Cho Jae-hee, Kim Doe-hee, Sohn Jung-ran

Everyday K-Lingo + Free QR Download Learn Vivid, 100% Real-Life Korean Through Fun Comics

Produktinformationen "Everyday K-Lingo + Free QR Download"

“우리 N빵하자!” “진실의 미간이 나오네!”
How well do you know these kinds of expressions that Korean people naturally and frequently use? Even if you are diligently studying Korean, when you see Korean subtitles on YouTube or read Korean comments on Instagram, it’s easy to feel like you are missing something. As our daily lives have changed since the advent of smart devices, frequently used words and phrases have also changed. “Everyday K-Lingo” reflects these changes, selecting the theme of “new daily life” using smartphones, social media, online shopping, content streaming platforms, delivery apps, KakaoTalk, etc. and including vocabulary and expressions that are frequently used in that daily life.

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However, just because one knows a lot of words doesn’t mean that one can express them easily. For example, if you want to say, “I left a comment on my favorite celebrity’s Instagram,” you need to know the vocabulary word for “comment” (“댓글) as well as the expression “to leave a comment” (“댓글을 달다”), and then you need to know how to connect “Instagram” and “to leave a comment” with the particle “에.” In this way, you must remember chunks of meaning rather than individual vocabulary units so you can quickly speak in Korean about a situation or action that comes to mind. To this end, “Everyday K-Lingo” presents vocabulary words in meaningful groups rather than as individual words.
In addition, the book uses vivid Korean expressions to construct dialogue in a variety of situations, enabling students to learn how to use expressions in specific situations. It also includes rich Korean expressions such as “배 터질 것 같아 (I feel like my stomach is going to explode)” as well as non-standard words, buzzwords, and new words such as “찐맛집 (a truly delicious restaurant).” You will be able to naturally improve your Korean skills by reading interesting dialogues presented in 4-panel cartoons as easily as reading a webtoon, as well as by listening to audio files provided through QR codes.

* Learn real Korean that Koreans use in their daily lives!
The Korean language that Koreans actually use in YouTube subtitles, Instagram comments, and KakaoTalk conversations is usually difficult to learn from books. In addition, because there are many abbreviations, non-standard words, buzzwords, and new words, it’s often difficult to understand them unless you learn how to use them in certain situations. “Everyday K-Lingo” covers a variety of vocabulary words and expressions that Koreans frequently use in daily life, helping you learn real Korean.

* Learn chunks of meaning so you can connect them in conversation!
Just because you know a lot of vocabulary words doesn’t mean that you can easily express what you want to say. This is because it is difficult to lead a conversation if you do not know which vocabulary words are used together and which particles you must use to connect them. To this end, “Everyday K-Lingo” presents vocabulary in meaningful groups rather than as individual words. By recalling the chunks of meaning that you’ve memorized according to a specific situation or action, Korean conversation will be able to flow smoothly from your mouth.

* Naturally learn Korean expressions in specific situations through 4-panel comics!
By expressing specific situations from daily life through cartoons, this book makes it possible to learn Korean expressions in a fun and natural way. If you read it casually as if you were reading a webtoon and use the QR codes to listen to lively audio clips recorded by professional voice actors, you will be able to effectively learn daily conversation situations of Koreans.  


Table of Contents

서문 Preface 4
이 책의 활용법 How to Use This Book 8
목차 Table of Contents 12
주요 등장인물 Main Characters 15

1 핸드폰을 새로 샀다 I Bought a New Cell Phone! 17
(1) New Cell Phone 18
(2) Using a Cell Phone 24
(3) Using an App 30
(4) Cell Phone Problems 36

2 나도 SNS 한번 해 볼까? Should I Try Using Social Media Too? 47
(1) Starting to Use Instagram 48
(2) Instagram Posts 54
(3) Using Instagram 60
(4) Using YouTube 66

3 인터넷만 보면 다 사고 싶어 I Want to Buy Everything I See on the Internet 77
(1) Online Shopping 78
(2) Purchasing 84
(3) Making an Inquiry 90
(4) Issues and Returning 96

4 오늘은 하루 종일 넷플릭스 Today, I’m Watching Netflix All Day Long 107
(1) Selecting Content 108
(2) Watching Content 114
(3) Evaluating Content 120
(4) Canceling and Reasons 126

5 저녁에 뭐 시켜 먹지? What Should We Order for Dinner? 137
(1) Using the Delivery App 138
(2) Confirming and Serving Delivery Food 144
(3) Eating Food 150
(4) Leaving Reviews 156

6 우리 만날래? Want to Meet Up? 167
(1) Deciding on a Place via KakaoTalk 168
(2) Reserving and Notifying 174
(3) At a Restaurant 180
(4) Paying and Settling up 186

7 행복해지고 싶다면 떠나라 If You Want to Be Happier, Leave 197
(1) Before Reaching the Destination 198
(2) At the Accommodation 204
(3) At a Must-Eat Place 210
(4) Taking and Sharing Photos 216

Appendix 227
Korean Translation 228
Index 243

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1000 Key Korean Idioms and Proverbs
Download Free Audio Files here This book was designed to present Korean idioms and proverbs in the form of a dictionary to enable foreign students learning Korean to use these expressions in everyday conversation. Idioms and proverbs also appear as important expressions in TOPIK questions, and they are highly useful in everyday life. In this book, 1,000 idioms and proverbs that were selected according to frequency have been divided into 13 major themes and sub-topics to be studied. Vivid example sentences utilizing each expression are presented in a conversational format, and English translations and audio recordings are also provided to enhance students’ understanding. Using “Confirmation Questions” and “Idioms and Proverbs Seen in TOPIK Questions” in the appendix, students can check their level of understanding and identify how idioms and proverbs are mainly used in TOPIK reading questions, so this book can also be highly useful for preparing for the TOPIK exam. ▪ 1,000 carefully selected key Korean idioms and proverbs! This book contains a total of 1,000 entries that include expressions with high frequency of use and great educational effectiveness based on five major sources. Both Korean and English translations explaining the meaning of each entry are included, and synonyms, origins, and additional explanations are also provided to increase students’ understanding of each expression. ▪ Study by subject using 13 systematically categorized major themes and sub-topics! 1,000 expressions were categorized and sorted into 13 major themes, and the major themes were then divided into a total of 56 sub-topics so students could efficiently learn the expressions by grouping them by subject. Confirmation questions are provided in the appendix so students can check that they have mastered the expressions in each sub-topic and so they can review and self-evaluate. ▪ English translations and audio files of practical dialogues provided! Sample dialogues utilizing each expression are provided along with English translations so students can understand how each expression is used in actual conversations in context. In addition, audio files recorded by professional voice actors are provided through QR codes so students can master the correct pronunciation and intonation all at once. ▪ Obtain a high score on the TOPIK exam through TOPIK-style practice questions in the appendix! Using TOPIK-style practice questions in the appendix, students can check how the idioms and proverbs they have learned are presented in TOPIK reading questions. After studying the major themes, students can solve TOPIK-style questions to review the content they have learned while also completing adequate practice to achieve a high score on the TOPIK exam.   Contents 머리말 Preface 004 이 책의 구성 및 활용 How to use this book 006 목차 Table of Contents 010 1장 감정·정신 Emotions and Senses 1 감동·감탄 Being Moved and Admiration 014 2 걱정·고민 Worries and Troubles 018 3 고통 Pain 025 4 관심 Interest 031 5 불만·분노 Dissatisfaction and Anger 039 6 불안·초조 Anxiety and Nervousness 046 7 안도 Relief 053 8 욕심·실망 Greed and Disappointment 059 9 정신 상태 State of Mind 064 2장 소문·평판 Rumors and Reputation 1 간섭·참견 Interference and Meddling 070 2 긍정적 평판 Positive Reputation 078 3 부정적 평판 Negative Reputation 082 3장 태도 Attitude 1 겸손·거만 Humility and Arrogance 092 2 선택 Choices 096 3 의지 Will 103 4장 행동 Actions 1 대책 Countermeasures 112 2 반응 Reactions 117 3 방해 Obstructions 123 4 소극적 행동 Passive Behavior 127 5 적극적 행동 Active Behavior 133 5장 언어 Language 1 과장 Exaggeration 142 2 말버릇 Way of Speaking 148 3 행위 Action 154 6장 조언·훈계 Advice and Discipline 1 권고·충고 Recommendations and Advice 164 2 조롱 Ridicule 173 3 핀잔 Scolding 178 7장 일·생활 Work and Lifestyle 1 사회생활 Social Life 186 2 속성 Attributes 191 3 실행 Implementation 198 4 의식주 Life Necessities 206 5 종결 Termination 213 8장 경제 활동 Economic Activity 1 손익·소비 Profit & Loss and Consumption 220 2 형편 Circumstances 226 9장 관계 Relationships 1 갈등·대립 Conflict and Opposition 234 2 대우 Treatment 243 3 사교·친교 Social Interactions and Friendships 249 4 사랑·정 Love and Affection 256 5 소통·협력 Communication and Cooperation 262 10장 상황·상태 Situations and Conditions 1 결과 Results 268 2 곤란 Hardships 273 3 문제·문제 해결 Problems and Problem Solving 280 4 분위기·여건 Atmosphere and Conditions 284 5 시간·거리 Time and Distance 293 6 흥미 Excitement 297 11장 판단 Judgment 1 변별 Discrimination 304 2 신체 기관 Bodily Organs 311 3 외모·외형 Appearance and Looks 317 4 인지·인식 Perception and Awareness 323 12장 인생 Life 1 성공 Success 334 2 습관·경험 Habits and Experience 339 3 실패 Failure 350 4 운·기회 Luck and Opportunity 356 5 일생 Lifetime 365 13장 이치 Logic 1 인과 Cause and Effect 372 2 자연 Nature 378 3 진리 Truth 385 〈부록 Appendix〉 문화 이야기 Culture Story 394 확인해 봅시다 Let’s Check 407 TOPIK 속 관용 표현과 속담 Idioms and Proverbs in TOPIK 447 정답 Answer 460 색인 Index 465

42,90 €* 49,90 €* (14.03% gespart)
Korean Grammar in Use - Beginning (Free MP3 Audio Download)
Click here to download the MP3 audiofiles About this Book: This series is the culmination of educational know-how and systematic grammar organization acquired by the three authors from their experience actually teaching Korean to foreigners in the classroom. In focusing strictly on Korean grammar, this series represents a departure from most current integrated teaching materials, allowing foreign learners to more easily concentrate on grammar in their study of Korean. The authors have included real dialogues and illustrations to make the study of Korean more interesting, especially for those students who have heretofore felt Koran grammar to be difficult. Further, this series equally serves as a general Korean grammar reference that can be used by Korean language instructors both in Korea and abroad who regularly experience the difficulty of teaching Korean grammar first-hand. About the series: ▪ Collects the introductory grammar points normally taught in Levels 1 and 2 at most university affiliated and private language institutes. ▪ Makes it easy for learners to locate those grammar patterns they find the most confusing by providing comparisons of patterns similar in meaning and usage. This way, learners can not only clarify the differences between similar patterns, but also study how they are used differently depending on the situation. ▪ Lets the learner confirm the usage of target grammar points by illustrating how they are used in real conversation. The examples presented are not simply sentences constructed for the purpose of illustrating grammar, but rather examples of how the grammar points are actually used in real life. ▪ Includes special sections on particularly tricky grammar points to allow learners to acquire a more accurate and natural-sounding command of Korean. Further, by presenting a variety of grammatical patterns along with both practice exercises and graphic illustrations, learners can approach the study of Korean grammar with renewed interest. Contents Preface How to Use This Book Table of Contents ■ Introduction to the Korean Language 1. Korean Sentence Structure 2. Conjugation of Verbs and Adjectives 3. Connecting Sentences 4. Sentence Types 5. Honorific Expressions ■ Getting Ready 01 이다 (to be) 02 있다 (to exist/be, to have) 03 Numbers 04 Dates and Days of the Week 05 Time Unit 1. Tenses 01 Present Tense A/V-(스)ㅂ니다 02 Present Tense A/V-아/어요 03 Past Tense A/V-았/었어요 04 Future Tense V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ① 05 Progressive Tense V-고 있다 ① 06 Past Perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 Unit 2. Negative Expressions 01 Word Negation 02 안 A/V-아/어요 (A/V-지 않아요) 03 못 V-아/어요 (V-지 못해요) Unit 3. Particles 01 N이/가 02 N은/는 03 N을/를 04 N와/과, N(이)랑, N하고 05 N의 06 N에 ① 07 N에 ② 08 N에서 09 N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지 10 N에게/한테 11 N도 12 N만 13 N밖에 14 N(으)로 15 N(이)나 ① 16 N(이)나 ② 17 N쯤 18 N처럼/N같이 19 N보다 20 N마다 Unit 4. Listing and Contrast 01 A/V-고 02 V-거나 03 A/V-지만 04 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 ① Unit 5. Time Expressions 01 N 전에, V-기 전에 02 N 후에, V-(으)ㄴ 후에 03 V-고 나서 04 V-아/어서 05 N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 06 V-(으)면서 07 N 중, V-는 중 08 V-자마자 09 N 동안, V-는 동안 10 V-(으)ㄴ 지 Unit 6. Ability and Possibility 01 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 02 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations, Permission and Prohibition 01 V-(으)세요 02 V-지 마세요 03 A/V-아/어야 되다/하다 04 A/V-아/어도 되다 05 A/V-(으)면 안 되다 06 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) Unit 8. Expressions of Hope 01 V-고 싶다 02 A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다 Unit 9. Reasons and Causes 01 A/V-아/어서 ② 02 A/V-(으)니까 ① 03 N 때문에, A/V-기 때문에 Unit 10. Making Requests and Assisting 01 V-아/어 주세요, V-아/어 주시겠어요? 02 V-아/어 줄게요, V-아/어 줄까요? Unit 11. Trying New Things and Experiences 01 V-아/어보다 02 V-(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 Unit 12. Asking Opinions and Making Suggestions 01 V-(으)ㄹ까요? ① 02 V-(으)ㄹ까요? ② 03 V-(으)ㅂ시다 04 V-(으)시겠어요? 05 V-(으)ㄹ래요? ① Unit 13. Intentions and Plans 01 A/V-겠어요 ① 02 V-(으)ㄹ게요 03 V-(으)ㄹ래요 ② Unit 14. Background Information and Explanations 01 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데 ② 02 V-(으)니까 ② Unit 15. Purpose and Intention 01 V-(으)러 가다/오다 02 V-(으)려고 03 V-(으)려고 하다 04 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) 05 V-기로 하다 Unit 16. Conditions and Suppositions 01 A/V-(으)면 02 V-(으)려면 03 A/V-아/어도 Unit 17. Conjecture 01 A/V-겠어요 ② 02 A/V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 ② 03 A/V-(으)ㄹ까요? ③ 04 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 Unit 18. Changes in Parts of Speech 01 관형형 -(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N 02 A/V-기 03 A-게 04 A-아/어하다 Unit 19. Expressions of State 01 V-고 있다 ② 02 V-아/어 있다 03 A-아/어지다 04 V-게 되다 Unit 20. Confirming Information 01 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 02 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 03 A/V-지요? Unit 21. Discovery and Surprise 01 A/V-군요/는군요 02 A/V-네요 Unit 22. Additional Endings 01 A-(으)ㄴ가요?, V-나요? 02 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는데요 Unit 23. Quotations 01 Direct Quotations 02 Indirect Quotations 03 Indirect Quotation Contracted Forms Unit 24. Irregular Conjugations 01 �ㅡ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 02 �ㄹ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 03 �ㅂ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 04 �ㄷ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 05 �르� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 06 �ㅎ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 07 �ㅅ� 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) ■ Appendix Good Things to Know Answer Key Grammar Explanations in Korean Grammar Index  

32,90 €* 36,90 €* (10.84% gespart)
Korean Made Easy Intermediate - 2nd Edition (with Audio Download)
Click here to download the audiofiles Korean Made Easy - Intermediate (2nd Edition) is the sequel to the best-selling Korean textbook for self-study Korean Made Easy for Beginners (2nd Edition). This book is carefully designed and structured for intermediate Korean learners to easily and enjoyably learn vocabulary, expressions, and grammar. The textbook is divided into 15 topics and each respective topic is presented in 3 situations based on practical grammar and vocabulary. These vocabulary and expressions are also covered in the additional vocabulary corner and the Sino-Korean character learning corner. In addition, grammar explanations and grammar usage tables necessary for intermediate learners are included in detail in the appendix, and translations of new vocabulary and expressions from the conversations are provided. This book is an ideal, comprehensive intermediate Korean self-study textbook.▪ This best-selling, self-study integrated textbook contains practical grammar and vocabulary necessary for intermediate Korean learners!The sequel to the best-selling Korean textbook for self-study, ‘Korean Made Easy for Beginners (2nd Edition)’. Grammar and vocabulary are carefully selected and presented based on the topic in each conversation so that learners can acquire practical usage.▪ Detailed grammar explanations with vivid and diverse visuals, and natural English translations!Illustrations vividly express the situations and expressions, making it easy to understand conversational situations and the context in which vocabulary is used. Detailed, natural English translations simplify intermediate Korean grammar, which can oftentimes be complicated.▪ Visual aids improve Sino-Korean vocabulary retention!Intermediate learners can easily grasp the meaning of Sino-Korean vocabulary, improve their understanding, and expand their learning by visualizing Sino-Korean characters while studying Korean with English translations.▪ Effective learning aids with a variety of exercises and activities!The grammar and vocabulary covered throughout the textbook can be practiced immediately through a variety of exercises and activities. Thereby, enhancing learning and retention.    Table of Contents 서문 Preface 04일러두기 How to Use This Book 06목차 Contents 11교재구성표 Table of Contents 12등장인물 소개 Main Characters 16Chapter 01 첫 만남 Meeting Someone for the First Time 17Chapter 02 일상생활 Everyday Life 33Chapter 03 약속 Appointments 49Chapter 04 길 찾기 Asking Directions 65Chapter 05 음식 Food 81Chapter 06 공공 규칙 Public Rules 97Chapter 07 집 In the House 113Chapter 08 쇼핑 Shopping 129Chapter 09 한국 생활 Living in Korea 145Chapter 10 문제 Problems 161Chapter 11 사람 People 177Chapter 12 건강 Health 193Chapter 13 관심사 Interests 209Chapter 14 여행 Travel 225Chapter 15 관계 Relationships 241부록 Appendix 257문법 부록 Grammar Appendix 258한국어 활용 Korean Conjugation 291문법 활용표 Conjugation Charts 296정답 Answers 312한자어 색인 Word Web Appendix with Hanja 316색인 New Vocabulary & New Expressions 322

38,90 €*