Produktinformationen "Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners 3"
* Includes essential vocabulary, core grammar patterns, and practical conversation * Learn speaking, listening, reading and writing in an integrated fashion * Study with minimal effort through a variety of conversation practice exercises and activities * CD & Free Audio Download
* Includes essential vocabulary, core grammar patterns, and practical conversation * Learn speaking, listening, reading and writing in an integrated fashion * Study with minimal effort through a variety of conversation practice exercises and activities* Free Audio Download
Table of Contents
머리말 Preface 이 책의 구성과 활용 How to Use This Book 차례 Table of Contents Unit 01. 안녕하세요? 만나서 반가워요. Hello! Pleased to meet you. Unit 02. 동생이 둘 있어요. I have two younger siblings. Unit 03. 기숙사가 어디에 있어요? Where is the dormitory? Unit 04. 생일이 언제예요? When is your birthday? Unit 05. 취미가 뭐예요? What is your hobby? Unit 06. 순두부하고 된장찌개 주세요. We'll have Sundubu and Doenjang jjigae, please. Unit 07. 집에서 쉬었어요. I relaxed at home. Unit 08. 백화점 정문 앞에서 두 시에 만나요. Let's meet at 2 o'clock in front of the Department Store. Unit 09. 2호선에서 3호선으로 갈아타야 해요. You should transfer from subway Line 2 to Line 3. Unit 10. 좀 큰 걸로 주세요. Please give me a bigger one. Unit 11. 영희 씨 계세요? Is Yeonghee there? Unit 12. 제주도에 가 봤어요? Have you been to Jeju Island? Appendix 정답 Answers 듣기 대본 Listening Scripts 핵심 문형 번역 Key Patterns Translation 색인 Index...머리말 Preface 이 책의 구성과 활용 How to Use This Book
* Includes essential vocabulary, core grammar patterns, and practical conversation * Learn speaking, listening, reading and writing in an integrated fashion * Study with minimal effort through a variety of conversation practice exercises and activities* CD & Free Audio Download
Warming Up, in which vocabulary and expressions used in real situations are introduced, Pattern Practice, in which each unit’s key expressions are introduced, Key Grammatical Patterns, in which selected grammatical patterns from the main dialogue are explained, Conversation Practice, in which learners practice substituting vocabulary and expressions using given model dialogue, and Task 1 (Speaking), Task 2 (Reading & Writing), and Task 3 (Listening), through which the material studied in each unit is reviewed.The Series FeaturesDesigned with the short-term learner of Korean in mind, ‘Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners’ is a 3-volume quick mastery textbook series that introduces everyday vocabulary and concrete situational dialogues practical for living in Korea. This second volume of the series, ‘Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners 2’, is classified as 'Low Intermediate' in level of difficulty, connecting the first volume 'Basic' level with the third volume 'Intermediate' level.• Essential vocabulary, grammar patterns, and dialogues chosen based on their real-life usefulness.• Comprehensive approach incorporating speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in a variety of task exercises.• Linked study and review process of Warming up – Pattern Practice – Key Grammatical Patterns – Conversation Practice – Tasks, allowing learners to proceed through the text with ease.• Includes various illustrations and photos for quick and easy understanding of the content.• Emphasis on developing in a short period of time the learner’s Korean communication ability for real situations, much like training a short-distance sprint runner as opposed to a marathon runner.