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Level up with the Gods
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Level up with the Gods
After the world as he knew it came crumbling down, ordinary
college-student-turned-warrior Yuwon Kim, made his way to the Tower in
the company of the Inner Gods. But even with his hard-earned skills and
mighty companions, taking on the Outer Gods was an impossible feat—at
least this time. Given a second chance, Yuwon returns to the beginning,
before it all began, with a promise to return and fight again. Armed
with the knowledge of a returnee, can he level up once more and find his
place among the Gods?
Level up with the Gods 1 (Korean.)
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수년간 아우터와의 싸움 끝에 결국 패배한 최후의 생존자들. 마지막 희망을 잃던 찰나─ 시간을 관장하는 신, 크로노스의 희생으로 김유원은 인류를 구하기 위해 다시 과거로 돌아간다! 튜토리얼이 시작되기 9시간 전으로 돌아온 그는 아우터를 이기기 위해 만반의 준비를 하는데…! Nach jahrelangem Kampf gegen die Outer erlitten die letzten Überlebenden schließlich eine Niederlage. Als sie gerade ihre letzte Hoffnung verloren, opferte sich der Gott der Zeit, Chronos, und ermöglichte es Kim Yuwon, in die Vergangenheit zurückzukehren, um die Menschheit zu retten! Neun Stunden vor Beginn des Tutorials kehrt er zurück und bereitet sich gründlich darauf vor, die Outer zu besiegen…!