Kim Soon-lye, Oh Myong-hui

50 Folktales for Learners of Korean Bilingual Korean/English

Product information "50 Folktales for Learners of Korean"
▪ Practice reading step by step while reading traditional folktales by level!
As the Korean folktales in the book have been adapted using vocabulary and expressions by level, from A2 (level 2) to B2 (level 4), readers can choose and read stories that suit their own level. In particular, level 2 and 3 learners can also try reading at a higher level. With all of the stories translated into English, you can use the translation to accurately grasp the meaning of portions that are difficult to understand due to level or cultural differences, allowing you to keep moving on in the text.

▪ Get a glimpse of the lives of Koreans in the past through cultural illustrations!
Many cultural and historical elements appear in traditional Korean folktales, such as dokkaebi, mill stones, a doe of rice, a nyang coin, and gamtu, which can be unfamiliar to foreign learners of Korean. These Korean elements are presented in illustrations of scenes or vocabulary so that foreign learners can see and easily understand the lives of Koreans in the past.

▪ Familiarize yourself with lively Korean accents, with recordings by professional voice actors!
All of the stories are recorded in Korean so that you can listen to them just like an audiobook, checking on the linguistic habits of Koreans that are contained in the dialogue and familiarizing yourself with accents and meanings of onomatopoeia and mimetic words that don’t appear often in ordinary Korean language textbooks. The audio files, which are presented for each story, can be listened to via QR code or downloaded as MP3 files.  

Table of Contents
서문 Preface 004
일러두기 How to Use This Book 006
목차 Table of Contents 008

1. 누렁소와 검정소 The Yellow Ox and the Black Ox 012
2. 삼 년 고개 Three Year Hill 015
3. 훈장님의 꿀단지 The Village School Teacher’s Honey Jar 018
4. 은혜 갚은 쥐 The Mice that Repaid a Favor 021
5. 토끼의 재판 The Rabbit’s Trial 024
6. 도깨비와 내기하기 A Bet with a Dokkaebi 027
7. 신기한 탈 The Remarkable Mask 030
8. 며느리 시험 The Daughter-in-Law Test 034
9. 혹부리 영감 Old Man Lumpy 037
10. 세상에서 제일 무서운 것 The Most Frightening Thing in the World 041
11. 금도끼 은도끼 Golden Axe, Silver Axe 045
12. 할머니 무덤에 핀 꽃 The Flowers That Bloomed on Grandmother’s Grave 048
13. 요술 맷돌 The Magic Millstone 052
14. 이상한 샘물 The Strange Spring Water 056
15. 나무 그늘을 산 총각 The Young Man Who Bought the Shade of a Tree 060

16. 거울을 처음 본 사람들 The People Who Saw a Mirror for the First Time 066
17. 개와 고양이와 구슬 The Dog, the Cat, and the Marble 070
18. 호랑이와 곶감 The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon 074
19. 임금님 귀는 당나귀 귀 The King Has Donkey Ears 078
20. 청개구리 이야기 The Story of the Green Frog 082
21. 도깨비방망이 The Dokkaebi’s Club 086
22. 호랑이 등에 탄 효자 The Filial Son Who Rode on a Tiger’s Back 090
23. 망주석 재판 The Trial of the Tombside Stone Post 094
24. 신기한 항아리 The Marvelous Pot 098
25. 우렁이 각시 The Snail Bride 103

31. 지혜로운 총각 The Wise Young Man 134
32. 냄새 맡은 값 The Price of Smelling 139
33. 효성스러운 호랑이 The Filial Tiger 143
34. 은혜 갚은 까치 The Magpie Who Repaid a Favor 147
35. 견우와 직녀 Gyeonu and Jingnyeo 152
36. 은혜 갚은 호랑이 The Tiger Who Repaid a Favor 158
37. 도깨비 감투 The Dokkaebi Hat 163
38. 짧아진 바지 The Pants that Grew Shorter 169
39. 여우 누이 The Fox Sister 174
40. 노루가 된 동생 The Younger Brother Who Became a Roe Deer 179
41. 신기한 나뭇잎 The Marvelous Leaf 185
42. 쑥과 마늘 Mugwort and Garlic 191
43. 구렁덩덩 선비 The Divine Serpent Scholar 196
44. 토끼의 간 The Rabbit’s Liver 201
45. 효녀 심청 Filial Daughter Shim Cheong 206
46. 옹고집 이야기 The Story of Onggojip 211
47. 흥부와 놀부 Heungbu and Nolbu 216
48. 바리공주 Princess Bari 222
49. 콩쥐 팥쥐 Kongjwi and Patjwi 228
50. 오늘이 Today 233

부록 Appendix 239
정답 Answers 240
색인 Index 246
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Darakwon Inc.
211, Munbal-ro, Gyeonggi-do
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Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg

Ähnliche Titel, Originalfassungen oder Übersetzungen

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Click here to download the free audiofiles   About This Book ● Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! ● Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! ● Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! ● Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions! The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way. The eighth literary work in this series, "The Story of Janghwa and Hongryeon," adapts a classic Korean novel about sisters Janghwa and Hongryeon who meet their end due to the machinations of their stepmother and finally settle their scores. The entire text has been reorganized at the beginner level so that students can follow the story, learn basic beginner vocabulary and expressions, and understand the culture of the time through explanations of the historical background. In addition, students can understand the culture of the time through explanations of the historical background. In addition to reading the content, students can listen to it by scanning QR codes to hear recordings of professional voice actors reading the story. Students can also use the English translations of the story and the questions in the appendix at the end of the book to test their reading comprehension. ▪ The “Darakwon Korean Readers” series adapts classic Korean tales into modern Korean suitable for beginner to advanced levels. Each book presents vocabulary words and expressions that align with the standards of the International Standard Curriculum for Korean Language and Korean Language Education Vocabulary Content Development. Students can have fun as they easily read and understand each story. ▪ English translations of vocabulary words that are necessary for understanding the story are presented at the bottom of each page, as well as additional English explanations about grammar, expressions, and cultural background, allowing students to concentrate on reading without using a dictionary. In addition, students can easily check an English translation of the entire story in the appendix of the book. ▪ Students can listen to lively recordings done by professional voice actors by scanning the QR code on each page of the story. By looking at illustrations of the story’s main scenes and listening to the voice recordings, students can not only improve their listening skills, they can also vividly understand the emotions of the characters. ▪ Using a variety of questions in the book’s appendix, students can check their reading comprehension and practice sentence structures and vocabulary words that they should know for each corresponding level. In addition, students can compare various cultural situations with Korean culture through thought expansion questions based on the content of the story.Contents 머리말 Preface 2일러두기 How to Use This Book 4작품 소개 Introduction to the Story 6등장인물 Characters 101 일찍 어머니를 잃은 두 자매 Two Sisters Who Lost Their Mother Early On 112 성격 나쁜 새어머니, 허씨 부인 The Mean Stepmother, Lady Heo 163 새어머니의 못된 거짓말 Stepmother’s Wicked Lie 234 억울하게 죽임을 당하는 장화 Janghwa Faces an Unjust Death 295 언니를 따라 연못에 뛰어든 홍련 Hongryeon Jumps Into the Pond to Follow Her Sister 356 자매의 억울함을 풀어 주는 사또 The Magistrate Who Relieves the Sisters of Their Resentment 41 7 나쁜 사람들의 결말 The Wicked Meet Their End 48부록 Appendix 내용 이해하기 Reading Comprehension 54모범 답안 Answers 69본문 번역 Text Translations 71   

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Click here to download the audiofiles About This BookThis book is a reading textbook for intermediate level students of Korean. It presents Korean proverbs, idiomatic expressions, vocabulary, and grammar in an interesting format, and helps learners improve their listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities through a variety of activities and lifelike illustrations and audio clips. It helps learners to better understand Koreans and Korean culture. We provide English, Chinese, and Japanese translations for all of the vocabulary, grammar expressions, and main text passages to satisfy the curiosity of learners and allow them to study as correctly and accurately as possible.     - A new reading textbook that will boost confidence in reading while allowing the reader to imagine the stories through interesting illustrations!- Learn common Korean idiomatic expressions through traditional fairy tales! Through traditional fairy tales, readers can learn about Korean culture while also becoming familiar with common Korean idiomatic expressions, such as what it means to be ‘like a tree frog,’ or to ‘act like Nolbu.’ - Improve listening comprehension by leaps and bounds through lifelike audio files! Readers can also improve their listening comprehension by listening to the included audio files recorded by a veteran professional voice actor. - Includes a separate appendix with all main text content translated into English, Chinese, and Japanese! The included appendix with clear English, Chinese, and Japanese translations allows readers to accurately confirm the Korean text content of the fairy tales.

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