Hi! KOREAN 2A Studentbook

Produktinformationen "Hi! KOREAN 2A Studentbook"
"Hi! Korean 2A" is the first book in the second level of the series, which begins the study of Korean in earnest after completing the first level, and introduces the grammar and vocabulary expressions of the second level within the theme of Korean society and culture. In particular, it introduces expressions for public affairs that you may encounter in your school life, so that you can use them in real life. The Hi! Korean series is an integrated Korean coursebook designed for foreign learners who love Korean culture and want to learn Korean. The textbooks incorporate the latest trends in Korean culture and provide a variety of activities to help learners master the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. While maintaining a consistent organization from beginner to advanced, it organically presents the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and separates listening and reading by section to enhance learning by section. In particular, in the step-up course, students are encouraged to develop their communication skills by expanding their learning through speaking and writing activities. The overall composition of includes 10 student books (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced), which include 'Grammar and Vocabulary Book' as a separate book, and 10 workbooks (4 for beginners, 4 for intermediate, and 2 for advanced) sold separately.
머리말 02 일러두기 04 목차 16 교재 구성표 18 Chapter 1 첫날 1-1 저는 마크라고 합니다 26 1-2 이 사람은 제 룸메이트인데 한국 사람이에요 38 1-3 한 단계 오르기 50 Chapter 2 약속과 취미 2-1 제가 지금 연락할게요 60 2-2 저는 시간이 있을 때 친구를 만나거나 쇼핑을 해요 72 2-3 한 단계 오르기 84 Chapter 3 옷차림 3-1 옷이 좀 커 보여요 94 3-2 이 치마를 까만색으로 교환해 주세요 106 3-3 한 단계 오르기 118 Chapter 4 시설 이용 4-1 통장을 만들려면 뭐가 필요한가요? 128 4-2 미술관이 시청역 근처에 있다고 했어요 140 4-3 한 단계 오르기 152 Chapter 5 한국 음식과 명절 5-1 지금 몇 시예요? 162 5-2 이번 주말에 청소할 거예요 174 5-3 한 단계 오르기 186 Chapter 6 학교생활 6-1 등록금을 하무실에 내도 돼요? 196 6-2 한국어 문법이 조금 어려워졌어요 208 6-3 한 단계 오르기 220 부록 정답 230 듣기 대본·읽기 지문 번역 244 대화 번역 251 문법 및 발음 설명 번역 255 색인 261
Kontaktdaten des Herstellers
Darakwon Inc.
211, Munbal-ro, Gyeonggi-do
10883 Paju-si
Verantwortliche Person
Korean Book Servcies
Prinzenweg 10
93047 Regensburg


SEOUL University Korean 1A Workbook (QR)
New edition with downloadable audio resources by QR Code at the publisher Two Ponds. Seoul National University Korean Language is a six-level course book (200 hours of regular learning program per book) and developed for learners of Korean language. The book helps students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and helps them apply Korean language in real life situations.   - The textbook is carefully coordinated to link between spoken language and written language while focusing on the development of communicative language skills. - A task-based approach maximizes the use of linguistic knowledge and encourages to learn phonological rules and intonation for accuracy and fluency in Korean. - A systematic approach to learning vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation is adopted. - This textbook is designed to familiarize with Korean culture, and helps to share different culture of the learners through activities in the book.

20,90 €* 22,90 €* (8.73% gespart)

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