Intensive Course for TOPIK I Success (Listening) 합격특강 한국어능력시험 TOPIK I(토픽 1) 듣기(Listening)
29,90 €*
% 32,90 €* (9.12% gespart)-
Art.Nr./ISBN: 9788927774358
Verlag: Darakwon
Seitenzahl: 176
Einband: Softcover
Jahr: 2024
Sprache: Korean
Medientyp: Book + Audio Download
Derzeit nicht auf Lager. Lieferbar in ca. 45 Tagen
Thorough analysis of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) I
Listening exam questions, with problem composition tailored to actual
test trends.
• Each question presents problem-solving methods in the [Strategy]
section. Refer to the [Strategy] section to solve the problems.
• The questions are designed with similar types and difficulty levels as
the actual exam. Explanations of the correct answers are provided to
help grasp the core of the questions, and example sentences are included
to familiarize learners with sentences related to the answer choices.
• Essential vocabulary from each question and [Additional Learning] is
selected and translated into English, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese.
• [Listening Files] can be downloaded from the Darakwon website
( You can practice with both basic audio and audio
that simulates the actual test environment speakers.
이 책의 특징
이 책의 활용법
TOPIK I 시험 안내
유형 1 대답하기
1 ‘네/아니요’로 대답하기
2 의문사 질문에 대답하기
3 대화 완성하기
유형1 표현 익히기
유형 2 전체 내용 이해하기
1 장소 찾기
2 화제 찾기
3 알맞은 그림 찾기
4 중심 생각 찾기
유형2 표현 익히기
유형3 세부 내용 이해하기
1 대화의 내용 이해하기
2 안내 방송의 내용 이해하기
유형3 표현 익히기
듣기 지문 번역
표현 색인
OMR 답안지 작성법
211, Munbal-ro, Gyeonggi-do
10883 Paju-si
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg