Miss Vicky

All You Need KOREAN for Absolute Beginners From alphabet, numbers to key expressions

Product information "All You Need KOREAN for Absolute Beginners"
Congratulations on embarking on this new journey of learning Korean! 
This book is written from the perspective of someone who is just starting to learn Korean. It is authored by Miss Vicky, who has over 480,000 YouTube subscribers. 
It has three main chapters; the first chapter covers Korean alphabet, and the subsequent chapters cover simple yet practical topics like basic expressions and numbers. You can learn Korean with detailed and clear explanations, engaging visuals, and thoughtfully created exercises, including the final tests in every chapter. 
Throughout the book, you’ll find useful information that broadens your understanding of the Korean language and answers the questions that may naturally arise as you study. You can approach this book from the perspective of studying, but it will also be helpful to approach it as reading an informative and engaging book about Korean. 
* Learning with provides the following benefits : 
  1. Absolute beginner learners of Korean can use this book, the accompanying YouTube lectures and the audio files (audio files can be downloaded from the Darakwon USA website) to make the most of their learning experience. 
  2. You’ll learn how to read and write “Hangeul,” the Korean alphabet, with visual images, thorough pronunciation guide, and audio files. 
  3. You can dive into learning Korean phrases and sentences. In particular, you will learn the use of polite and casual speech in Korean, allowing you to use appropriate expressions for each situation. You will also become familiar with Korean numbers, which will help you practice applying the numbers you’ve learned in real life. 
  4. You can review what you’ve learned and check your Korean skills through various exercises. By following Miss Vicky’s guided journey in learning Korean, you’ll naturally build your Korean language skills!

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Darakwon Inc.
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Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg

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The questions at the end of each lesson provide necessary practice and drill to learn the usage of essential words. *A customized Korean vocabulary book for English speakers! As the English version of the bestselling self-study Korean language learning book, Korean Made Easy –Vocabulary (2nd Edition) provides English speakers with a customized tool for learning Korean. *100 lessons on essential vocabulary words grouped according to meanings and themes! Approximately 2,500 words ranging from beginning to intermediate levels are introduced through 100 lessons. Words are suggested in parts 1, 2, and 3, depending on the difficulty level of the example sentences so the reader may comprehend the contexts of usage effectively. *Study vocabulary and even practice speaking through helpful illustrations and audio content! Various visual images, audio content, conversational cards and varied practice questions help readers effectively learn vocabulary and even practice speaking skills for actual conversations. *Readers may select vocabulary according to themes they need! Chapters in the book gradually introduce vocabulary of higher levels, but each level is designed independently, so readers may skip and select chapters in any order they like.     Contents 서문 Preface 04 일러두기 How to Use This Book 06 목차 Contents 10 Part 1 Numbers Unit 01 Reading Numbers 1 16 Unit 02 Reading Numbers 2 18 Unit 03 Reading Prices 20 Unit 04 Counting Items 22 Time Unit 05 Months and Dates 24 Unit 06 Holidays 26 Unit 07 Days of the Week 28 Unit 08 Years 30 Unit 09 Weeks and Months 32 Unit 10 Days and Years 34 Unit 11 Reading the Time 36 Unit 12 Expressing Duration 38 Personal Information Unit 13 Countries 40 Unit 14 Nationalities and Languages 42 Unit 15 Occupations 44 Unit 16 Age 46 Unit 17 Family 48 Places Unit 18 Places 1 50 Unit 19 Places 2 52 Unit 20 On the Street 54 Unit 21 Location and Direction 56 Unit 22 Asking Directions 58 Things Unit 23 Possessions 60 Unit 24 Describing Your Room 62 Unit 25 Describing Your Home 64 Unit 26 Furniture and Household Items 66 Everyday Unit 27 Daily Routine 68 Unit 28 Household Activities 70 Unit 29 Daily Activities 72 Unit 30 Housework 74 Unit 31 Weekend Activities 76 Unit 32 Common Verbs 78 Unit 33 Common Adjectives 80 Unit 34 Common Expressions 1 82 Unit 35 Common Expressions 2 84 Food and Drink Unit 36 Fruits 86 Unit 37 Vegetables 88 Unit 38 Meat and Seafood 90 Unit 39 Common Foods and Ingredients 92 Unit 40 Beverages 94 Unit 41 Snacks and Desserts 96 Unit 42 The Dining Table 98 Unit 43 Meals 100 Unit 44 Cooking Methods 102 Leisure Unit 45 Hobbies 104 Unit 46 Sports 106 Unit 47 Travel 1 108 Unit 48 Travel 2 110 Unit 49 Communication 112 Unit 50 Purchasing Goods 114 People Unit 51 Physical States and Sensations 116 Unit 52 Emotions 118 Unit 53 Describing People 120 Unit 54 Body Parts and Illnesses 122 Unit 55 Body Parts 124 Unit 56 Clothing 126 Nature Unit 57 Seasons 128 Unit 58 Weather 130 Unit 59 Animals 132 Unit 60 The Countryside 134 Part 2 Talking about Oneself Unit 61 Appearance 138 Unit 62 Personality 142 Unit 63 Feelings 146 Unit 64 Interpersonal Relationships 148 Unit 65 Life 152 Problems Unit 66 Injuries 154 Unit 67 Medical Treatment 156 Unit 68 Household Problems 158 Unit 69 Everyday Problems 160 Unit 70 Problematic Situations 162 Opposites Unit 71 Opposite Adverbs 1 166 Unit 72 Opposite Adverbs 2 168 Unit 73 Opposite Adjectives 1 170 Unit 74 Opposite Adjectives 2 172 Unit 75 Opposite Verbs 1 176 Unit 76 Opposite Verbs 2 178 Unit 77 Opposite Verbs 3 182 Other Verbs Unit 78 Movement Verbs 184 Unit 79 Body-Related Verbs 186 Unit 80 Common Verb Pairs 190 Part 3 Verbs Unit 81 The Verbs 가다 & 오다 196 Unit 82 The Verb 나다 202 Unit 83 The Verb 하다 206 Unit 84 The Verb 되다 210 Unit 85 The Verbs 생기다, 풀다, and 걸리다 214 Unit 86 Action and the Result of the Action 220 Unit 87 Money-Related Verbs 226 Unit 88 Verbs by Category 230 Expressions Unit 89 Emotion Expressions 238 Unit 90 Shopping Expressions 244 Unit 91 Clothing Expressions 248 Unit 92 Time Expressions 254 Unit 93 Quantity Expressions 260 Unit 94 Location Expressions 264 Language Unit 95 Markers 268 Unit 96 Interrogatives 276 Unit 97 Adverbs 282 Unit 98 Conjunctive Adverbs 292 Unit 99 Adjectives 296 Unit 100 Nouns 300 Appendix Answers 308 Listening Scripts 326 Vocabulary Index 340    

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Korean Made Easy Grammar 1
This book is the first volume in the Korean Made Easy - Grammar series, which is designed according to the difficulty levels of the TOPIK exam and the Korean Standard Curriculum. It provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to Korean grammar for beginner learners, helping them build a strong foundation while understanding how grammar is used in real-life situations. Key features of the book include:A structured curriculum tailored for English-speaking learners, with grammar concepts categorized by function and topic.Extensive examples demonstrating real-world grammar usage and cultural insights.A learner-centered structure that allows for self-paced study based on individual goals and needs.Additional resources, including QR codes linking to practice exercises and Korean-language grammar explanations for instructors.Table of Contents 서문 Preface 04이 책의 사용법 How to Use This Book 06목차 Table of Contents 08Part 1 Basic ExpressionsPeople and ObjectsLesson 01 Noun + 이다 14 Lesson 02 있다/없다 Possession and relationship 18Lesson 03 있다/없다 Existence and location 22NumbersLesson 04 Sino-Korean numbers 26 Lesson 05 Native Korean numbers 34Lesson 06 Time 40TensesLesson 07 Informal polite present tesnse -아/어요 46 Lesson 08 Informal polite past tense -았/었어요 50Lesson 09 Informal polite future tense -(으)ㄹ거예요/어요 54Sentence StructuresLesson 10 Particles 58Lesson 11 Question words 70Lesson 12 Regular and irregular conjugation 76Lesson 13 Nagation 82Lesson 14 Comperative and superlative 88Part 2 Meaning-Focused Endings and ExpressionsDesires and WishesLesson 15 -고 싶다 want to 94 Lesson 16 -았/었으면 좋겠다 I wish / I hope 98Abilities and SkillsLesson 17 -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 can 104 Lesson 18 -(으)ㄹ 줄 알다 know how to 108Commands and RequestsLesson 19 -(으)세요 Please do something 112 Lesson 20 -아/어 보세요 Try do something 116Lesson 21 -아/어 주세요 Please do something for me 120Necessity and PermissionLesson 22 -아/어야 하다 must, have to, need to, should 124Lesson 23 -아어도 되다 You may/can 128Lesson 24 -(으)면 안 되다 You must not / It’s not allowed 132Lesson 25 -(으)면 되다 just need to... 136ExperiencesLesson 26 -아/어 봤다 have tried 140 Lesson 27 -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다 have experienced 144Action and StateLesson 28 -고 있다 be...ing 148 Lesson 29 -아/어 있다 be...ing 152Intentions and GuessesLesson 30 -겠- will / must be 156 Lesson 31 -(으)ㄹ까? Shall we? / Would it be? 162Lesson 32 -(으)ㄹ게 I will... 168Lesson 33 -(으)ㄹ래 I want to 172Lesson 34 -(으)려고 하다 plan/try to, be about/going to 176Lesson 35 -기로 하다 decide / determine / promise to... 180Lesson 36 -은/는/을 것 같다 seem to, look like 184Change and ConfirmationLesson 37 -아/어지다 become / get 190 Lesson 38 -게 되다 end up ...ing, come to 194Lesson 39 - 지 Isn’t it? / Right? 198Part 3 Clause-Connecting Endings and ExpressionsCoordinationLesson 40 -고 and 204 Lesson 41 -아/어서 and 208Alternation and ContextLesson 42 -거나 or 212 Lesson 43 -지만 but 216Lesson 44 -는데 but, and 220Reason and CuaseLesson 45 -아/어서 because 226 Lesson 46 -(으)니까 ..., so 230Lesson 47 -기 때문에 because... 234Time RelationsLesson 48 -(으)ㄴ 후에 after 238Lesson 49 -기 전에 before 242Lesson 50 -(으)ㄹ 때 when 246Lesson 51 -(으)ㄴ 지 since 252Purpose and IntentionLesson 52 -(으)러 in order to 256 Lesson 53 -(으)려고 in order to 260Condition and ConcessionLesson 54 -(으)면 if 266 Lesson 55 -아/어도 even if 270SimultaneityLesson 56 -(으)면서 while 274 Lesson 57 -(으)ㄹ까? Shall we? / Would it be? 278Lesson 58 -(으)ㄹ게 I will... 284Part 4 Derivational Endings and Speech StylesDerivational EndingsLesson 59 Adnominal endings -은/는/을 290 Lesson 60 Adverbial ending -게 300Lesson 61 Nominalizing endings -기 and -(으)ㅁ 304 Speech Styles and HonorificsLesson 62 반말 Informal casual speech 310 Lesson 63 격식체 Formal polite speech 314Lesson 64 존댓말 Honorifics 318색인 Index 324
