Jang Soyoung, Na Wonju, Koo Hyojeong
FAST PASS TOPIK II Practice Mock Tests (QR) With Answer Sheets
36,90 €*
Art.Nr./ISBN: 9788927733416
Verlag: Darakwon
Seitenzahl: 384
Einband: Softcover
Jahr: 2024
Sprache: Korean
Medientyp: Book + Audio Download
Autor: Jang Soyoung, Na Wonju, Koo Hyojeong
Derzeit nicht auf Lager. Lieferbar in ca. 45 Tagen
For learners studying Korean, navigating the vast array of vocabulary and grammar may often feel like reaching for the stars. “FAST PASS TOPIK II Practice Mock Tests” is designed to help learners quickly achieve their desired level in the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK).
The book includes three mock tests, allowing learners to efficiently review their skills during the final preparation stages for the TOPIK II exam. It provides detailed explanations for each type of question in the listening, writing, and reading sections, enabling learners to easily understand the test format and apply their knowledge effectively during the actual exam. Additionally, the inclusion of a TOPIK II mock OMR answer sheet allows for realistic practice under test-like conditions. The material is divided into a workbook and an answer/explanation book, making it convenient for learners to check their answers and review explanations after solving the problems.
Furthermore, learners can access video lectures through QR codes provided in the table of contents or within the explanations for the first mock test. These videos break down essential strategies for each question type, making it easier for learners to approach and familiarize themselves with the TOPIK exam.
The listening, writing, and reading sections are taught by the authors themselves in the videos, which can be used either as a preview before attempting the questions or as a review after solving them to confirm answers and reinforce understanding.
서문 2
이 책의 활용법 4
한국어능력시험 TOPIK 안내 6
목차 8
제1회 실전 모의고사
듣기, 쓰기 9
읽기 27
제2회 실전 모의고사
듣기, 쓰기 51
읽기 69
제3회 실전 모의고사
듣기, 쓰기 93
읽기 111
정답 및 해설집
목차 2
제1회 실전 모의고사 정답 및 해설
듣기 4
쓰기 16
읽기 22
제2회 실전 모의고사 정답 및 해설
듣기 36
쓰기 47
읽기 54
제3회 실전 모의고사 정답 및 해설
듣기 68
쓰기 80
읽기 86
OMR 답안지 97
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