'삐삐' 시리즈로 유명한 아동문학가, 아스트리드 린드그렌의 그림책. 눈은 하얗게 빛나고, 달빛이 환한 밤. 농가의 창에서는 아직 노란 불빛이 새어 나옵니다. 배고픈 여우는 농가의 여기저기를 기웃거립니다. 암탉들에게 다가가던 여우 뒤로 누군가 다가옵니다. 그건 과연 누구일까요? 스웨덴에서 구전되어 온 톰텐이라는 농가에 사는 요정과 여우의 이야기를 재미있는 대화체의 문장으로 들려준다. 톰텐이 자신이 가진 먹을거리를 나누어 줌으로써 조용히 농가를 떠나는 여우. 그 아름다운 풍경을, 눈 내리는 겨울밤 그림 위로 섬세하게 표현했다.
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About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions! The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The first literary work in this series, “The Story of the Rabbit,” adapts a classic Korean novel about a rabbit and a turtle who represent various social classes of the Joseon Dynasty. As students enjoy reading this story, they can naturally become familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the beginner level. In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills.
머리말 Preface ------------------------------------------- 2 일러두기 How to Use This Book------------------------------------------- 4 작품 소개 Introduction to the Story ----------------------------------------6 배경 어휘 Background Vocabulary ------------------------------------------10 1 병에 걸린 용왕님 The Sick Dragon King ----------------------------------11 2 병을 고칠 수 있는 방법 The Way to Cure the Illness --------------------- 13 3 신하들의 노력 The Efforts of the King’s Subjects -------------------------17 4 토끼를 만난 자라 The Turtle Meets the Rabbit ----------------------------23 5 용궁으로 간 토끼 The Rabbit Goes to the Sea Palace ---------------------34 6 토끼의 간 The Rabbit’s Liver ---------------------------------------------44 부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension -------------------------------------50 모범 답안 Answers ---------------------------------------------------------62 본문 번역 Text Translations ------------------------------------------------64
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!
“Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose
classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students
from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase
their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way.
The eighth literary work in this series, "The Story of Janghwa and
Hongryeon," adapts a classic Korean novel about sisters Janghwa and
Hongryeon who meet their end due to the machinations of their stepmother
and finally settle their scores. The entire text has been reorganized
at the beginner level so that students can follow the story, learn basic
beginner vocabulary and expressions, and understand the culture of the
time through explanations of the historical background. In addition,
students can understand the culture of the time through explanations of
the historical background. In addition to reading the content, students
can listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional
voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English
translations of the story and the questions in the appendix at the end
of the book to test their reading comprehension.
▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into
modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book
presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards
of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean
Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun
as they easily read and understand each story.
▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for
understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as
well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and
cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without
using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English
translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book.
▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice
actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at
illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice
recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they
can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters.
▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can
check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and
vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In
addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean
culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the
머리말 Preface 2일러두기 How to Use This Book 4작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6등장인물 Characters 101 일찍 어머니를 잃은 두 자매 Two Sisters Who Lost Their Mother Early On 112 성격 나쁜 새어머니, 허씨 부인 The Mean Stepmother, Lady Heo 163 새어머니의 못된 거짓말 Stepmother’s Wicked Lie 234 억울하게 죽임을 당하는 장화 Janghwa Faces an Unjust Death 295 언니를 따라 연못에 뛰어든 홍련 Hongryeon Jumps Into the Pond to Follow Her Sister 356 자매의 억울함을 풀어 주는 사또 The Magistrate Who Relieves the Sisters of Their Resentment 41 7 나쁜 사람들의 결말 The Wicked Meet Their End 48부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 54모범 답안 Answers 69본문 번역 Text Translations 71
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions! The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The second literary work in this series, “The Story of Kongjwi and Patjwi,” adapts a classic Korean novel about a kind protagonist who is tormented by her stepmother and stepsister, but overcomes her difficulties in the end. As students enjoy reading this story, they can naturally become familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the beginner level.In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills.***The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story.***English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book.***Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters.***Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.
머리말 Preface ------------------------------------------- 2 일러두기 How to Use This Book------------------------------------------- 4 작품 소개 Introduction to the Story ----------------------------------------6 배경 어휘 Background Vocabulary ------------------------------------------10 1 딸 콩쥐 The Daughter Kongjwi --------------------------------------11 2 새어머니와 팥쥐 The Stepmother and Patjwi -------------------------- 14 3 마을잔치 The Village Banquet----------------------------------------21 4 원님의 아내 The Village Magistrate’s Wife ----------------------------30 5 팥쥐의 비밀 Patjwi’s Secret------------------------------------------37 6 선물 The Gift-------------------------------------------------------42 부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension -------------------------------------48 모범 답안 Answers ---------------------------------------------------------60 본문 번역 Text Translations ------------------------------------------------62
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The third literary work in this series, “The Story of Heungbu,” adapts a classic Korean novel about Nolbu, a greedy brother who wants to keep the assets left by his parents all to himself, and his poor but kind younger brother Heungbu. As students enjoy reading this story, they can naturally become familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the intermediate level.In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills.▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story.▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book.▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters.▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.
머리말 Preface ------------------------------------------- 2 일러두기 How to Use This Book------------------------------------------- 4 작품 소개 Introduction to the Story ----------------------------------------6 등장인물 Characters ----------------------------------------------------------- 10 1 쫓겨난 흥부 Heungbu is Cast Out--------------------------------------------- 11 2 놀부에게 도움을 거절당한 흥부 Nolbu Refuses to Help Heungbu ---------------- 16 3 매를 맞아 돈을 벌려는 흥부 Heungbu Tries to Earn Money by Being Beaten --- 21 4 제비를 구해 준 흥부 Heungbu Saves a Swallow--------------------------------- 26 5 박 자르는 흥부네 Heungbu’s Family Cuts Open the Gourds -------------------- 29 6 흥부 집을 방문한 놀부 Nolbu Visits Heungbu’s House -------------------------- 33 7 제비 잡으러 나가는 놀부 Nolbu Goes to Catch a Swallow ----------------------- 37 8 박 자르는 놀부네 Nolbu’s Family Cuts Open the Gourds ----------------------- 40 9 사이좋은 형제 Close Brothers 45 부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension -------------------------------------48 모범 답안 Answers ---------------------------------------------------------68 본문 번역 Text Translations ------------------------------------------------70
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The fourth literary work in this series, “The Story of Chunhyang,” adapts a classic Korean novel about the meeting of 16-year-old lovers who parted ways due to their class difference. As students enjoy reading this emotional story about a dramatic reunion, they can naturally become familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the intermediate level. In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills. ▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story. ▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book. ▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters. ▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.
머리말 Preface 2 일러두기 How to Use This Book 4 작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6 등장인물 Characters 10 1 이몽룡과 성춘향, 광한루에서 만나다 Lee Mongryong and Seong Chunhyang meet at Gwanghallu Pavilion 11 2 몽룡과 춘향, 결혼을 약속하다 Mongryong and Chunhyang promise to wed 19 3 춘향, 몽룡과 이별하다 Chunhyang and Mongryong bid farewell 24 4 춘향, 변 사또의 수청을 거절하다 Chunhyang refuses to serve Magistrate Byeon 29 5 춘향, 감옥에 갇히다 Chunhyang is imprisoned 36 6 몽룡, 암행어사가 되다 Mongryong becomes a secret royal inspector 40 7 몽룡, 거지가 되어 나타나다 Mongryong appears as a beggar 45 8 암행어사 출두야! Here comes the secret royal inspector! 51 9 춘향과 몽룡, 사랑을 이루다 Chunhyang and Mongryong’s love is realized 56 부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 60 모범 답안 Answers 82 본문 번역 Text Translations 85
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way.
The seventh literary work in this series, “The Story of Jeon Woo-chi,” adapts a classic Korean novel about Jeon Woo-chi, who uses mysterious magic to help people in trouble and punish wicked members of the ruling class. As students enjoy reading this delightful and witty story about the magic that Jeon Woo-chi performs, they can naturally become familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential at the intermediate level.In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills. ▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story. ▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book. ▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters. ▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.
머리말 Preface 2일러두기 How to Use This Book 4작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6등장인물 Characters 101 지혜로운 전우치 Jeon Woo-chi the Wise 112 병 속의 전우치 Jeon Woo-chi in the Bottle 173 거울 속의 전우치 Jeon Woo-chi in the Mirror 234 전우치, 자신을 무시하는 사람들을 혼내 주다Jeon Woo-chi Teaches a Lesson to People who Look Down on Him 265 전우치가 준 신비한 그림 A Remarkable Picture Jeon Woo-chi Gives Away 306 전우치, 산적들의 두목과 싸워서 이기다Jeon Woo-chi Fights Leader of the Bandits, and Wins 367 전우치, 누명을 쓰다 Jeon Woo-chi Is Framed 438 전우치, 특별한 경험을 하다 Jeon Woo-chi Has a Special Experience 499 전우치, 서화담을 만나다 Jeon Woo-chi Meets Seo Hwa-dam 54부록 Appendix내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 62모범 답안 Answers 82본문 번역 Text Translations 84
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The fifth literary work in this series, “The Story of Sim Cheong,” adapts a classic Korean novel that allows students to consider what true filial piety is through the story of Sim Cheong, who sacrificed herself so that her father could regain his sight, while naturally becoming familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the advanced level. In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills. ▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story. ▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book. ▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters. ▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.
머리말 Preface 2 일러두기 How to Use This Book 4 작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6 등장인물 Characters 10 1 심 봉사, 부인을 잃고 심청을 얻다 Blind Man Sim Loses His Wife and Gains Sim Cheong 11 2 심청, 장님 아버지 밑에서 잘 자라다 Sim Cheong Grows Well under Her Blind Father’s Care 16 3 심 봉사, 공양미 300석을 약속하다 Blind Man Sim Promises 300 Sacks of Rice Offered to Buddha 21 4 심청, 공양미 300석에 몸을 팔다 Sim Cheong Sells Herself for 300 Sacks of Rice Offered to Buddha 27 5 심청, 인당수에 몸을 던지다 Sim Cheong Throws Her Body into the Indangsu Sea 32 6 옥황상제, 효녀 심청을 살리다 The Great Jade Emperor Saves the Dutiful Daughter Sim Cheong 42 7 심청, 연꽃 타고 황후가 되다 Sim Cheong Rides a Lotus Blossom and Becomes Empress 47 8 심 봉사, 고난의 삶을 살다 Blind Man Sim Lives a Life of Hardship 54 9 심 봉사, 눈을 뜨다 Blind Man Sim Regains His Sight 59 부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 66 모범 답안 Answers 88 본문 번역 Text Translations 90
Click here to download the free audiofiles
About This Book
● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The fifth literary work in this series, “The Story of Sim Cheong,” adapts a classic Korean novel that allows students to consider what true filial piety is through the story of Sim Cheong, who sacrificed herself so that her father could regain his sight, while naturally becoming familiar with vocabulary words and expressions that are essential for the advanced level. In addition, through explanations about the historical background, students can understand the culture of that time period. Not only can students read the content, they can also listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and questions in the appendix at the end of the book to check their reading comprehension skills. ▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story. ▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book. ▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters. ▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.
머리말 Preface 2일러두기 How to Use This Book 4작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6등장인물 Characters 101 용의 기운을 받고 태어나다 Born with the Vigor of a Dragon 112 아버지를 아버지라 부르지 못하다 Unable to Call His Father 153 초란의 흉계에 빠지다 Falling into Choran’s Evil Plot 204 사람을 죽이고 집을 떠나다 Killing Someone and Leaving Home 245 활빈당의 대장이 되다 Becoming the Leader of the Hwalbindang 326 의적 활동에 앞장서다 Leading the Rightous Outlaws 367 임금을 만나다 Meeting the King 448 새로운 땅을 찾아서 In Search of a New Land 529 율도국의 왕이 되다 Becoming the King of Yuldo Island 55부록 Appendix내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 60모범 답안 Answers 80본문 번역 Text Translations 83
'끝없는 이야기', '모모' 등의 작품을 통해 널리 알려진 독일의 저명한 동화 작가 미하일 엔데의 첫번째 동화인 '짐 크노프' 시리즈 제 2 권. 짐 크노프와 기관사 루카스는 착하고 소심한 겉보기 거인과 무서운 용이 되고 싶은 반쪽 용, 바닷불의 비밀을 밝히려는 아름다운 물의 요정과 함게 또다시 신나는 모험을 시작한다. 온갖 나쁜 짓을 일삼는 13인의 해적과 한판 승부가 끝나면서 짐 크노프의 놀라운 비밀이 드디어 밝혀지는데….
짐 크노프와 기관사 루카스
'끝없는 이야기', '모모' 등의 작품을 통해 널리 알려진 독일의 저명한 동화 작가 미하일 엔데의 첫번째 동화인 '짐 크노프' 시리즈 제 1권. 세계에서 가장 작고 평화로운 섬나라 룸머란트에 이상한 소포 하나가 배달된다. 그 속에서 나온 작은 흑인 아이 짐 크노프는 기관사 루카스와 친밀한 관계를 유지하며 자란다. 어느덧 소년이 된 짐 크노프는 루카스와 그의 기차 엠마와 함께 항해를 시작하여 만달라에 도착했는데 그곳에서 황제가 납치된 공주 때문에 고민하는 것을 보고 다시 공주를 구하기 위해 무시무시한 용의 도시로 떠나게 된다. 쩌렁쩌렁 메아리 골짜기를 지나 막막한 세상의 끝을 달리는 루카스와 짐 크노프의 모험이 펼쳐진다.
끊임없는 이야기와 모험과 상상력 속에서 행복을 즐기던 사람들한테 시간을 빼앗아 목숨을 이어가는 회색 신사들이 나타나 그 즐거움을 모두 빼앗아 간다. 모모, 호라 박사, 거북 카시오페이아는 일생일대의 모험을 벌이며 사람들에게 시간을 되찾아 준다.
전세계 40여 개 언어로 번역된 이 작품은 기적과 신비와 온기로 가득 찬 세계로 인도하는 매력적인 동화다. "천재적인 상상력을 지닌 작가"라는 워싱턴 포스트와, "모든 사람들에게 폭발적인 관심을 불러일으킨 작품"이라는 슈피겔의 극찬에 걸맞게 엔데는 잃어버린 꿈과 환상의 세계를 되살려 낸다. 어른과 아이가 함께 읽기에 좋은 작품.
기관차 대여행>의 독일 동화작가 미하엘 엔데의 작품. <끝없는 이야기>는 바스티안이라는 한 소년이 사람의 아이에게 새 이름을 받지 못하면 멸망할 위험에 처한 ‘어린 여제’의 나라인 환상의 세계를 구하는 이야기이다. 새 이름을 지어내어야 할 뿐만 아니라 환상의 세계와 현실의 세계를 연결하지 못하면 환상의 세계도 사람의 세계도 멸망하리라는 것을, 환상에 빠진 소년 바스티안이 배우는 이야기이다. “네가 원하는 것을 해라” 바스티안은 길고 힘겨운 모험 끝에서야 비로소 이 문장의 참뜻을 깨닫게 된다.
30여 개 언어로 번역되어 세계 어린이들을 웃기고 울린 명작 『꼬마 흡혈귀』를 이은주 번역가의 새 번역과 파키나미 작가의 새 그림으로 만나봅니다. 어린이들을 독서의 세계, 이야기와 상상의 세계로 안내하는 좋은 길잡이가 되어준 이 시리즈는 그림책에서 읽기 책으로 진입한 어린 독자들이 재미있는 이야기에 푹 빠지게 합니다. 책 읽는 힘을 키우고, 책 읽는 습관을 만들어 더 깊은 독서의 세계로 나아갈 수 있도록 이끌어줍니다. 무서운 이야기책을 좋아하는 평범한 소년 안톤. 한밤중 창문으로 찾아온 꼬마 흡혈귀를 만나면서 평온하지만 지루했던 안톤의 생활은 모든 것이 달라집니다. 꼬마 흡혈귀와 친구가 되어, 책을 나누어 읽기도 하고, 흡혈귀 망토를 입고 하늘을 나는 놀라운 경험을 합니다. 흡혈귀들이 모여 사는 지하 납골당에도 가보고, 흡혈귀 가족 중에 가장 무서운 도로테 고모에게 들킬 뻔하는 위험에도 처하지요. 꼬마 흡혈귀 뤼디거의 동생 ‘이빨 없는 안나’는 안톤에게 특별한 호감을 보이기도 합니다. 그런데 엄마 아빠는 안톤이 특이한 친구를 사귄다는 걸 알고 그 친구를 집에 초대하고 싶어 합니다. 곰팡내가 풀풀 나는데다가 머리는 덥수룩하고 창백한 피부에 딱 하나 빼고는 아무것도 먹지 않는 친구를 과연 집에 초대할 수 있을까요? 흥미진진하고, 오싹오싹 소름 끼치게 재미난 꼬마 흡혈귀와 안톤의 이야기가 시작됩니다!
꼬마 흡혈귀』 제3권에서는 인간으로 변장하고 기차 여행을 하는 꼬마 흡혈귀 뤼디거의 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 안톤의 지루한 가족 휴가에 따라가려는 꼬마 흡혈귀 뤼디거. 가족 휴가 전날 밤에 기차를 타고 미리 휴가지로 떠나기로 한다. 안톤과 뤼디거는 머리를 맞대고 여행 준비를 하지만 흡혈귀의 여행 준비는 골치가 아프다. 커다란 관도 꼭 챙겨야 하고, 창백한 얼굴과 괴상한 차림새도 숨겨야 한다. 게다가 어린이들끼리의 여행이라는 사실도 들키면 끝장! 과연 뤼디거와 안톤은 무사히 기차 여행을 할 수 있을까?
꼬마 흡혈귀』 제3권에서는 인간으로 변장하고 기차 여행을 하는 꼬마 흡혈귀 뤼디거의 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 안톤의 지루한 가족 휴가에 따라가려는 꼬마 흡혈귀 뤼디거. 가족 휴가 전날 밤에 기차를 타고 미리 휴가지로 떠나기로 한다. 안톤과 뤼디거는 머리를 맞대고 여행 준비를 하지만 흡혈귀의 여행 준비는 골치가 아프다. 커다란 관도 꼭 챙겨야 하고, 창백한 얼굴과 괴상한 차림새도 숨겨야 한다. 게다가 어린이들끼리의 여행이라는 사실도 들키면 끝장! 과연 뤼디거와 안톤은 무사히 기차 여행을 할 수 있을까?
무서운 이야기를 좋아하는 안톤은 특히 피를 빨아먹는 뱀파이어 이야기를 가장 좋아하는 소년입니다. 그런데 어느 날, 아파트 7층에 사는 안톤의 방 창턱에 진짜 뱀파이어가 앉아있는 것이었습니다. 겉모습은 무시무시하지만 그런대로 친절한 꼬마 뱀파이어의 이름은 뤼디거. 안톤은 뤼디거와 위험한 우정을 나누기 시작합니다.
30년 동안 전 세계 20여 개 언어로 번역되어 수많은 어린이들을 사로잡았던 '못 말리는 꼬마 뱀파이어 시리즈'는 아이들의 심리를 꿰뚫어보는 작가의 통찰력과 재기발랄한 상상력이 만난 재미있는 동화입니다. 꼬마 뱀파이어 뤼디거와 안톤이 친구가 되어 벌이는 모험들은 아무리 책을 싫어하는 아이라도 빠져들 만한 매력이 있을 것입니다.
안데르센 상 수상 작가 오트프리트 프로이슬러가 쓴 책으로 어린이책의 고전으로 알려진 작품입니다. 익살맞은 등장인물들과 배꼽을 쥐게 만드는 유쾌한 줄거리가 읽는 이들을 즐겁게 하지요. 이야기는 전혀 무섭지 않은 꺼벙한 도둑 호첸플로츠가 할머니의 새 커피콩 가는 기계를 훔치는 데서부터 시작됩니다.
남을 괴롭히기를 좋아하지만 도저히 미워할 수 없게 만드는 어리버리한 왕도둑 호첸플로츠를 비롯한 마법사, 총명한 두 아이 제펠과 카스테를, 성실하게 수사에 임하는 딤펠모저 경감, 재치가 넘치는 할머니 등 개성있는 등장인물들이 펼치는 이야기는 읽는 이로 하여금 '왕도둑 호첸플로츠 시리즈'의 다음 권을 빨리 만나고 싶게 합니다.
안데르센 상 수상 작가 오트프리트 프로이슬러의 작품으로 어린이책의 고전. 호첸플로츠가 탈출을 했다. 호첸플로츠는 복수를 다짐하며 카스페를네 할머니를 납치해 버렸다. 개발새발 쓴 글씨로 날아온 협박장을 받고 카스페를과 제펠은 호첸플로츠를 찾아가지만, 이번에도 붙잡히고 만다. 하지만 세 사람은 꾀를 짜내 호첸플로츠를 골탕먹이고, 투시력자 슐로터베크 부인과 악어 개 바스티, 딤펠모저 경감의 도움으로 풀려난다. 물론, 호첸플로츠는 절대 탈옥할 수 없는 감옥에 갇힌다.
호첸플로츠가 새 사람이 되어 감옥을 나왔다. 하지만 모두 다 왕년의 왕도둑을 경계하기만 하고. 슐로터베크 부인의 수정 구슬이 사라지면서 다시 지명 수배범이 되고 만다. 카스페를과 제펠은 호첸플로츠를 도우려 하지만 사건은 꼬이기만 하고 호첸플로츠는 미국으로 간다며 사라져 버린다. 바스티의 집에서 수정 수글이 발견되면서 모든 오해는 풀리고, 모두들 슐로터베크 부인의 집에 모여 잔치를 벌인다.
서로 다른 세 사람이 만나 상처를 보듬고 치유해 가는 조금은 이상한 로맨틱 코미디 〈사이코지만 괜찮아〉. 드라마 속 사랑을 모르는 유명 동화 작가 문영이 쓰고 그린 동화들을 책으로 만나는 ‘사이코지만 괜찮아 특별 동화’ 시리즈가 위즈덤하우스에서 출간된다. 대본을 맡은 조용 작가와 일러스트를 그린 잠산 작가가 직접 참여하여 드라마 속 여운과 감동을 그대로 담아냈다.
서로 다른 세 사람이 만나 상처를 보듬고 치유해 가는 조금은 이상한 로맨틱 코미디 〈사이코지만 괜찮아〉. 드라마 속 사랑을 모르는 유명 동화 작가 문영이 쓰고 그린 동화들을 책으로 만나는 ‘사이코지만 괜찮아 특별 동화’ 시리즈가 위즈덤하우스에서 출간된다. 대본을 맡은 조용 작가와 일러스트를 그린 잠산 작가가 직접 참여하여 여운과 감동을 그대로 담아냈으며, 극 중 문영의 친필 사인 인쇄본으로 소장 가치를 더한다.