BTS Lyrics Inside 2 + BTS Group Postcard Written in both English and Korean

Product information "BTS Lyrics Inside 2 + BTS Group Postcard"

BTS Lyrics Inside Vol. 2

**** NOW Available ****

Special Gift:  Lyrics Mini Book + only from us: BTS Group Postcard

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2  RUN
3  EPILOGUE : Young Forever
4  둘! 셋! (그래도 좋은 날이 더 많기를)
5  MIC Drop
7  욱 (UGH!)
8  00:00 (Zero O’Clock)
9  달려라 방탄
10 For Youth

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Ähnliche Titel, Originalfassungen oder Übersetzungen

Learn! KOREAN With BTS - for Basic Learners | plus Special Gifts
Koreanisch Lernen für Anfänger mit Grundkenntnissen - mit Sprachstift und den Stimmen von BTS Learn! KOREAN With BTS - for Basic Learners - Purple Motipen included SPECIAL OFFER with 3 Gifts:  BTS Study NotebookMotipen Stickers Only from us: BTS Group Postcard The book is designed for foreign learners who want to learn Korean through actual Korean Wave content, away from formalized school textbooks. In most cases, a book is made to incorporate Korean Wave into Korean language education, but this book was made while thinking about how to effectively utilize BTS' various contents in Korean language education. So it's not boring but fun. In addition, the sound pen translates eye-viewing into ear-listening so that Korean comes to live sound. Besides, isn't the character BTS that we really want to meet? Yes, Let's learn Korean with BTS! Write in Korean!Learn the Korean consonants and vowels by writing the names of the BTS members and their songs!Learn using videos!1. Scan the codes with your smartphone and watch the videos from BTS.2. Answer the questions and prove your Korean knowledge as ARMYLearn with MotiPen!The MotiPen is equipped with an optical camera and can thus capture the nCode, the tiny dots in the books. Tap the desired word with the MotiPen and it will be read out loud. The high-quality speaker ensures a clear sound and the volume can be adjusted as needed. The handling is so easy that everyone can use the MotiPen without any problems.Tap the book with the MotiPenThanks to MotiPen not only in Korean, but also in English, Japanese and SpanishFind the voices of BTS!Look for the hidden voices of BTS that are all over the books This book set includes 4 books (6 chapters per book, 24 in total) Purple Motipen (upgradeable for "Talk with BTS") 2 keyboard stickers Watch the trailer on YouTube

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BTS Recipe Book 2 + Special Gift: BTS Group Photocard
BTS Recipe Book 2: Book of Tasty Stories Now with 2 special gifts:  Ingredients Cards + only from us: BTS Postcard Watch the trailer Meet BTS' new cooking stories and recipes, along with useful Korean expressions! Also included are guidelines for vegan, gluten-free recipesShall we take a trip to the kitchen with BTS? Contents IntroductionBTS’ Kitchen- 기본 조리 도구 (Kitchenware)- 기본 재료 (Basic Ingredients)- 양념 재료 및 계량법 (Spices, Seasonings, and Oil Measurements)1. 간편한 집밥 (Easy Homemade Meals)- 간장계란밥 (Ganjang Gyeran Bap)- 김치찌개 (Kimchi Jjigae)2. 취향 따라 만드는 도시락 (Box Lunches Just for You)- 김밥 (Gimbap)- 토스트 (Toast)3. 후루룩 면 요리 (Slurp! Noodle Dishes)- 칼국수 (Kalguksu)- 짜장 라면 (Jjajang Ramyeon)4. 매콤한 고기 요리 (Spicy Meat Dishes)- 닭갈비 (Dakgalbi)- 제육볶음 (Jeyuk Bokkeum)5. 특별한 만찬 (Dishes for Special Feasts)- 미역국 (Miyeokguk)- 잡채 (Japchae)- 떡국 (Tteokguk)- 불고기 (Bulgogi)6. 술과 어울리는 안주 (Perfect Pairings with Drinks)- 김치전 (Kimchijeon)- 계란말이 (Gyeran Mari)7. 달달한 디저트 (Sweet Desserts)- 달고나 (Dalgona)- 화채 (Hwachae)기본 조리법 (Basic Preparations)- 밥 (Rice)- 채소 국물 (Vegetable Broth)- 멸칫국물 (Anchovy Broth)- 고깃국물 (Beef Broth)Ingredients IndexReferences  

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Beyond The Story - 10 Jahre BTS
Übersetzt von: Ki-Hyang Lee, Alexandra Dickmann, Anja Schmidt, Julia Zachulski, Tamina Hauser 10 Jahre BTS - Die Aufzeichnung | Deutsche Ausgabe des ersten und einzigen offiziellen Buchs von BTS, veröffentlicht zur Feier des 10-jährigen Jubiläums DAS ERSTE UND EINZIGE OFFIZIELLE BUCH – Veröffentlicht zur Feier des 10-jährigen Jubiläums von BTS. Geschichten, die über das hinausgehen, was ihr bereits über BTS wisst. Mit unveröffentlichten Fotos, QR-Codes zu Videos und allen Informationen zu den bisherigen Alben. Nachdem sie am 13. Juni 2013 ihren ersten Schritt in die Welt gemacht haben, feiern BTS im Juni 2023 den 10. Jahrestag ihres Debüts. Sie sind zu einer weltweiten Künstlerikone aufgestiegen und blicken während dieser bedeutungsvollen Zeit in ihrem ersten offiziellen Buch auf ihren bisherigen Werdegang zurück. Daraus schöpfen BTS die Kraft, hellere Tage zu erschaffen, und einen weiteren Schritt auf einem Weg zurückzulegen, den noch niemand zuvor gegangen ist. In den Interviews von Myeongseok Kang, der bereits in verschiedenen Medien über K-Pop und andere Aspekte koreanischer Popkultur geschrieben hat und BTS über drei Jahre intensiv begleitete, teilen sie persönliche Geschichten und geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen ihrer bisherigen Reise. In sieben chronologisch geordneten Kapiteln, von der Zeit vor dem Debüt von BTS bis in die Gegenwart, werden ihre lebhaften Stimmen und Meinungen vereint zu einer aufrichtigen, lebendigen und tiefgründigen Geschichte. In Einzelinterviews, die ohne Kamera und Make-up geführt wurden, beleuchten sie ihre musikalische Reise aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln und diskutieren deren Bedeutung. Darüber hinaus wird das Buch von Porträtfotos eröffnet, die BTS als Individuen und Künstler zeigen. Es gibt zahlreiche Konzeptfotos, Tracklisten aller bisherigen Alben und über 330 QR-Codes. Als digitale Künstler kommunizieren BTS mit der Welt über das Internet, und dieses Buch ermöglicht es den Lesern, sofort online auf Trailer, Musikvideos und mehr zuzugreifen, um ein umfassendes Verständnis aller Schlüsselmomente in der Geschichte von BTS zu erhalten. Mit einer Zeitleiste aller wichtigen Meilensteine ist BEYOND THE STORY ein bemerkenswertes Archiv - wirklich alles über BTS in einem Band.

BTS on the Road
How did BTS transcend K-pop and move people all over the world? In just a decade since their debut in 2013, BTS has achieved remarkable impact beyond the music and entertainment activities of a K-pop group. They have succeeded in gaining interest and popularity as an icon of the contemporary global youth generation, not as fictional characters but as real people with Asian faces who are facing difficulties in the uncertain current and future conditions. At the same time, their actions have world-historical significance beyond the realm of popular culture. This is not only what BTS means, but also what K-pop and Hallyu mean. In this respect, BTS have faithfully fulfilled their role as pioneers. Contents Foreword to the English editionPrologue: Out into the World with BTSBTS as a Lens for Observing the WorldBTS in the Age of Globalization and Digital CultureOn the Road That BTS WalksJoining the Journey That Nobody Has Ever WalkedChapter 1: BTS, Beyond K-pop:From the Margins of K-pop Industry to the Zenith of World Popular CultureThe New Order of Global Cultural DistributionThe Idol Systems in Korea and Japan-and BTSBTS and K-pop: Commonalities and DifferencesHow BTS Display HybridityBeyond K-pop, and to the WorldChapter 2: BTS Transmedia: The Most Important Keywords for Understanding BTS NarrativesWhat Is TransmediaBTS’s Transmedia StrategyThree Layers of BTS TransmediaSecond Layer: The Narratives of BTS as a Band and the MembersThird Layer: The Narratives of the BTS Members as Natural PersonsThe Rabbit Hole: The Knots That Tie Together Different Narrative LayersJin’s “Epiphany”V’s “Singularity”The Completion of BTS Transmedia Via Fan ParticipationChapter 3: The BTS Phenomenon through the Lens of Class Theory:Why Do Young People around the World Love BTS?Singing about Young People’s Life CircumstancesYou Can’t Live Like Your Parents Anymore, So What Will You Do?Resist! Growth over SuccessIcons of the Young Generation: The Beatles, David Bowie, and BTSChapter 4: Becoming ARMY and Being ARMY: They Are behind Every PhenomenonMeeting the ARMY On-siteBecoming ARMY and Being ARMYEncounter: Delving into BTS’s Universe (BU)The Bias: BTS Saved Me at My Lowest PointThe Power of ARMY as CommunityCommunicating Consolation and SalvationAbout the Middle-aged FansLearning Korean, BTS’s LanguageARMY’s Taste and ARMY as TasteCommunities of Media, Taste, and ValuesARMY and Fan ActivismChapter 5: BTS and a New Racial Imagination: How Did BTS Turn Asians into Objects of Desire?From Local to the World: K-pop led by BTSGlobal Pop Music, Sung in KoreanCultural Referencing Strategy in a Multicultural WorldChanging the White-centric Racial ImaginationRacial Sensibility of K-pop FandomsSeeking Alternatives between Stereotype and GlorificationChapter 6: BTS and Alternative Masculinity:How Did They Impact the Gender Sensibility of the Young Generation?Male Imagery That Allows Aesthetic AppreciationSoft MasculinityAnti-toxic MasculinityBeyond Alternative Masculinity, towards Gender IssuesBTS’s BodyEpilogue: BTS and Imagining a New Era

SEVENTEEN Lyrics Inside COLLECTORS' 2-for-1 SET: Global Edition PLUS Japanese Edition
*** PROMOTION DEAL *** **** EXCLUSIVE COLLECTORS' SET  ******* Limited quantity available *** SEVENTEEN LYRICS INSIDE COLLECTORS' SET: Global Edition PLUS Japanese Edition 13 members, 3 unit teams, 1 group and a united fandom.Discover the meanings and emotions behind the lyrics of SEVENTEEN’s songs.SEVENTEEN LYRICS INSIDE features the interpretations and various anecdotes related to the lyrics of 10 curated SEVENTEEN songs.In this book, there are three team songs that all the members sang together, three unit team songs that each of the unit teams sang, and three fan songs that were composed for the one and only CARAT, a very special fandom. This is in the Collectors' Set: SEVENTEEN LYRICS INSIDE GLOBAL EDITIONincl. Handwriting Note2000 grams | 168 pages | L 30cm X H 30cm x W 10cm SEVENTEEN LYRICS INSIDE JAPANESE EDITIONincl. Handwriting Note2000 grams | 168 pages | L 30cm X H 30cm x W 10cm Here are the assets of the Global Edition: Contents 1. 예쁘다 (Pretty U) 2. 어쩌나 (Oh My!) 3. _WORLD 4. TRAUMA 5. 13월의 춤 (Lilili Yabbay) 6. 바람개비 (PINWHEEL) 7. Shining Diamond 8. IF you leave me 9. 웃음꽃 (Smile Flower) 10. 아주 NICE (VERY NICE)

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