도 호신술의 구성 1) 기본훈련(기본과정) 2) 약속겨루기 3) 태권도 품새 호신술 프로그램 5. 태권도 호신술의 원리 1) 선수공격 2) 탈출법 3) 역 공격법 6. 태권도 호신술의 기본적 4가지 기술 1) 상대방 힘을 순용 하는 것 2) 몸 전체를 이용하는 것 3) 회전의 원리 4) 상대방(공격자)의 틈새를 이용하는 것 Part 2 태권도 호신술 수련을 위한 준비 1. 피하기/ 방향전환 1) 피하기 훈련 2) 몸 피하기 훈련 3) 방향 전환 훈련 2. 현장 벗어나기 1) 터치훈련 Part 3 태권도 품새 응용 KTA 호신술 1. 태극 품새 응용 태권도 호신술 1) 기본 동작 익히기 2) 태극1장∼8장 응용 태권도 호신술 2. 고려∼십진 품새 응용 태권도 호신술 1) 기본동작 익히기 2) 고려 품새 응용 태권도 호신술 3) 금강 품새 응용 태권도 호신술 4) 태백 품새 응용 태권도 호신술 5) 평원, 십진 품새 응용 태권도 호신술 Part 4 태권도 호신술 실전상황 대치법 1. 1품(단) 과정 1) 아귀손으로 칼재비 목젖치기 할 때 2) 바탕손으로 가슴을 밀 때 3)~6) 손목 잡혔을 때-1, 2, 3, 4 2. 2품(단) 과정 1)~2) 오른 주먹 얼굴지르기-1, 2 3)~5) 오른 주먹 몸통지르기-1, 2, 3 6)~7) 왼 주먹 몸통지르기-1, 2 8)~9) 왼 주먹 지르기, 오른 주먹 얼굴지르기-1, 2 10)~12) 손목 잡혔을 때 3. 3품(단) 과정 1) 오른발 돌려차기할 때 2)~8) 오른발 앞차기, 오른 주먹 지르기 할 때 외 9) 오른발 돌려차기, 오른손 뺨 때릴 때 10) 빠른 발 왼 돌려차기, 왼 주먹, 오른 주먹 지르기 할 때 11)~14)) 손목 잡혔을 때- 꺾기-1, 2, 3, 치기 4. 4품(단) 과정 1)~3) 뒤에서 등치며 오른 주먹으로 얼굴 지를 때 외 4)~5) 뒤에서 껴안았을 때- 휴대폰 활용법 외 6)~7) 앞에서 핸드백을 뺏으려 할 때 외 8)~10) 오른 어깨 잡고 칼로 복부를 찌를 때 외 11)~14) 몽둥이로 위에서 내려칠 때, 사선으로 외 15)~18) 앞에서 권총을 가슴을 겨눌 경우 -1 외 Part 5 타 무술 경험 1. 손목관절훈련 1) 혼자서 손목관절훈련 2) 2인 1조 손목관절훈련 2. 낙법 1)~3) 낙법의 이해, 좋은 점, 특징 4)~9) 전방낙법, 후방, 측방, 구르기, 장애물, 기타 3. 방어 10동작 1) 혼자서 하는 훈련 2) 2인 1조 방어훈련 4. 손목빼기훈련 1)~5) 손목빼기-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 인용 및 참고문헌
New Taekwondo textbook edited by Kukkiwon and republished in the 5th edition 2012. This textbook is a compilation of all available updated data regarding Taekwondo, focused on the scientific analysis of theories as well as the three-dimensional illustrations of major physical motions. It also stresses the aspect of spiritual enrichment so that a Taekwondo practicer may cultivate a noble integrated character in himself or herself.
Contents Chapter I History of Taekwondo Chapter 2 Philosophy of Taekwondo Spirit Chapter 3 Scientific Basis of Taekwondo Chapter 4 Instruction of Taekwondo Chapter 5 Basic Motion of Taekwondo Chapter 6 Poomsae Chapter 7 Taekwondo Kyorugi Chapter 8 Taekwondo Demonstration Chapter 9 Taekwon Competition Rules and Interpretation Chapter 10 Training of Taekwondo Players Chapter 11 Prevention of Injuries in Taekwondo Appendix
Pages: 782 pages
Language: Bilingual (Korean/English)
Edited by: Kukkiwon
Author: Lee Keum-Jae
Kukkiwon published these Taekwondo textbooks for the first time in 16 years to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its opening.
Volume 1: Understanding of Taekwondo (247 pages)
Volume 2: Basics (196 pages)
Volume 3: Poomsae (280 pages)
Volume 4: Gyeorugi (Sparring) (171 pages)
Volume 5: Gyeokpa (Breaking) and Demonstration (182 pages)).
The textbooks are a completely revised edition after its first publication in November 1987 in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the opening of Kukkiwon, and its supplementary edition in September 2005.
Compared to the previous supplementary edition (a single volume in 789 pages in total), the newly issued textbooks have been greatly increased to 5 volumes in 1,076 pages in total covering overall theories and techniques related to Taekwondo (Volume 1: Understanding of Taekwondo (247 pages), Volume 2: Basics (196 pages), Volume 3: Poomsae (280 pages), Volume 4: Gyeorugi (Sparring) (171 pages), and Volume 5: Gyeokpa (Breaking) and Demonstration (182 pages)).
The textbooks specify the history and spirit of Taekwondo more concrete in the theoretical aspect, and systemize the principles of Taekwondo movement, Gyeorugi, Gyeokpa, and demonstration techniques in the technical aspect.
The new edition further enhances accessibility by publishing e-book version with QR codes embedded in order to make videos playable in a mobile environment.
Taekwondo Research Institute of Kukkiwon has propelled the ‘Taekwondo Textbook Research Project’ since 2020 in order to start compiling the Taekwondo textbooks in full swing based on about 70 research materials on history, spirits, and techniques of Taekwondo that had been published since the establishment of the institute in 2006.
Starting with setting up the basic direction of the Taekwondo textbooks and the formation of the compilation committee since March last year, the institute carried out the planning process for about 3 months to establish concepts and the technical system, classify areas, and analyze the existing Taekwondo textbooks. Then, it spent another 6 months on writing the textbook, including drafting the manuscript, conducting feasibility studies, and establishing the core technical unit system for each areas of Taekwondo.
In addition, certain necessary parts were reviewed after collecting opinions through the online and offline public hearing held on September 10 last year. By December, manuscript was finalized and supplemented with videos and images, and then Taekwondo textbook compilation was completed at long last.
President Lee Dong-sup of Kukkiwon said, “One of the long-awaited projects of the Taekwondo community has been accomplished. This fully revised version of the textbooks will serve as a must-read guide for all Taekwondo practitioners.” Then, he added, “We will continue to gradually revise the Taekwondo textbooks by collecting opinions from the field and academia, and conducting researches.”Table of Contents
Volume 1
Understanding Taekwondo by Song Hyung-seok, Kim Young-sun, Lim Tae-hee
Chapter 1.
Meaning of Taekwondo
Definition of Taekwondo
2. The
realm of taekwondo
3. The
value of Taekwondo
Chapter 2.
History of Taekwondo
Understanding Taekwondo History
Tradition of Taekwondo, Korean bare-handed Martial Artists (Ancient~1945)
3. Modern
Taekwondo History
Chapter 3.
Spirit of Taekwondo
Philosophical Background of Taekwondo Spirit
2. The
spirit of taekwondo
Taekwondo's Top Five Virtues
4. The
Human Image of Taekwondo
Volume 2.
Basics by Choi Chi-sun, Lee Dong-hak
Chapter 1.
Body and Exercise Principles
1. Body
2. The
principle of motion
Chapter 2.
Taekwondo Terms and Technology System
Taekwondo Terms
Taekwondo Technology System and Training Area System
Chapter 3. Taekwondo Skills
1. Basic
Movements and Basic Techniques of Taekwondo
2. Types of
Taekwondo Techniques
List of Taekwondo Skills
Volume 3
Poomsae by Kang Ik-pil and Jung Tae-sung
Chapter 1. Understanding Poomsae
1. The
Concept of a Poomsae
Composition of the Poomsae
3. Type of
4. Poomsae
Water Lily
5. The
Orientation Symbol of a Line of Goods
Chapter 2.
The Real Life of Poomsae
1. A Paid
Household Account
2. Oil
Terminal Poomsae
Volume 4. Gyeorugi (Sparring) by Yang Dae-seung, Kim Ok-sung
Chapter 1. Understanding Gyeorugi
1. Concept
of Gyeorugi
Principle of Gyeorugi
3. Type of
Chapter 2.
The Reality of Self-Defense
Self-Defense Preparation
2. Basic
3. Game of
4. Special
Chapter 3.
The Actuality of the Game
Preparation for a Contest
2. Basic
3. Applied
4. Tactics
Volume 5.
Gyeokpa (Breaking) and Demonstration by Jang Kwon and Kwak Taek Yong
Chapter 1.
Understanding Gyeokpa
1. Concept
of Gyeokpa
Principle of Gyeokpa
3. A
Breaking Drill
Chapter 2.
The Realities of Gyeokpa
1. A
Force-Busting Wave
Technological Breakthrough
3. Breaking
Gripping and Subsidiary Methods
Chapter 3.
Understanding the Demonstration
1. Concept
of a Demonstration
Principles of the Construction of a Demonstration
3. Type of
Demonstration Training
Chapter 4.
The Actuality of the Demonstration
1. Planning
and Implementing the Demonstration
2. Configuration of a Pilot Program
Taekwondo Practice Self DefenseA book that describes the overall techniques of Taekwondo in real-life situations and how to apply Taekwondo in pictures and videos. First, I studied the basic standards of Taekwondo (clerical, hand techniques, next), standards, and practical applications. Next, I explained how to perform Taekwondo Poomsae movements correctly and how to apply them in practice. In the second half, I discussed how to apply Taekwondo competition tactics in actual fighting.
이 책은 태권도, 합기도 수련생들과 사범들을 위한 무도 전문 서적이며, 외국인 무도 수련생들을 위한 것만 아니라 한국 사범들의
외국인 지도와 외국에 진출하려고 준비하는 한국사범들을 위해 한글, 영어, 스페인어(3개 국어)로 동시에 수록하고 있으며, 이미
외국에 진출해 있는 한국 사범들을 위한 무도 전문서적으로 지도방법과 기술적, 철학적 이론을 체계화시켜 모든 무도인 들에게 도움을
주기위해 기획 되었으며 지금까지 태권도와 합기도를 한글, 영어, 스페인어(3개 국어)로 동시 수록된 지도서가 출간된 서적이 없어 이
책이 무도를 가르치고 수련하는 수많은 무도인 들에게 큰 도움을 줄 수 있기를 희망한다.
This book is a specialized martial arts manual for Taekwondo and Hapkido practitioners and instructors. It is designed not only for foreign martial arts practitioners but also for Korean instructors teaching foreigners and preparing to expand abroad. The book is published simultaneously in three languages: Korean, English, and Spanish. It is intended as a comprehensive guide for Korean instructors who are already active abroad, systematizing teaching methods, technical skills, and philosophical theories to assist all martial artists.Table of Contents
Chapter 1. TaekwondoBiography of Master Kim Yong-seokMartial arts biography of Master Mauricio CorreaMartial arts biography of Roberto HernándezTaekwondo partner sparringIntroduction to TaekwondoHow to greet properlyThe meaning of stancesHow to clench a fist and perform a punchReady stance and horse-riding stanceBody punchMartial arts training and the laws of natureHand attacks and defensesKicking techniquesPoomsae (forms)Partner sparringFree sparringThe significance of breaking boards and sparringThe meaning of Kihap (spirit shout)Breaking techniquesTaegeuk PoomsaeChapter 2. HapkidoBiography of Director Kim Nam-je in HapkidoMartial arts biography of Director Kang Mu-youngHow to tie a beltIntroduction to HapkidoHapkido techniquesThe three main principles of HapkidoFalling techniquesBreathing techniques from the Danjeon (lower abdomen)Danjeon breathing and the Six Syllables Breathing method in HapkidoVital points and striking techniquesBreathing, muscles, and strengthMind (심), energy (기), body (체)Advanced self-defense techniquesChapter 3. JungdoryuThe meaning of JungdoryuPhilosophy of JungdoryuOn the enlightenment of a martial artistThe path (Do) that a master must followA master must not approach dangerOn nature and the selfMy life in martial artsSymbolism of JungdoryuBelt system for students and black belts in Jungdoryu Taekwondo and HapkidoBelt requirements in Jungdoryu Taekwondo and HapkidoSelf-defense techniques
『태권도 생체역학』은 총 7개의 부분으로 구성되어 있으며 먼저 태권도기술의 원리적인 이해를 돕기 위해 해부학적 기초, 운동학,
운동역학 등의 기본적인 이론을 정리하였고, 다음 태권도기술의 원리와 기본동작, 품새, 경기겨루기, 격파의 기능학, 그리고 동작
분석을 통한 태권도기술의 운동역학적 해설을 담았다. 본 책을 통해 많은 태권도인이 태권도기술의 원리를 이해하고 지도하는 데
조금이나마 도움이 되었으면 한다.Text is in Korean only!Taekwondo biomechanics consists of a total
of seven parts, and first, basic theories such as anatomical
fundamentals, kinesiology, and kinematics were summarized to help
understand the principles of Taekwondo technology, and then kinematic
explanations of Taekwondo technology through basic movements, pumsae,
competition, the functionality of breaking the game, and motion analysis
are included. This book will help many Taekwondo people understand and
guide the principles of Taekwondo technology.
The new Official Taekwondo Textbook of the World Taekwondo Federation
INCLUDING QR CODE Video links in the book
Poomsae Movement Interpretation
This book describes all Poomsae from Taeguk 1 Jang to Ilyeo and is of invaluable help for anybody who prepares for poomsae exam or tournament.
- detailed step-by-step illustration of all movements - special "3 dimensional" images of World champions Nam-jung Song and Ik-pil Kang. - bilingual: English and Korean
- augmented reality app available
We have commonly heard and said “Taekwondo is martial art and sport of science.” Due to my shortage in the knowledge, however, I have not been able to pinpoint what aspects of Taekwondo make its own scientific features. As we know, of course, Taekwondo cannot be explained enough without science. For all the substances in the universe, whether they are large or small in sizes, make their movements only under the laws of dynamics. The movements in Taekwondo also cannot do away with these laws of dynamics. It won’t be easy, however, for ordinary people to mobilize all those advanced physics or bio dynamics to analyze such scientific principles embedded in Taekwondo techniques. That was the point where I started to think to write a basic manual that anybody could pick up and read through easily. Therefore, I have tried efforts to see Taekwondo from scientific point of view to the extent that the level of science stays as high as to fit high school students. Thus, I have come to conclusion that this could open another way of perspectives to look into Taekwondo. Even though this book could not define every aspect of Taekwondo in light of science, I am confident that it will provide you with a new perspective through scientific study. Also, I believe that it will bring meaningful achievement in enhancing Taekwondo techniques as the capabilities in analysis and comprehension on Taekwondo techniques improves through the lever of science. This is not a book of science. Nor is this a Taekwondo manual. For, you won’t be able to learn science, nor secrets of Taekwondo through the book. This book is all about ‘Taekwondo,’ and ‘science,’ only to the extent anyone who has ever exercised Taekwondo would already know. Ironically, however, this book will function as a book of science, and as a Taekwondo manual. For, those who know Taekwondo would get to know more about science, and vice versa. If you take closer looks at Taekwondo, you will be able to find out how science works vividly in it. The world of Taekwondo based on principles of science, and science that you can learn through Taekwondo - these are the two main themes of the book.
Table of Contents
Preface What is the Science of Taekwondo Chapter 1: Mind and Muscle 1. Principle of Mind Training 2. Speed and Reaction (1) Aerial Dog Fights (2) Baseball batting (3) Sparring (4) Real Life Combat 3. Brain and Muscle Coordination 1) Brain Memory and Muscle Coordination (1) Coordination (2) Mental preparation training (Image Training) (3) Expert or Master of Arts Chapter 2: Body 1. Dynamics of Human Body (1) Efficiency 2. Body Anatomy (1) Joints (2) Cartilage (3) Tendons and ligaments (4) Spine (5) Skull or Cranial bones (6) Human Growth 3. Muscle Composition (1) Muscle Strength Training (2) Strength Training Hands and Feet (3) Strength Fitness Training for Different Sports (4) Importance of Training (5) Body Flexibility 4. Muscle Movements (1) Pulling Property of Muscles (2) Muscle Relaxation upper body (3) Muscle Relaxation lower body (4) Muscle Relaxation Speed and Power (5) Muscle Application - Power 5. Pelvis (Hip) Functions (1) Hip Function Transfer Gear (2) Jumping Angle Chapter 3: The center of Mass and the Stability 1. Center of Mass (Gravity) (1) Center of Mass Location and Stability (2) Center of Mass Walking and Running (3) Center of Mass Vertical Height and Stability (4) Size of Base of Support and Stability (5) Weight and Stability (6) Stability Offense and Defense in Sports 2. Center of Mass Outside of Physical Body (1) High Jumps Using Center of Mass Outside of Physical Body 3. Center of Mass Weight Shift Chapter 4: Laws of Motion Basic Principles of Objects 1. Newton's first law: Law of Inertia (1) Objects at Rest (2) Objects in Motion (3) Law of Inertia in Rotating Objects 2. Newton's Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration 3. Newton's Third Law of Motion: Law of Action and Reaction (1) Action and Reaction from Ground (2) Action and Reaction When Turning (3) Action and Reaction during Collision (4) Action and Reaction Vital Points (5) Action and Reaction Defense (6) Action and Reaction Breaking 4. Principle of Seesaw (1) Action and Reaction - Arms (2) Action and Reaction Body and Torso 5. Action and Reaction - Push and Pull 6. Action and Reaction Law of Reflection Chapter 5: FORCE 1. Pressure Force Per Area (1) Pressure Concentration of Power 2. Dispersion of Power Defense, Falling Technique and Safety Gear Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Bed of Nails and Walking on Crushed Glass Bed (1) Square Cube Law (2) Surface Area and Air Resistance 3. Tensile Force (Strength) and Pressure (1) Hollowed Bricks (2) Dome Construction (3) Board Breaking Parallel to the Grain 4. Volume and Density (1) Objects with Different Densities (2) Scaling Law 5. Sweet Spots 6. Frictions (1) Surface Friction 7. Normal force (1) Friction and Normal Force Reaction Force (2) Pivot Angle Reaction Force 8. Fluid Dynamics (1) Water Resistance Training (2) Turbulence Training (3) Putting out candle flames and Pulling Paper in the air (4) Buoyancy Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Pascal’s Principle Chapter 6: MOMENTUM AND IMPULSE 1. MOMENTUM 2. Impulse Master Lee’s Junk Box!:Breaking concrete block on the stomach with a sledgehammer 3. Wind Ups (1) Momentum Distance (2) Impulse Time 4. Impulse - Follow-Through 5. Impulse - Shock (1) Protective Gears (2) Impulse - Soft Hand (3) Impulse Riding the Punch (4) Falling Techniques and Footwork 6. Force Collision time (1) Impulse - Breaking Chapter 7: Net Force 1. Equilibrium of Forces 2. Vector and Net Force 3. Application of Vectors and Net Force in Taekwondo - Defense (1) Defense Your Strength (2) Defense Re-Directing (3) Defense Changing the direction of an Attack 4. Application of Vectors and Net Force in Taekwondo - Offense (1) Muscles (2) Weight Shifting (3) Supporting Leg (4) Gravity and Vector 5. FLEXIBILITY and Vectors (0) Rebounding Effect (1) Elastic Energy : Explosive Power (2) Follow Through and Rebound 6. Vector Applications (0) Target (Hitting) Angle (1) Competition Stance (2) Breaking Techniques (3) Maintaining Stability Chapter 8: Parabolic Motion 1. Gravity (1) Free Fall 2. Parabolic motion of an object (1) Launch Angle (2) Horizontal Component - Distance (3) Vertical Component - Height (4) Air Time (5) Standing Vertical Jump verses Running Start Vertical Jump Chapter 9: WORK AND ENERGY 1. Work and Energy 2. Thermal Energy Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Fire Walking 3. Wave Energy (1) Energy transfer via Waves Master Lee’s Junk Box!: Screw Punch Vs.Straight Punch (2) Overlapping Wave Energy (3) Resonance (4) Sound Energy (5) Potential Energy (6) Difference between Weight and Mass 4. Kinetic Energy 5. ELASTIC ENERGY (1) WARM UP 6. Energy Conversion and Conservation Chapter 10: ROTATIONAL MOVEMENT 1. Tangential speed (1) Weapons - Speed and Length 2. Angular Momentum (1) Angular Momentum and radius (2) Angular Momentum and Mass (3) Angular Momentum and Mass Distribution (4) Angular Momentum, Mass Distribution and Kicking (5) 540 degrees spinning kicks - Ultimate offensive moves 3. Reactionary force of rotational inertia (1) Rotational Movement - Walking and Kicking (2) Rotational Movement - Reaction Force Kicks Chapter 11: Self-Defense 1. Offense 2. Defense 3. More Defense Epilog
Now Available
태권도의 가치와 교육목표
(Practical Values Of Taekwondo and Educational Goals)
1. 태권도의 정의 (Definition)
2. 태권도(跆拳道)의 가치 (Practical Values)
3. 태권도의 교육목표 (Educational Goals)
Ⅱ. 태권도 품새론
(Theory of Taekwondo Poomsae)
1. 품새의 철학 (Philosophy)
2. 품새의 기초 이론 (Basic Theory of Poomsae)
3. 품새의 종류 (Types of Poomsae)
Ⅲ. 공인품새
(Authorized Poomsae)
1. 정의 (Definition)
2. 종류 (Types)
3. 품새의 유형 (Types)
4. 품새의 특징 (Characteristics)
Ⅳ. 창작 품새
(Creative Poomsae)
1. 정의 (Definition)
2. 구성 (Composition)
3. 창작 품새의 종류 (Types)
4. 창작품새의 예술성 (Artistic Value of Creative Poomsae)
Ⅴ. 태권도 품새 기술의 밑바탕
(Fundamental Taekwondo Poomsae Techniques)
1. 품새 구성의 특징 (Characteristics of Poomsae)
2. 준비서기 (Preliminary Stance)
3. 서기(다양한 서기 자세) (Stance(Variety))
4. 품새의 올바른 자세 조건 (Correct Stance in Poomsae)
5. 시선 (Eyeing)
6. 막기 (Block)
7. 공격 (Attack)
8. 기술과 힘...Ⅰ. 태권도의 가치와 교육목표
(Practical Values Of Taekwondo and Educational Goals)
1. 태권도의 정의 (Definition)
2. 태권도(跆拳道)의 가치 (Practical Values)
3. 태권도의 교육목표 (Educational Goals)
Ⅱ. 태권도 품새론
(Theory of Taekwondo Poomsae)
1. 품새의 철학 (Philosophy)
2. 품새의 기초 이론 (Basic Theory of Poomsae)
3. 품새의 종류 (Types of Poomsae)
Ⅲ. 공인품새
(Authorized Poomsae)
1. 정의 (Definition)
2. 종류 (Types)
3. 품새의 유형 (Types)
4. 품새의 특징 (Characteristics)
Ⅳ. 창작 품새
(Creative Poomsae)
1. 정의 (Definition)
2. 구성 (Composition)
3. 창작 품새의 종류 (Types)
4. 창작품새의 예술성 (Artistic Value of Creative Poomsae)
Ⅴ. 태권도 품새 기술의 밑바탕
(Fundamental Taekwondo Poomsae Techniques)
1. 품새 구성의 특징 (Characteristics of Poomsae)
2. 준비서기 (Preliminary Stance)
3. 서기(다양한 서기 자세) (Stance(Variety))
4. 품새의 올바른 자세 조건 (Correct Stance in Poomsae)
5. 시선 (Eyeing)
6. 막기 (Block)
7. 공격 (Attack)
8. 기술과 힘 (Technique and Power)
9. 호흡 (呼吸)(Respiration)
10. 기합 (氣合)(Gihap(a shout of concentration))
11. 품새 기술의 정확성 (Accuracy of Poomsae Techniques)
12. 품새 수련 시 가상 목표 설정 (Virtual Targets while Poomsae Training)
13. 급소(急所)란 무엇인가? (What is Vital Points?)
14. 신체 움직임의 형식 (Physical Movement)
15. 속도의 완급 (Control of Speed)
16. 신축성과 탄력 (Elasticity and Resilience)
17. 중심운동과 안정의 원리 (Balance Exercise and Stability)
18. 정신(精神) 작용 (Mental Operation)
19. 태권도와 예절(禮節) (Taekwondo and Etiquette)
품새 기본동작
태극1장 Taegeuk 1 Jang
태극2장 Taegeuk 2 Jang
태극3장 Taegeuk 3 Jang
태극4장 Taegeuk 4 Jang
태극5장 Taegeuk 5 Jang
태극6장 Taegeuk 6 Jang
태극7장 Taegeuk 7 Jang
태극8장 Taegeuk 8 Jang
고려 Koryo
금강 Keumgang
태백 Taebaek
평원 Pyongwon
십진 Sipjin
지태 Jitae
천권 Chonkwon
한수 Hansu
일여 Ilyeo
팔괘 품새 Palgwae Poomsae
WTPTA (World Taekwondo Professional Trainer Association: 세계 태권도 전문 트레이너 협회)의 임원진들이 힘을 합쳐 전 세계의 현장 지도자 및 예비 지도자분들께 전문적인 지식과 지도 능력을 제공하고자 제작된 영한 교본이며 이번 공인 품새 교본에서는 부상 예방과 경기력 향상을 위해 과학적으로 검증된 다양한 훈련 및 지도법에 대한 이해를 도와 지도자와 선수들이 경기 및 훈련에서 원하는 결과를 얻는데 필요한 도구가 될 것이다.(https://www.wtpta.com)This book is an English-Korean textbook produced by executives of the World Taekwondo Professional Trainer Association (WTPTA) to provide professional knowledge and teaching skills to field coaches and prospective coaches around the world. In this book, it will be a necessary tool for coaches and athletes to achieve the desired results in competitions and training by helping them understand various scientifically proven training and coaching methods to prevent injuries and improve performance.Contents:Ⅰ.Introduction(서문) 05Ⅱ..Ideal training structure for recognized Poomsae(공인품새에 적합한 컨디션 구성과정) 081.Stetching&wam-up routine (스트레칭 및 웜업 류틴) 092.Poomae specific functional exercise (공인품새를 위한 보강 운동)243.Cool-down& static stretching (마무리 정적 스트레칭) 43Ⅲ..Poomsae (공인품새)1.Taegeuk 1 Jang (태극1장) 462.Taegeuk 2 Jang (태극2장) 513.Taegeuk 3 Jang (태극3장) 574.Taegeuk 4 Jang (태극4장) 645.Taegeuk 5 Jang (태극5장) 706.Taegeuk 6 Jang (태극6장) 777.Taegeuk 7 Jang (태극7장) 848.Taegeuk 8 Jang (태극8장) 919.Ko yo (고려) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯9910.Keumgang (금강) ⋯⋯⋯10911.Taebaek (태백) ⋯⋯⋯⋯11612.Pyeongwon (평원) ⋯⋯12513.Sipjin (십진) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯13214.Jitae (지태) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯14115.Chonkwon (천권) ⋯⋯⋯14916.Hansu (한수) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯15917.Ilyeo (일여) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯166