Jang Soyoung, Na Wonju, Koo Hyojeong
FAST PASS TOPIK II Vocabulary (QR) Vocabulary from Previously Tested Questions
32,90 €*
% 36,90 €* (10.84% gespart)-
Art.Nr./ISBN: 9788927733409
Verlag: Darakwon
Seitenzahl: 384
Einband: Softcover
Jahr: 2024
Sprache: Korean
Medientyp: Book + Audio Download
Autor: Jang Soyoung, Na Wonju, Koo Hyojeong
Auf Lager. Versandfertig in 1-3 Werktagen
"Teacher, I couldn't finish the reading part because the vocabulary was too difficult."
"I wrote about an irrelevant topic from the writing question because I didn't know the words given."
These are the most common statements students make after taking a TOPIK
exam. Even when students understand the exam format, they often struggle
to find the correct answers due to unfamiliar vocabulary. This
highlights how vocabulary study for the TOPIK exam is both crucial and
challenging. Given the time constraints, studying vocabulary for TOPIK
must be both efficient and effective. To achieve this, it's essential to
understand which words appear in the TOPIK exam and how they are used.
"FAST PASS TOPIK II Vocabulary" is designed to address learners'
concerns about TOPIK vocabulary study and to help them prepare quickly
and effectively for the exam. We've compiled a comprehensive list of
vocabulary from past TOPIK exams, arranged in order of frequency. The
words appearing at the beginning are those that appear most frequently
in the exam and are therefore essential to memorize. For those aiming to
pass the TOPIK exam quickly within a short period, we recommend
focusing on studying the frequently occurring words at the beginning. If
you're striving for a high score on the TOPIK exam, we suggest
thoroughly studying words throughout the book.
To facilitate easy comprehension of headwords, we provide translations
in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Additionally, the
sentences from TOPIK Ⅱ exams including these words are contained,
therefore, learners can see how they were actually applied in the test.
Furthermore, by providing additional example sentences, synonyms,
antonyms, commonly used idioms, and collocations to expand learners’
vocabulary knowledge, it helps them feel confident when encountering
diverse sentence structures in the exam through this comprehensive
By scanning the QR code at the beginning of each chapter, you can access
audio recordings of vocabulary words and exam sentences narrated by
professional voice actors. The YouTube videos feature an index function,
enabling you to jump directly to the words you wish to study. Moreover,
scanning the QR code on the cover allows you to download the audio
• Learn Efficiently with Vocabulary Most Frequently Appeared in TOPIK Exams!
This book encompasses all 1,666 intermediate and advanced vocabulary
words that have appeared in TOPIK II exams. While the number of words to
study may seem daunting, we've prioritized the most crucial vocabulary
at the beginning to maximize learning efficiency. For those aiming to
pass the TOPIK exam quickly within a short period, we recommend focusing
on the frequently occurring words ranked 1st to 3rd priority. If you're
striving for a high score on studying the TOPIK exam, we suggest
thoroughly studying words up to the 4th and 5th priority rankings.
• Gain Comprehensive Vocabulary Understanding: From Exam Sentences to Extended Vocabulary!
To facilitate easy comprehension of headwords, we provide translations
in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Additionally, the
sentences from TOPIK Ⅱ exams including these words are contained,
therefore, learners can see how they were actually applied in the test.
Furthermore, by providing additional example sentences, synonyms,
antonyms, commonly used idioms, and collocations to expand learners’
vocabulary knowledge, it helps them feel confident when encountering
diverse sentence structures in the exam through this comprehensive
• Naturally Memorize Vocabulary and Exam Sentences Through Audio Learning!
By scanning the QR code at the beginning of each chapter, you can access
audio recordings of vocabulary words and exam sentences narrated by
professional voice actors. The YouTube videos feature an index function,
enabling you to jump directly to the words you wish to study. Moreover,
scanning the QR code on the cover allows you to download the audio
files. By listening to the vocabulary and exam sentences, you'll be able
to naturally internalize TOPIK exam vocabulary.
서문 Preface 4
이 책의 활용법 How to Use This Book 8
목차 Contents 14
Chapter 1 출제 1순위 어휘 The Most Frequently Tested Vocabulary 17
Chapter 2 출제 2순위 어휘 The 2nd Most Frequently Tested Vocabulary 57
Chapter 3 출제 3순위 어휘 The 3rd Most Frequently Tested Vocabulary 113
Chapter 4 출제 4순위 어휘 The 4th Most Frequently Tested Vocabulary 177
Chapter 5 출제 5순위 어휘 The 5th Most Frequently Tested Vocabulary 241
〈부록 Appendix〉
색인 Index 362
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