서강대학교 한국어교육원

Sogang Korean (3rd Edition) Hangeul 서강한국어

Produktinformationen "Sogang Korean (3rd Edition) Hangeul"

Learning Hangeul is often completed within a week at most institutions. However, as the accurate acquisition of Hangeul is crucial for further Korean language learning, many Korean language teachers, both domestically and abroad, have expressed significant interest in the Hangeul teaching methods of the Korean Language Education Center at Sogang University. In response to this demand, the revised 3rd edition of Sogang Korean 1A1B includes a newly published textbook based on the Center’s practical Hangeul teaching methodology.

This textbook is built on the classroom activities used by instructors at Sogang University’s Korean Language Education Center and is designed to support self-learning and repetitive practice. It also incorporates short video lessons on Hangeul pronunciation to enhance the learning experience.

Key Features of Sogang Korean Hangeul:

  1. Step-by-Step Learning: The sequence of learning Hangeul consonants and vowels is organized progressively based on difficulty levels.
  2. Color-Coding for Easy Differentiation: Consonants are color-coded for easy distinction, and related consonants (plain, aspirated, and tense sounds) are marked with the same color to facilitate memory through association.
  3. Diverse Classroom Activities: Hangeul learning is integrated into speaking, reading, listening, and game-based classroom activities to ensure an engaging and dynamic learning experience.
  4. Detailed Teaching Aids: The book provides detailed explanations of classroom activities along with ready-to-use resources such as letter boards and game materials.
  5. QR-Linked Videos: Short videos on Hangeul pronunciation are accessible via QR codes, enabling self-learning and repeated practice.

This textbook aims to make learning Hangeul more enjoyable for Korean language learners while serving as a practical and effective resource for instructors teaching Hangeul in their classrooms.

Table of Contents

머리말 Introduction
내용 구성표 Table of Contents
일러두기 How to Use This Book

한국어와 한글 The Korean Language and Hangeul

한글 1과 Hangeul1
아 어 오 우 으 이
ㅁ ㄴ ㄹ ㅇ
게임 Game 1·2
읽고 말하기 Reading and Speaking
듣고 말하기 Listening and Speaking

한글 2과 Hangeul2
야 여 요 유 의
ㄱ ㄷ ㅂ ㅅ ㅈ
받침① ㅁ ㄴ ㄹ ㅇ Batchim
게임 Game
읽고 말하기 Reading and Speaking
듣고 말하기 Listening and Speaking
게임 Game 1·2

한글 3과 Hangeul3
애 에 왜 웨 외
ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅊ ㅎ
받침② ㄱ ㅂ ㄷ ㅅ ㅈ Batchim
읽고 말하기 Reading and Speaking
듣고 말하기 Listening and Speaking
게임 Game

한글 4과 Hangeul4
얘 예 와 워 위
ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ
받침③ ㅋ ㅍ ㅌ ㅊ ㅎ Batchim
노래 〈작은 별〉 Song: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
읽고 말하기 Reading and Speaking
듣고 말하기 Listening and Speaking
게임 Game

겹받침 Double Batchim

생활 한국어 Korean for Daily Life

부록 Appendix
정답, 한글1 글자 카드, 한글2 자음·모음 카드, 트랙 목차
Answer Key, Hangeul 1 letter cards, Hangeul 2 Consonant and vowel cards